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LEME Research in regolith science was directed toward two principle priorities - mineral exploration under cover and environment and land use. These translated into two different applications, each with different stakeholder interests, which we called mineral exploration (MINEX) and natural resource management (NRM). Nine research themes addressed our overall objectives, underpining our individual projects, and binding the two principle applications through the unifying thread of regolith science.

Environmental geochemistry and the regolith Regolith geoscience and urban Australia Geophysical mapping and modelling in regolith terrains Models of regolith-landscape evolution Acid and alkaline soils Making geochemistry more effective Salinity systems in regolith and groundwater Understanding regolith processes Regional mineral exploration studies


Thematic Volumes, Explorers Guides, Compilation of Digital Regolith landform Maps, Technical Reports, Case Histories, Journal Publications and Education & Training materials.

LEME research outputs 1996 to 2008

For the purpose of management and reporting, research projects are grouped into four research Programs, each with a Program Leader at Executive level. However scientific synergy at both the program and project level is achieved by the preferred construction of interactive multi-party and multi-disciplinary projects that relate to themes.

LEME Site Search Facilities

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© CRC LEME 2004

CRC LEME is established and supported under the Australian Government's Cooperative Research Centres Program. The CRC Program is an Australian Government initiative which brings together research groups with common interests.

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