Open File Report INDEX
All OFRs are available for free electronic download as PDF files, see list below. OFRs are listed by OFR number, other report number, year of publication, title and authors. In most cases an abstract is also available. Hard copy publications are no longer available from CRC LEME.
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*DIGITAL DATA comprises various file types - PDF, TXT, TIF, XLS and older ASCII files. In most cases a 'Read Me' Text file is provided. Geochemical data, figures and other statistical information appertaining to the respective reports have been placed in ZIP FILES.
#Legend for Other Report Nos: CEM - CSIRO Exploration and Mining, CLW - CSIRO Land and Water, PIRSA - Primary Industries and Resources SA, GA - Geoscience Australia
OFR 253. 2008. Final database of CRC LEME Open File Reports 1-253. Robertson IDM. Report [500 kb], Listing [12 Mb], Filemaker Pro database. [34.3 Mb], Database tutorial [0.3 Mb]
OFR 252 - in progress. Investigation of geochemical exploration techniques in the Curnamona Province - Curnaminex Project results 2005-06 [34.1 Mb]. AJ Fabris, JL Keeling, RW Fidler, EJ Joseph & SM Hill. Abstract.
OFR 251 - in progress. Report by technical working group chair on proposed River Murray corridor (South Australian border to Gunbower) Victorian AEM mapping project [XX Mb]. K Lawrie compiler.
OFR 249. 2008. Inland acid sulphate soil systems across Australia. Thematic volume. Covering: distribution, properties, significance and biogeochemical processes of inland Acid Sulfate Soils (ASS) across Australia and overseas [60.6 Mb]. R Fitzpatrick and P Shand. Preface.
OFR 248. 2008. Water quality monitoring at Loveday Disposal Basin during a wetting and drying cycle. [11.8 MB]. S Lamontagne, WS Hicks, NJ Souter, MJ Walter and L Wen. Executive summary.
OFR 247. 2008. Hyperspectral analysis in exploration, using regolith materials, South
Australia. Maugher AJ, Keeling JL, Lau IC, Pengelly AM and Gordon GA.
OFR 246. 2008. Geochemical dispersion mechanisms through transported cover: implications for mineral exploration in Australia [13.8 Mb]. Aspandiar MF, Anand RR and Gray DJ. Abstract.
OFR 245. 2008. Geomorphology and surface materials: Liparoo to Robinvale [11.5 Mb]. Clarke J, Wong V, Pain C, Apps H, Gibson D, Luckman J and Lawrie K. Executive summary.
OFR 244. 2008. Geomorphology and surface materials: Robinvale to Boundary Bend [15.3 Mb]. Clarke J, Wong V, Pain C, Apps H, Gibson D, Luckman J and Lawrie K. Executive summary.
OFR 243. 2008. Geomorphology and surface materials: Boundary Bend to Nyah [14.7 Mb]. Clarke J, Wong V, Pain C, Apps H, Gibson D, Luckman J and Lawrie K. Executive summary.
OFR 242. Atlas of regolith materials of Queensland -
Companion to the 1:2 500 000 Queensland regolith-landform map and GIS. Craig, M.A., Robertson, I.D.M., Thomas, M., Chamberlain, T., Jones, M.R. and Pillans, B.J.
OFR 241. 2008. Explanatory notes for the 1:30 000 Olary regolith-landform map of White Dam. [27.5MB ]. IC Lau. Abstract. Map [10.8MB ]
OFR 240. 2008. Atlas of regolith materials from the weathered zone, New Cobar deposit [100.3 Mb]. McQueen KG, Scott KM, Ogilvie PG and Crowther BR. Abstract.
OFR 239. 2008. The mineralogy and geochemistry of the New Cobar Au-Cu mineralization in the regolith and exploration implications for the Cobar district, Western NSW [1.6 Mb]. McQueen KG and Scott KM. Summary.
OFR 238. 2008. Explanatory notes for the Canbelego 1:100,000 regolith-landform map New South Wales [4.6 Mb]. Roach IC. Abstract. Map [ 6.7 Mb].
OFR 237. 2008. Geomorphology and surface materials: Lindsay-Wallpolla and Lake Victoria-Anabranch [12.6 Mb]. Clarke J, Wong V, Pain C, Apps H, Gibson D, Luckman J and Lawrie K. Executive summary.
OFR 236. 2008. Fowlers Gap Regolith Field Class, National Undergraduate Regolith Geology School: Lecture notes and reading material.[31.6MB]. Hill S and Roach I. Contents.
OFR 235. 2008. Neotectonics, Salinity, Palaeoclimates and Volcanism. Australian Earth Sciences Convention Pre-conference Field Trip Adelaide-Melbourne 28 June to 2 July 2006.[15MB ]. Compiled by Gibson D and Boston K. Introduction.
OFR 234. 2007. Riverina region geochemical survey: southern NSW and northern Victoria. [ MB] de Caritat P, Lech ME, Jaireth S, Pyke J. and Fisher A. Abstract.
OFR 233. 2007. Tomingley 1:25,000 regolith-landforms map, central western New South Wales. [3.14MB] Roach IC. Abstract. Map [2.35MB ]
OFR 232. PIRSA Mineral Resources Report Book RN 2007/14. 2007. Regolith characterisation as an aid to mineral exploration in the Wudinna North area, central Gawler Province, South Australia. Volume I [42MB]. Volume II [7.8 MB ]. Sheard MJ. Atstract. Zip File, Reports, Appendices data and interactive Map - jpeg, pdf and ArcReader versions [325MB]
OFR 231. 2007. RTMAP Regolith Database Field Book and Users Guide. [2.91MB] Pain CF, Chan R, Craig M, Gibson D, Kilgour P, Wilford J. Preface
OFR 230. 2007. Estimation of the isotopic composition of evporated water at Loveday Disposal Basin using a constant-volume evaporation pan experiment.[872Kb] Corriveau J. Executive Summary
OFR 229. 2007. Protocol for sampling in regional geochemical surveys: lessons from pilot projects. [2.4MB] Lech ME and de Caritat P. Executive Summary
OFR 228. Supergene mobilization of gold and other elements in the Yilgarn Craton - Final Report [18.1 Mb]. Gray DJ, Sergeev NB, Britt AF and Porto CG. Preface
OFR 227. Supergene gold dispersion, regolith and groundwaters of the Mt Holland region, Southern Cross Province, Western
Australia. Britt AF and Gray DJ.
OFR 226. Supergene gold dispersion in the regolith at the Kanowna Belle and Ballarat Last Chance deposits, Western Australia [3.5 Mb]. Gray DJ. Preface
OFR 225. Distribution of gold, arsenic, chromium and copper in the regolith at the Harmony deposit, Peak Hill, Western Australia [3.3 Mb]. Britt AF and Gray DJ. Preface
OFR 224. Supergene gold dispersion in the regolith at the Cleo deposit, Western Australia [ 2.7 Mb]. Gray DJ and Britt AF. Attachments [22.3 Mb Zip file]: 3D Au models (bitmaps), Plans (bitmaps), slices (bitmaps), Stratigraphy (PowerPoint), Views (bitmaps). Preface
OFR 223. Gold dispersion in the regolith at the Federal deposit, Western Australia [2.1 Mb]. Sergeev NB and Gray DJ. Appendices [3 Mb Zip file]. Attachments [41.5 Mb Zip file]: 3D Au (bitmap images), Au calculations (Excel spreadsheets), Interactive (VRML model - read instructions in report), Slice-across (bitmap images), Slice-along (bitmap images), Slice-E (bitmap images), Stratigraphy (jpeg images). Preface
OFR 222. Gold concentrations in the regolith at the Mt Joel prospect, Western Australia [9 Mb]. Gray DJ. Preface
OFR 221. Supergene gold dispersion at the Panglo gold deposit, Western Australia [2.4 Mb] Gray DJ. Appendix [39 Mb Zip file]: Au calculations (Excel spreadsheet), Large_area (bitmap images), Ore_body (bitmap images), Interactive (VRML model - read instructions in report). Preface
OFR 220. 2007. Geochemistry, hydrogeochemistry and mineralogy of regolith, Twin peaks and Monty Dam gold prospects, Western Australia [2.4MB ] Sergeev NB and Gray DJ. Appendices. Data and figures [Zip File]. Preface
OFR 219. 2007. Supergene gold dispersion at the Argo and Apollo deposits, Western Australia. [2.73MB ] Britt AF and Gray DJ. Preface AMIRA Project 504 "SUPERGENE MOBILIZATION OF GOLD IN THE YILGARN CRATON".
OFR 218. 2007. Gold distribution, regolith and groundwter characteristics at the Mt Joel Prospect, Western Australia. [1.75MB] Porto CG, Sergeev NB and Gray DJ. Preface AMIRA Project 504 "SUPERGENE MOBILIZATION OF GOLD IN THE YILGARN CRATON".
OFR 217. 2007. Characteristics of gold distribution and hydrogeochemistry at the Carosue Dam gold prospect, Western Australia. [3MB] Gray DJ, Sergeev NB, Porto CG.Carosue Dam Picture DB [Zip file] Preface.
OFR 216. 2007. Geochemical studies of the regolith at the Mt Gunson copper deposits, Stuart Shelf, South Australia. [2.8MB ] Lintern ML, Sheard MJ and Gray DJ. Summary.
OFR 215. 2008. Regolith architecture and geochemistry of the Girilambone region, Northwestern New South Wales - a synthesis report. McQueen KG, Chan RA, Khider K, Greene RSB and Scott KM [Report + Appendixes 1 & 2, 25 Mb ]. Appendix 3 [0.4 Mb], Appendix 4 [Excel spreadsheet, 2.7 Mb]. Abstract.
OFR 214. 1996. Regolith terrain analysis for ironore exploration in the Hamersley Province, WA. [79.3MB] Killick MF, Churchward HM, and Anand RR. Re-issued May 2008. Summary. Appendix (Map)[44 Mb]
OFR 213. 2008. Scott KM and McQueen KG. The mineralogy and geochemistry of New Cobar Au-Cu mineralisation in the oxidate and supergene zones, Cobar District, western NSW. [ 710 kb] Summary.
OFR 212. 2007 Nickel hydrogeochemistry of the NE Yilgarn Craton, Western Australia. [6.5MB] Gray D and Noble RRP. Abstract.
OFR 211. 2008. Gawler Region Geochemical Survey, South Australia. Volume 1 [14 MB]. Volume 2 [37MB]. de caritat P, Lech ME and Kernich A. Abstract.
OFR 210. 2008. Regolith Benchmark Atlas, Gawler Craton, South Australia. Volume I [47MB] and Volume II [27 MB]. Sheard MJ- Compiler. Abstract.
OFR 209 - CLW 46/06. 2006. Synopsis of potential amendments and techniques for the neutralisation of acidic drainage in the Western Australian Wheatbelt. [2.77MB] Douglas G and Degens B. No abstract available. Executive Summary
OFR 208 - CLW 37/06. 2006. A guide to sulphur gas emissions from wetlands and disposal basins: implication for salinity management. [4MB]. Hicks WA and Lamontagne S. Abstract.
OFR 207 - CEM P2006/549. 2006. Geology, geochemistry and mineralogy of the Nickel Laterite Deposit. [39MB] Wells MA and Butt CRM. Executive Summary.
OFR 206. 2007. Environmental Mineralogy - Honours Shortcourse. [3.67MB] Aspandiar M, Eggleton RA and Troitzsch, Presenters. Course History.
OFR 205. 2008. Regolith geochemical dispersion in acid sulphate soils in relation to base metal mineralisation of Kamantoo Group, Mt Torrens Region, eastern Mt Lofty Ranges, SA [10 Mb]. Skwarnecki MS and Fitzpatrick RW. Abstract.
OFR 204. 2002. Geochemical dispersion at the Mount Torrens lead-zinc prospect, South Australia, with particular emphasis on acid sulfate soils. Skwarnecki MS, Fitzpatrick RW and Davies PJ. Volume 1 [28.2 Mb]. Volume 2 - Appendices 1-5 [8.2 Mb PDF]. Volume 3 - Appendices 6-13 [0.85 Mb Zip file]. Abstract.
OFR 203 - CEM 2006/373 - PIRSA RB2996/9. 2006. Regolith studies at the Boomerang Gold Prospect, Central Gawler Craton, South Australia [5.51MB] Lintern MJ, Sheard M and Gouthas G. Executive Summary
OFR 201 - CEM P2006/75. 2006. Laterite geochemical database for the southwest Yilgarn Craton, WA. Report [26MB]....Digital data Excel [1.5MB]....Digital data Text .....Licence. Cornelius M, Morris PA, Cornelius A. Further information.
OFR 200. 2006. Calcrete geochemistry in the Cobar-Girrilambone region, NSW. [786 KB] McQueen KG. Abstract
OFR 199. 2008. Geomorphology and surface materials: Nangiloc to Colignan [27.8 Mb]. Clarke J, Wong V, Pain C, Apps H, Gibson D, Luckman J and Lawrie K. Executive Summary.
OFR 198. 2008. Mineral hosts for gold and trace elements in the regolith, Boddington and Mt Percy gold deposits, Western Australia. [9.7MB]. Le Gleuher M. Abstract.
OFR 197. 2008. Trace element-mineral assocations in the regolith, Scuddles Massive Cu-Zn sulphide deposit, Wesern Australia. [5MB ]. Le Gleuher M. Abstract.
OFR 196. 2006. Atlas of regolith materials of the Northern Territory. [25.78MB] Robertson IDM, Craig MA and Anand RR. Abstract. More information on the Report and NTGS Map.
OFR 195. 2005. An evaluation of the soils of Tilley Swamp and Morella Basin, SA [2.02MB] Merry RH and Fitzpatrick RW. Executive Summary
OFR 194. 2005. Hydrogeochemistry of the Tunkillia Gold Prospect SA [3.81MB] Gray DJ and Pirlo MC. Abstract
OFR 193. July 2007. Potassium-Argon ages of late Mesozoic and Cainozoic ingneous rocks of eastern Australia. Gibson D.Report and Appendices 1-4 [690Kb ]. Appendix 5, Appendix 6, Appendix 7, Appendix 8 [Excel files] Abstract.
OFR 192. Jan 2007. Determining the suitability of in-stream NanoTEM for delineating zones of salt accession to the River Murray: a review of survey results from Loxton, South Australia. [5.34MB] Tan KP, Berens V, Hatch M and Lawrie K. Executive Summary
OFR 191. 2008. Avon catchment acidic groundwater - geochemical risk assessment. [9MB] P Shand and B Degens Editors. Executive Summary
OFR 190. 2005. Interpretation of two geochemical traverses across base metal mineralisation at the Apipuana Prospect - Mato Grosso, Brazil [3.92MB] Cornelius M and Porto CG. Abstract
OFR 189 SPECIAL VOLUME. 2006 (Reissue 2007). Regolith Geochronology and Landscape Evolution. [9.68MB ] Pillans B. Editor. Introduction Legacy Product.
0FR 188. 2005. Laterite geochemical database for the Central Yilgarn Craton, WA. [290KB] Access Database in Zip Folder. Cornelius AJ, Cornelius M, Smith RE, Singh B and Shu L. Abstract
OFR 187. 2005. Mineralogy and geochemistry of calcretes overlying some Kimberlites in India [15.4MB] Singh B and Cornelius M. Abstract
OFR 186. 2005. A preliminary assessment of kaolin from Boddington Gold Mine [8.10MB] Singh B and Anand RR. Abstract
OFR 185. 2006. The measurement of S4S in Environmental samples by continuous flow mass spectrometry (CFMS) [794Kb] Cresswell R and Deighton J. Executive Summary
OFR 184 - 2007. 3D model of the Callabonna sub-basin sequence, southern Curnamona Province [823KB ] Ruperto L and Nicoll M. Curnamona-Callabonna 3D Model [5MB]. Abstract
OFR 183 - 2006. Geological review of the Southern Curnamona Region. [3.84MB] Ruperto L and de Caritat P. Abstract
OFR 182 - 2007. A bibliographic index for natural resource management in the Upper Burdekin and Fitzroy Catchments. [2.57MB ] Reilly NS and Lech ME. Preface.
OFR 181. 2008. Interpretation of soil geochemical data from Rainbow Prospect, Nifty, WA. [1.8MB ].Cornelius M. Abstract.
OFR 180. 2004. Combining geology and geophysics to develop a hydrogeologic framework for salt interception in the Loxton Sands Aquifer, Central Murray Basin, Australia [8.15MB] Munday T, Hill A, Wilson T, Hopkins B, Telfer AL, White GJ, Green A. Abstract
OFR 179. 2004. The validation of Resolve helicopter EM data: Mineralogical and petrophysical results from field investigations in the Riverland area, South Australia [3.67MB] Tan KP, Munday T and Leaney F. Abstract
OFR 178. 2004. 3D regolith architecture of the Jamestown area - implications for salinity [21.87MB] Wilford J. Abstract
OFR 177. 2004. Regolith-landforms and salt stores in the Angas-Bremer Hills [18.07MB] Wilford J. Abstract
OFR 176. 2004. Calculation of conductivity depth images (CDI) for SA AEM data using EMFlow 5.30 (AMIRA-P407B): Resolve: Riverland and Tintinara (east and west): Tempest: Jamestown & Angas Bremer Plains [2.68MB] Fitzpatrick A. Abstract
OFR 175. 2004. Constrained inversion of Resolve electromagnetic data - Riverland, South Australia [3.18MB] Brodie R, Green A and Munday T. Abstract
OFR 174. 2004. The validation of Resolve helicopter EM data: Mineralogical and petrophysical results from field investigations for the Tintinara East survey area in the south east of South Australia [7.21MB] Tan KP, Munday T and Leaney F. Abstract
OFR 173. 2004. Calibration of Resolve airborne electromagnetic data - Riverland and East Tintinara, South Australia [1.49MB] Brodie R, Green S and Munday T. Abstract
OFR 172. 2004. An enhanced framework for natural resource studies in the Angas-Bremer Plains area, South Australia [15.03MB] Gibson D. Abstract
OFR 171. 2004. Forward modelling airborne electromagnetic data for the Riverland, South Australia [1.97MB] Green A. and Munday T. Abstract
OFR 170. 2006. A geoscience atlas for natural resource management in the Upper Burdekin and Fitzroy Catchments [12MB] Lech ME, Gray MC, Pain CF, Miezitis Y. Preface and GA Map info
OFR 169. 2005. Regolith development and landscape evolution in the Merredin Region, WA [49MB] Shu L, Singh B, Cornelius M. No Abstract available.
OFR 168. 2004. Preliminary biogeochemical studies at Barns Gold Prospect, Gawler Craton, South Australia [1.27Mb] Lintern MJ. Abstract
OFR 167. 2004. Palynostratigraphic analysis of core samples from the St George district in southeast Queensland [916kb] McPhail MK. Abstract
OFR 166. 2004. Core description of the ten conventional cores from the St George Region, Queensland [1.20MB] Payenberg T H D and Reilly M R W. Abstract. CoreLog 1. CoreLog 2. CoreLog 3. CoreLog 4. CoreLog 5. CoreLog 6. CoreLog 7. CoreLog 8. CoreLog 9. CoreLog 10.
OFR 165 - CLW 28/04. 2004. Survey and description of sulfidic materials in wetlands of the Lower River Murray Floodplains: Implications for floodplain salinity management [4.21MB] Lamontagne S, Hicks WS, Ritzpatrick RW and Rogers S. Abstract
OFR 164. 2004. Evaluating a groundwater conceptual model using geochemical and isotopic studies in the Lower Balonne area, southern Queensland [1.38MB] Herczeg A. Abstract
OFR 163. 2004. Constrained inversion of AEM data from the Lower Balonne area, southern Queensland [6.72MB] Lane R, Brodie R and Fitzpatrick R. Abstract
OFR 162. 2004. Fluvial architecture of the subsurface of the Lower Balonne area, southern Queensland [3.42MB] Clarke J and Reisz A. Abstract
OFR 161. 2004. Regolith landforms in the Lower Balonne, south west Queensland [6.86MB] Map [1.67MB] Kernich A, Pain CF, Kilgour P and Maly B. Abstract
OFR 160. 2004. Regional Geochemical Surveys: Riverina Pilot Project Methodology and Preliminary Results [14.16MB] de Caritat P, Jaireth S, Lech M and Pyke J. Abstract
OFR 159. 2004. Regolith architecture and geochemistry of the Byrock Area, Girilambone Region, North-western NSW [9.19MB] Chan RA, Greene RSB, Hicks M, Le Gleuher M, McQueen K, Scott KM, and Tate SE. Abstract
OFR 158. 2004. Teilta regolith project: Groundwater geochemistry [2.4MB] de Caritat, P and Kirste D. Abstract
OFR 157. 2004. Teilta regolith project: Basement modelling. Ruperto L. Abstract
OFR 156 - CEM 1181F. 2004. The South Australian Regolith Project Final Report - Summary and Synthesis. Lintern ML (Compiler). Abstract
OFR 155 - CEM 1165F - PIRSA 2003/10. 2004. Regolith characterisation and geochemistry as an aid to mineral exploration in the Harris Greenstone Belt, Central Gawler Craton, South Australia. Includes Regolith landform map of the Lake Harris Region 1: 10 000. VOLUME 1 [1.95MB]....... VOLUME 2 [5.56MB] Sheard MJ and Robertson IDM. Abstract
OFR 154. 2008. Palaeochannel studies related to the Harris Greenstone Belt, Gawler Craton, South Australia: Architecture and Evolution of the Kingoonya Palaeochannel System [17.3 Mb]. Baohong Hou. Executive Summary.
OFR 153 - CEM 1150F. 2004. Preliminary regolith studies at Earea Dam Gold Prospect, Gawler Craton, South Australia [2.41MB]. Lintern MJ. Abstract
OFR 152 - (Dec 06) Gold anomaly formation in areas of cover at Karari and northern Leonora, and implications for exploration.[20.33MB] Cornelius M, Singh B, Robertson IDM, Anand RR, Hough R and Cornelius A. No Abstract.
OFR 151. 2007. SPECIAL VOLUME Macphail M. AUSTRALIAN PALAEOCLIMATES: CRETACEOUS TO TERTIARY. A review of palaeobotanical and related evidence to the year 2000. [20 MB] Preface and Executive Summary.
OFR 150. 2003. Regolith studies at Edoldeh Tank (ET) Gold Prospect, Gawler Craton, South Australia. Includes Regolith Landform map of the ET Gold Prospect, Gawler Craton - SA 1:10 000. VOLUME 1 [44MB]. VOLUME 2 [12.7MB]. REGOLITH MAP .EPS FIle (zip). Lintern ML. Tapley IJ, Sheard MJ, Craig MA, Gouthas G and Cornelius A. Abstract
OFR 149. 2003. Regolith architecture and geochemistry of the Hermidale area of the Girilambone region, North-western Lachlan Fold Belt, NSW. Chan RAS, Greene RSB, Hicks M, Maly BER, McQueen KG, and Scott KM. Abstract
OFR 148. 2003. Regolith, geomorphology, geochemistry and mineralisation of the Sussex-Coolabah area in the Cobar-Girilambone region, North-western Lachlan Fold Belt, NSW. Chan RAS, Greene RSB, de Souza Kovacs N, Maly BER, McQueen KG, and Scott KM. Abstract
OFR 147. 2003. Regolith landforms of the Gilmore project area [11.8MB] Chan RA and Gibson DL. Abstract
OFR 146. 2003. Resonance Acoustic Profiling Trials in Australia [250KB]. Cornelius M (Editor). Abstract
OFR 145. 2007. Thomson Region Geochemical Survey, Northwestern New South Wales.[41.5MB] de Caritat P and Lech ME. Abstract
OFR 144. 2003. Geophysical and remote sensing methods for regolith exploration [.html] Papp E (Editor). Full Report [12MB]. Abstract
OFR 143. 2002. Mineralogical and geochemical aspects of the regolith at the Brahman Au Prospect, Charters Towers area, N.E. Queensland. [12.3MB} Scott KM and Fraser SJ. Abstract
OFR 142. 2002. Geochemical exploration in regolith-dominated terrain of North Queensland - Mt Isa Field Trip 26-28 July, 1995. [34.6 MB] Anand RR, Wilford J, Munday TJ, Phang C, Wildman JE and Scott KM. Abstract
OFR 141. 2002. Landscape evolution and regolith development over the Mount Coolon Area, Central East Queensland.[53MB] Shu L. Abstract
OFR 140. 2002. Regolith landform relationships and geochemical dispersion around Tringadee and Brumby Prospects, North Queensland.[47.3MB] Digital data [Zip File] Phang C, Munday TJ and Wildman JE. Abstract
OFR 139. 2002. Geochronology of weathering in the Mt Isa and Charters Towers Regions, Northern Queensland [160MB] Vasconcelos P. Abstract
OFR 138. 2002. Regolith-landforms of the Mt Isa Geodynamic Transect [35MB]. DIGITAL DATA - ZIP FILE [202MB]. Dell MR. Abstract
OFR 137. 2002. A regional overview of the Charters Towers - North Drummond Basin Region: Geomorphic Landform Provinces [65.3MB]. Fraser SJ. Abstract
OFR 136. 2002. Atlas of ferruginous and siliceous materials, North Queensland [105MB]. DIGITAL DATA - ZIP FILE. Phang C, Anand RR, Wildman JE and Robertson IDM. Abstract
OFR 135. 2002. Surficial geology around the Eloise Cu-Au Mine and dispersion into Mesozoic cover from the Eloise mineralisation, NE Queensland [75.2MB]. DIGITAL DATA - ZIP FILE. Shu L and Robertson IDM. Abstract
OFR 134. 2002. Geochemical dispersion around the Maronan Cu-Au Prospect, N.E. Queensland.[30MB] DIGITAL DATA - ZIP FILE. Robertson IDM, Shu L and Wildman JE. Abstract
OFR 133. 2002. The significance of Cam paspe-dominated terrains in exploration within the Mt Windsor Sub-province, N.E. Queensland. [4.1MB] Scott KM. Abstract
OFR 132. 2002. Regolith-landform characteristic, evolution and implications for exploration over the Buckley River - Lady Loretta Region, Mt Isa. [97MB] Wilford JR. Abstract
OFR 131. 2002. Regolith-landform characteristics, evolution and implications for exploration over the Selwyn Region, Mt Isa. [98MB] Wilford JR. Abstract
OFR 130. 2002. Alluvial landscapes of the Northern Kennedy Gap Area, Mt Isa District, Queensland. [34.5MB] Jones MR. Abstract
OFR 129. 2002. Alluvial landscapes of the Maronan area, Cloncurry - McKinlay District, Queensland. [41MB] Jones MR. Abstract
OFR 128. 2002. The geochemical discrimination of mineralised and barren ironstones from the Selwyn Au-Cu Deposit, N.W. Queensland.[17MB] DIGITAL DATA - ZIP FILE. Wildman JE. Abstract
OFR 127. 2002. Soil, bedrock and profile geochemistry at Police Creek, Drummond Basin, Queensland.[14MB] Scott KM. Abstract
OFR 126. 2002. Secondary dispersion about the Waterloo polmetallic deposit, Mt Windsor Sub-province, N.E. Queensland. [13MB] Scott KM. Abstract
OFR 125. 2002. Regolith-landscape characteristics, evolution and regional synthesis of the Mt Isa Region, Progress Report. [112MB] Anand RR, Phang C, Wilford J, Wildman JE, Shu L, Robertson IDM and Munday TJ. Abstract
OFR 124. 2002. The geochemistry of transported soils and weathered bedrock at Police Creek, Drummond Basin, Queensland - A progress report. [11MB] Scott KM. Abstract
OFR 123. 2002. Regolith geology and soil geochemistry of the Little Eva Copper prospect, Quamby District, NW Queensland. VOLUME 1[23.3MB] VOLUME 2[4MB] Digital Data [Zip File] Robertson IDM, Phang C and Munday TJ. Abstract
OFR 122. 2002. Charters Towers - North Drummond Basin Field Excursion, Field Guide. [55MB] Scott KM, Shu L, Fraser SJ, Campbell ID, Anand RR and Robertson IDM. Abstract
OFR 121. 2002. Dispersion into the Southern Cross Formation around the Scott and Cindy Lodes, Pajingo - N.E. Queensland. [34MB] DIGITAL DATA - ZIP FILE. Robertson IDM. Abstract
OFR 120. 2002. Geochemical exploration in regolith dominated terrain, North Queensland (CRC LEME - AMIRA P417 Final Report). [82.6MB] Digital Data Vol 1 [178mb] Digital Data Vol 2 [206MB] Digital data Vol 3 [216MB] - ZIP FILES. Anand RR, Fraser SJ, Jones MR, Shu L, Munday TJ, Phang C, Robertson IDM, Scott KM, Vasconcelos P, Wildman JE and Wilford J. Abstract
OFR 119. 2002. CRC LEME Open File Reports 120-143: Abstracts, index and database. [11.1MB] Digital Data [Zip File] Robertson IDM. Abstract
OFR 118. 2002. Regional regolith mapping around Alice Springs, Northern Territory. [74MB] *DIGITAL DATA - ZIP FILE [45.9MB] Fraser SJ, Skwarnecki MS and Robertson IDM. Abstract
OFR 117. 2007. Chinese CHIM electrogeochemical method: field trials 2005, South Australia. [7.8MB ] Fabris A, Keeling J, Fidler R, Hou B, Luo X and Zeng N. Digital Data (Zip File). Exec Summary.
OFR 116 / GSWA Record 2007/9. 2007. Laterite geochemical database for the Western Yilgarn Craton, Western Australia [39MB] Cornelius M, Robertson IDM, Cornelius AJ and Morris PA. Map [228MB ] Petrography [40.4MB ] SumStats [39Kb ] Digital Data Zip File. Abstract. [52Kb] Appendix 4 - site photographs may be obtained with hard copy from Geological Survey WA.
OFR 115. 2002. Preliminary regolith studies at ET, Monsoon, Jumbuck, South Hilga and Golf Bore Gold Prospects, Gawler Craton, South Australia. VOLUME 1[34.1MB]. VOLUME 2 [173MB]. DIGITAL DATA - ZIP FILE. Lintern MJ, Sheard MJ and Gouthas G. Abstract
OFR 114. 2001. Wonnaminta regolith-landforms [74.6MB]. Gibson D. Abstract
OFR 113. 2001. Geochemical dispersion in the Olary District, South Australia: Investigations at Faugh-a-Ballagh Prospect, Olary Silver Mine, Wadnaminga Goldfield and Blue Rose Prospect. VOLUME 1[14.5MB]. VOLUME 2 [16MB]. DIGITAL DATA - ZIP FILE. Skwarnecki MS, Shu L and Lintern MJ. Abstract
OFR 112. 2001. CRC LEME Open File Reports 85-111: Abstracts, index and database. [15mb] Covering CSIRO/AMIRA research projects: 'Geochemical exploration for platinum group elements' (P252), 'Geochemical exploration in areas of transported overburden' (P409). Robertson IDM. DIGITAL DATA - ZIP FILE. Abstract
OFR 111. 2001. Supplementary notes and regolith map for the Enigma Prospect (Wollubar), Kalgoorlie, Western Australia [20.2MB]. Craig MA, Lintern MJ and Gray DJ. Abstract
OFR 110. 2001. Geochemical exploration in areas of transported overburden, Yilgarn Craton and environs - Murchison Field Trip. [47.1MB] Butt CRM, Robertson IDM, Anand RR, King DJ, Munday TJ, Phang C and Smith RE. Abstract
OFR 109. 2001. Eastern Goldfields Field Excursion Field Guide. [90.4MB] Butt CRM, Smith RE, Dell M, Anand RR,Lintern MJ, Gray DJ, Vinar J, Bristow APJ, Churchward HM, Varga ZS and Wildman JE. Abstract
OFR 108. 2001. Regolith-landscape evolution and geochemical dispersion about the Bronzewing Gold Deposit, WA. [42.3MB] Digital Data [Zip File] Varga ZS, Anand RR and Wildman JE. Abstract
OFR 107. 2001. Selective and partial extraction analyses of transported overburden for exploration in the Yilgarn Craton and its margins. VOLUME 1 [26MB]. VOLUME 2 [86.9MB]. DIGITAL DATA - ZIP FILE. Gray DJ, Wildman JE and Longman GD. Abstract
OFR 106. 2001. Geochemical and spatial characteristics of regolith and groundwater around the Golden Delicious Prospect, Western Australia [126MB]. Bristow APJ, Gray DJ and Butt CRM. Abstract
OFR 105. 2001. Geochemical dispersion in transported and residual regolith, Fender Gold Deposit, Cue, Western Australia [18.5MB]. DIGITAL DATA - ZIP FILE. Butt CRM. Abstract
OFR 104. 2001. Geochemical expression of concealed gold mineralization, Safari Prospect, Mt Celia, Western Australia [24MB]. Bristow APJ, Lintern MJ and Butt CRM. Abstract
OFR 103. 2001. Geochemical studies of the soil and vegetation at the Apollo Gold Deposit, Kambalda, Western Australia [50MB]. Lintern MJ, Craig MA and Carver RN. Abstract
OFR 102. 2001. The distribution of gold and other elements in surficial materials form the Higginsville palaeochannel gold deposits, Norseman, Western Australia [72MB]. Lintern MJ, Craig MA, Walsh DM and Sheridan NC. Abstract
OFR 101. 2001. Further geochemical studies of the soil at the Panglo Gold Deposit, Kalgoorlie, Western Australia [58.4MB]. Lintern MJ. Abstract
OFR 100. 2001. Further geochemical studies of the soil at the Steinway Gold Prospect, Kalgoorlie, Western Australia [66.5MB]. Lintern MJ and Craig MA. Abstract
OFR 99. 2001. Hydrogeochemistry in the Yilgarn Craton [45MB]. DIGITAL DATA - ZIP FILE. Gray DJ. Abstract
OFR 98. 2001. Progress statement for the Kalgoorlie study area - Argo deposit, Western Australia [80.4MB]. Lintern MJ and Gray DJ. Abstract
OFR 97. 2001. Hydrogeochemical dispersion of gold and other elements at Baxter, Western Australia [44MB]. Gray DJ. Abstract
OFR 96. 2001. Selective extraction techniques for the recognition of buried mineralization, Curara Well, Western Australia [41.6MB]. Gray DJ. Abstract
OFR 95. 2001. Geochemical studies of the soil at the Runway Gold Prospect, Kalgoorlie, Western Australia [12.8MB]. Lintern MJ. Abstract
OFR 94. 2001. The regolith geology and geochemistry of the area around the Harmony Gold Deposit, (Baxter Mining Centre), Peak Hill, Western Australia. VOLUME 1[64MB] VOLUME 2[12.3MB] Digital Data [Zip File] Robertson IDM, Phang C and Munday TJ. Abstract
OFR 93. 2001. Investigation of the hydrogeochemical dispersion of gold and other elements from mineralised zones at the Granny Smith Gold Deposit, Western Australia. VOLUME 1 [7.67MB]. VOLUME 2 [16.7MB]. Gray DJ. Abstract
OFR 92. 2001. Regolith geology and geochemistry Mt Magnet District - Geochemical orientation studies, Stellar and Quasar deposits. VOLUME 1[35.4MB] VOLUME 2[9.3MB] Digital Data [Zip File] Robertson IDM, King JD, Anand RR and Butt CRM. Abstract
OFR 91. 2001. Investigation of the hydrogeochemical dispersion of gold and other elements at Lawlers, Western Australia. VOLUME 1 [12.1MB]. VOLUME 2 [66.2MB]. Gray DJ. Abstract
OFR 90. 2001. Progress statement for the Kalgoorlie study area-Enigma Prospect
(Wollubar ), Western Australia [15.2MB]. Lintern MJ and Gray DJ. Abstract
OFR 89. 2001. Progress statement for the Kalgoorlie study area - Kurnalpi Prospect, Western Australia [16.6MB]. Lintern MJ and Gray DJ. Abstract
OFR 88. 2001. Progress statement for the Kalgoorlie study area - Steinway Prospect, Western Australia [42MB]. Lintern MJ and Gray DJ. Abstract
OFR 87. 2001. Atlas of transported overburden [97.9MB]. DIGITAL DATA - ZIP FILE. Robertson IDM, Koning AEM, Anand RR and Butt CRM. Abstract
OFR 86. 2001. Geochemical exploration in areas of transported overburden, Yilgarn Craton and environs, Western Australia: Final Report [58.7MB]. Butt CRM et al. Abstract
OFR 85. 2001. Geochemical exploration for platinum group elements in weathered terrain - - P252 Final Report. VOLUME I [10.5MB] VOLUME IIA[41.2MB] VOLUME IIB[15.9MB] VOLUME III[9.2MB]. Digital Data [Zip File] Butt CRM et al. Abstract
OFR 84. 2002. Geochemical orientation soil-lag traverse at the Edwards Creek Base Metal Prospect, Strangeways Range, Northern Territory. [11.8MB] Digital Data [Zip File] Skwarnecki MS and Fraser SJ. Abstract
OFR 83. 2002. Geochemical orientation soil-lag traverse at the Garland Gold Mine, Winnecke Goldfield, Northern Territory. [18.5MB] Digital Data [Zip File] Skwarnecki MS and Fraser SJ. Abstract
OFR 82. 2002. Geochemical orientation surveys and regolith geology in the S.W. Arunta Province, Northern Territory (Argos Project). VOLUME 1 [31.1MB] VOLUME 2.[15MB] VOLUME 3. [89MB] Digital Data [Zip File] Skwarnecki MS, Shu L, Fraser SJ and Robertson IDM. Abstract
OFR 81. 2000. Regolith Professionals of Tomorrow [18MB]. Taylor G, Hill SM and Kovacs B. Abstract
OFR 80. 2001. Regolith landform mapping and its implications for exploration over the Half Moon Lake region, Gawler Craton, South Australia.[50MB] Half Moon Lake MAP & GIS datasets [Zip File]. Wilford J et al.
OFR 79 - PIRSA 79/03. 2000. Regolith Studies related to the Birthday Gold Prospect, Gawler Craton, South Australia [11.6MB]. Appendix [Excel file] Lintern MJ, Sheard MJ and Gouthas G. Abstract
OFR 78. 1999. Regolith studies related to the Challenger Gold Deposit, Gawler Craton, South Australia. VOLUME 1 and VOLUME 2. [19.8MB] Appendices [Excel file] Lintern MJ and Sheard MJ. Abstract
OFR 77. 1999. Explanatory notes for the Broken Hill and Curnamona province 1:500 000 regolith landform maps [78.5MB]. Published June 1999. Gibson D. Abstract
OFR 76. 1999. Explanatory notes for the 1:500 000 Cobar regolith landform map [38.1MB]. Gibson D. Abstract
OFR 75. 1999. CRC LEME Open File reports 1-74 - abstracts, index and database. Covering CSIRO/AMIRA Research Projects 'Laterite geochemistry' (P240), 'Complex lateritic environments' (P240A) and 'Dispersion processes' (P241 and P241A).[19.7MB] Digital Data [Zip File] Published June 1999. Robertson IDM. Abstract
OFR 74. 1999. Regolith/landform relationships and the petrological, mineralogical and geochemical characteristics of lags, Lawlers District, Western Australia. [58.2MB] Anand RR, Churchward HM and Smith RE. Abstract
OFR 73. 2002. Genesis, classification and atlas of ferruginous materials Yilgarn Craton. Anand RR, Paine MD and Smith RE.
Medium resolution .pdf [54.5MB] High resolution .pdf [87.1MB] Abstract.
OFR 72. 1999. Regolith-landform mapping in the Yilgarn Craton, Western Australia: Towards a standardized approach [12.4MB]. Craig MA et al. Abstract
OFR 71. 1999. Radio elements in weathered shales and mafic volcanics, Panglo Gold Deposit, Eastern Goldfields, WA [5.95MB].Scott KM and Dickson BL. Abstract
OFR 70. 1999. Geochemistry of weathered rocks at the Telfer Gold Deposit, Paterson Province, WA. VOLUME 1 [9.57MB]. VOLUME 2 [7.55MB]. Wilmshurst JR. Astract
OFR 69. 1999. Spectral properties of soil and lag overlying the site of the Beasley Creek Gold Mine, Laverton Region, Western Australia. VOLUME 1 [14.3MB]. VOLUME 2 [8.49MB]. Cudahy TJ, Robertson IDM and Gabell AR. Abstract
OFR 68. 1999. Chemistry of gold in some Western Australian Soils [7.35MB]. Gray DJ, Lintern MJ and Longman GD. Abstract
OFR 67. 1999. Spectral properties of soil overylying the sites of the Bounty and North Bounty gold mines, Forrestania Region, Western Australia [13.3MB]. Cudahy TJ, Lintern MJ and Gabell AR. Abstract
OFR 66. 1999. Spectral properties of muscovite- and paragonite-bearing rocks and soils from the Panglo Gold Deposit, Ora Banda Region, Western Australia [10MB]. Cudahy TJ, Scott KM and Gabell AR. Abstract
OFR 65. 1999. Study of the distribution of gold in soils at Mt Hope, Western Australia [8.29MB]. Lintern MJ. Abstract
OFR 64. 1999. Weathering Processes - AMIRA P241 Eastern Goldfields Field Trip [8.99MB]. Butt CMR, Churchward HM, Lintern MJ and Scott KM. Abstract
OFR 63. 1998. Notes being incorporated into a report on laterite geochemistry for the Moora, Perth, Pinjarra, Collie and Pemberton 1:250000 sheets [6.68MB]. DIGITAL DATA - ZIP FILE. Innes J, Smith RE and Perdrix JL. Abstract
OFR 62. 1998. Regolith-landform development and consequences on the mineralogical and geochemical characteristics of regolith units, Lawlers District, Western Australia. [65.5MB] Digital Data [Zip File] Anand RR, Churchward Hm, Smith RE and Grunsky EC. Abstract
OFR 61. 1998. Regolith-landform development and siting and bonding of elements in regolith units, Mt Gibson District, Western Australia.[27.3MB] Digital Data [Zip File] Anand RR, Churchward HM and Smith RE. Abstract
OFR 60. 1998. Introduction and Bottle Creek orientation study - Contribution to Field Guide, Eastern Goldfields Trip.[7.14MB] Anand RR, Smith RE, Churchward HM and Perdrix JL. Abstract
OFR 59. 1998. Strategies and methods for the interpretation of geochemical data. Discussion paper applied to laterite geochemistry [17.1MB]. Grunsky EC. Abstract
OFR 58. 1998. Geochemical exploration in complex lateritic environments of the Yilgarn Craton, Western Australia. Final Report. VOLUME 1[72.4MB] VOLUME 2[8MB] VOLUME 3[63.3MB] VOLUME 4[18.2MB] Anand RR, Smith RE, Phang C, Wildman JE, Robertson IDM and Munday TJ. Abstract
OFR 57. 1998. Gold and associated elements in the regolith - dispersion processes and implications for exploration. AMIRA P241A Final Report [13.2MB]. Butt CRM, Gray DJ, Lintern MJ and Robertson IDM. Abstract
OFR 56. 1998. Petrology and geochemistry of surface materials overlying the Bottle Creek Gold Mine, WA. VOLUME 1. [20.4MB] VOLUME 2. [13.4MB] Digital Data [Zip File] Robertson EDM and Wills R. Abstract
OFR 55. 1998. Mineralogy and geochemistry of the Lights of Israel Gold Mine, Davyhurst, Western Australia. [8.4MB] Digital data [Zip File] Douglas GB, Robertson IDM and Butt CRM. Abstract
OFR 54. 1998. Geochemical background, Mt. Percy, Kalgoorlie, Western Australia. [8.92MB] DIGITAL DATA - ZIP FILE. Butt CRM. Abstract
OFR 53. 1998. The distribution of gold and other elements in soils at the Granny Smith Gold Deposit, Western Australia.[6MB] Lintern MJ and Butt CRM. Abstract
OFR 52. 1998. The distribution of gold and other elements in soils and vegetation at Zuleika, Western Australia. [46.6MB] Digital Data [Zip File] Lintern MJ and Butt CRM. Abstract
OFR 51. 1998. Regolith-landform relationships in the Bottle Creek Orientation Study, Western Australia. [48.8MB] Churchward HM, Butler IK and Smith RE. Abstract
OFR 50. 1998. Laterite geochemistry for detecting concealed mineral deposits, Yilgarn Craton, Western Australia. AMIRA P240 Summary Report.[27MB] Smith RE et al. Abstract
OFR 49. 1998. Hydrogeochemistry of sulphide weathering at Boags Pit, Bottle Creek, Western Australia [3.83MB]. Gray DJ. Abstract
OFR 48. 1998. The mineralogical and geochemical effects of weathering on shales at the Panglo Deposit, Eastern Goldfields, WA [5.44MB]. Scott KM and Dotter LE. Abstract
OFR 47. 1998. The distribution of gold and other elements in soils at Mulline, Western Australia [5.58MB]. DIGITAL DATA - ZIP FILE. Lintern MJ and Butt CRM. Abstract
OFR 46. 1998. Reference geochemical data sets from the Mt Gibson orientation study, Western Australia [10.5MB]. DIGITAL DATA - ZIP FILE. Smith RE, Wildman JE, Anand RR and Perdrix JL. Abstract
OFR 45. 1998. Dispersion of gold and associated elements in the lateritic regfolith, Mystery Zone, Mt Percy, Kalgoorlie, Western Australia.
VOLUME 1 [6.51MB]. VOLUME 2 [25.1MB]. DIGITAL DATA - ZIP FILE. Butt CRM. Abstract
OFR 44. 1998. The distribution of gold and other elements in soils and vegetation at Panglo, Western Australia. [19.7MB] Lintern MJ and Scott KM. Abstract
OFR 43. 1998. Chemistry of gold-humic interactions [62.6MB] Gray DJ, Lintern MJ and Longman GD. Abstract
OFR 42. 1998. The sorption of gold and silver on soil minerals [7.4MB]. Gray DJ. Abstract
OFR 41. 1998. Hydrogeochemistry of the Panglo Gold Deposit [10.6MB]. Gray DJ. Abstract
OFR 40. 1998. Multi-element soil survey of the Mount Hope Area, Western Australia [12.5]. Lintern MJ, Churchward HM and Butt CRM. Abstract
OFR 39. 1998. The petrography, mineralogy and geochemistry of a felsic, mafic, ultramafic and metasedimentary weathered profile at Rand Pit, Reedy Mine - Cue, WA. VOLUME 1 [26.1MB]. VOLUME 2 [13.8MB]. DIGITAL DATA - ZIP FILE. Robertson IDM, Chaffee MA and Taylor GF. Abstract
OFR 38. 1998. The aqueous chemistry of gold in the weathering environment [5.67MB]. Gray DJ. Abstract
OFR 37. 1998. Lawlers orientation study - Contribution to Field Guide, Eastern Goldfields Trip. 1-2 November 1990 [11.2MB]. Anand RR, Smith RE, Churchward HM and Perdrix JL. Abstract
OFR 36, 1998. Occurrence of gold in hardpan, Youanmi Mine [6.38MB]. Gedeon AZ and Butt CRM. Abstract
OFR 35. 1998. Exploration geochemistry about the Mt Gibson Gold Deposits, Western Australia. Progress to 31st March 1989 [46MB]. Anand RR, Smith RE, Innes J and Churchward HM. Abstract
OFR 34. 1998. Further aspects of the chemistry of gold in some Western Australian soils [7.31MB]. Gray DJ and Lintern MJ. Abstract
OFR 33. 1998. Investigation of hydrogeochemical dispersion of gold and other elements in the Wollubar Palaeodrainage, Western Australia.
VOLUME 1 [5.72MB]. VOLUME 2 [5.08MB]. Gray DJ. Abstract
OFR 32. 1998. Geochemical and hydrogeochemical investigations of alluvium at Mulgarrie, Western Australia [18.1MB]. Gray DJ. Abstract
OFR 31. 1998. Petrography, mineralogy and geochemistry of soil and lag overlying the Lights of Israel Gold Mine, Davyhurst, Western Australia. VOLUME 1. [18.7MB] VOLUME 2. [57.8MB] Digital Data [Zip File] Robertson IDM and Tenhaeff MFJ. Abstract
OFR 30. 1998. The mineralogical and geochemical effects of weathering in mafic and ultramafic profiles, Mt Magnet, WA. [5MB] Scott KM and Martinez A. Abstract
OFR 29. 1998. Gold and associated elements in the regolith - dispersion processes and implications for exploration. AMIRA P241 Final Report. [29MB] Butt CRM et al. Abstract
OFR 28. 1998. Laterite geochemistry in the CSIRO-AGE Database for the Albany-Fraser Region (Collie, Dumbleyung, Mt Barker, Pemberton sheets). VOLUME 1.[7.5MB] VOLUME 2.[27MB] Digital Data [Zip File] Grunsky EC. Abstract
OFR 27. 1998. Laterite geochemistry in the CSIRO-AGE Database for the Wiluna Region (Duketon, Kingston, Sir Samuel, Wiluna sheets). [9.1MB] Digital Data [Zip File] Grunsky EC. Abstract
OFR 26. 1998. Multi-element dispersion in the saprolite at the Beasley Creek Gold Mine, Laverton, Western Australia. VOLUME 1. [9.4MB]
VOLUME 2. [9MB] Robertson IDM. Abstract
OFR 25. 1998. Electron microprobe studies of minerals from weathered profiles, Parkinson Pit and environs, Mt Magnet, WA. [7.4MB] Scott KM. Abstract
OFR 24. 1998. The mineralogical and geochemical effects of weathering on volcanics from the Panglo Deposit, Eastern Goldfields, WA. [5.5MB] Scott KM. Abstract
OFR 23. 1998. Morphology and geochemistry of particulate gold in the lateritic regolith, Mystery Zone, Mt Percy, Kalgoorlie, WA. [ 16MB] Gedeon AZ and Butt CRM. Abstract
OFR 22. 1998. Laterite geochemistry in the CSIRO-AGE Database for the Central Yilgarn Region (Barlee, Bencubbin, Corrigin, Hyden, Jackson, Kalgoorlie, Kellerberrin, Southern Cross sheets). VOLUME 1 [22.6MB]. VOLUME 2 [6.65MB]. Grunsky EC. Abstract
OFR 21. 1998. Hydrogeochemistry in the Mt. Gibson Gold District. [6.7MB] Gray DJ. Abstract
OFR 20. 1998. Gold morphology and composition at Panglo, Eastern Goldfields, WA.[10MB] Scott KM and Davis JJ. Abstract
OFR 19. 1998. The mineralogy and geochemistry of soils overlying the Beasley Creek Gold Mine - Laverton, WA. VOLUME 1 [13.7MB] VOLUME 2.[9.16 MB] Digital Data [Zip File] Robertson IDM. Abstract
OFR 18. 1998. Report on laterite geochemistry in the CSIRO-AGE Database for the Northern Murchison Region (Cue, Belele, Glengarry, Sandstone sheets). [15.4MB] Digital Data [Zip File] Grunsky EC, Smith RE and Perdrix JL. Abstract
OFR 17. 1998. Mineralogy and geochemistry of mineralised and barren felsic volcanic profiles, Parkinson Pit, Mt Magnet, WA. [3.95MB] Scott KM. Abstract
OFR 16. 1998. Mineralogy and geochemistry of the Glasson Gold Deposit, Callion, Yilgarn Block, WA [5.76MB]. Llorca SM. Abstract
OFR 15. 1998. Mineralogy and geochemistry of some weathered rocks from Callion Gold Deposit, Yilgarn Block, WA [2..46MB]. Llorca SM. Abstract
OFR 14. 1998. Mineralogy and geochemistry of weathered mafic/ultramafic volcanics from section 4200N at Panglo, Eastern Goldfields, WA [5.5MB]. Scott KM. Abstract
OFR 13. 1998. Mineralogical and geochemical studies of gossan and wall rocks, Bottle Creek, Western Australia [3.39MB]. Taylor GF. Abstract
OFR 12. 1998. Mineralogy and geochemistry of mineralised and barren weathered profiles, Parkinson Pit, Mt Magnet, WA [4.6MB]. Scott KM. Abstract
OFR 11. 1998. Mineralogy and geochemistry of weathered shale profiles at the Panglo Gold Deposit, Eastern Goldfields, WA [4.69MB]. Scott KM. Abstract
OFR 10. 1998. Geochemistry, petrography and mineralogy of ferruginous lag overlying the Beasley Creek Gold Mine - Laverton WA. VOLUME 1 [23.4MB]. VOLUME 2 [8.51MB]. DIGITAL DATA - ZIP FILE. Robertson IDM. Abstract
OFR 9. 1998. The pre-mining geomorphology and surface geology of the Beasley Creek Gold Mine, Laverton, WA [16.3MB]. Rbertson IDM and Churchward HM. Abstract
OFR 8. 1998. Report on laterite geochemistry in the CSIRO-AGE Database for the Southern Murchison Region (Yalgoo, Kirkalocka, Perenjori, Ninghan Sheets) [8.77MB]. DIGITAL DATA - ZIP FILE. Grunsky EC, Innes, J, Smith RE and Perdrix JL. Abstract
OFR 7. 1998. A mineralogical, geochemical and petrographic study of the rocks of drillhole BCD1 from the Beasley Creek Gold mine - Laverton, Western Australia [9.43MB]. Robertson IDM and Gall SF. Abstract
OFR 6. 1998. Morphology and geochemistry of gold in a laterite profile, Beasley Creek, Laverton, Western Australia [17.8MB]. Freyssinet P and Butt CRM. Abstract
OFR 5. 1998. Morphology and geochemistry of gold in a lateritic profile, Bardoc Mine, Western Australia [17.3MB]. Freyssinet P and Butt CRM. Abstract
OFR 4. 1998. Morphology and geochemistry of gold in a laterite profile, Reedy Mine, Western Australia. [11.5MB] Freyssinet P and Butt CRM. Abstract
OFR 3. 1998. Regolith-landform evolution and geochemical dispersion from the Boddington Gold Deposit, Western Australia.[20.7MB] Digital Data [Zip File] Anand RR. Abstract
OFR 2. 1998. Classification and atlas of regolith-landform mapping units - exploration perspectives for the Yilgarn Craton. [46.6MB] Anand RR, Churchward HM, Smith RE, Smith K, Gozzard JR, Craig MA and Munday TJ. Abstract
OFR 1. 1997. Atlas of weathered rocks.[54.2MB]. Digital Data [ZIP File] Robertson IDM and Butt CRM. Abstract
