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Listed below are products and publications planned for completion by June 30, 2008.

This is at the conclusion of 13 years of collaborative research effort in regolith geoscience, through CRC LEME 1 (Landscape Evolution and Mineral Exploration) and CRC LEME 2 (Landscape Environments and Mineral Exploration).

These cross discipline 'legacy products' will be made available for everyone as reference tools - both digital and hard copy.


Our LEME web site will be maintained by CSIRO Exploration & Mining for five years after our close of business, that is until June 2013. Most LEME publications, including GIS Maps, Open File Reports, Monographs, and 'Legacy Products' will be downloadable and, if not, there will be links to the relevant journal or other organisation sites. Hard copy versions of publications are no longer available from CRC LEME Head Office. All publications are now available for free electronic download from this website.

Explorers' Guides

A limited print run of The Explorers' Guideswill be released at selected Minex Events. Responsibility for printing rests with individual State Geological Surveys including NSW DPI, PIRSA and GSWA.

(in alphabetical order)

AESC 2006 Field trip Guide

Project Leader: Dr Ken Lawrie, Geoscience Australia

To be published through Geoscience Australia, October 2007


Atlas of Regolith Maps

The Atlas is a digital compilation (as PDF maps) of LEME regolith-landform maps. There will also be a complementary Report on the status of regolith mapping in Australia .

Project Leader: Dr Colin Pain, Geoscience Australia

Now available from the LEME website


Australian Palaeoclimates: Cretaceous to Tertiary

A review of palaeobotanical and related evidence to 2000. Special volume, LEME Open File Report 151. Author Dr Mike McPhail, Consultant Palynological Services. Dept Archaeology and Natural History, Research School of Pacific and Asian Studies, The Australian National University .

Project Leader - Dr Colin Pain, Geoscience Australia

Now available from the LEME website


Digital Elevation Models (DEMs)

Case studies (peer reviewed papers) on the use of DEMs in environmental mapping and management. To be submitted for a Special Issue of the International Journal of Remote Sensing linked to a session at the International Salinity Forum, February 2008.

Project Leader: Dr Colin Pain, Geoscience Australia

Planned submission of m/s to Journal - March 2008


Describing and sampling regolith materials - a Field Guide

This durable handbook will be an updated version of the Geoscience Australia RTMAP handbook, building on LEME field experience. It will provide a methodology and set of standards for describing regolith in the field.

Project Leader: Dr Colin Pain, Geoscience Australia

Planned publication - December 2007


Electromagnetic (EM) Technologies and Applications in Natural Resource Management

Monograph of peer reviewed case studies providing key reference work on EM techniques. It is planned to link this work to a special session of talks and to run a workshop based on LEME case studies at the International Salinity Forum, Feb 2008.

Project Leader: Dr Ken Lawrie, Geoscience Australia

Planned submission - April 2008



Objective: This series is about the regolith, that cover of weathered material between fresh rock and fresh air that blankets much of Australia. More specifically it is about exploration for mineral deposits in regolith-dominated terrains. Mineral exploration is never easy. Of the thousands of prospects chosen for evaluaton each year, only a very small percentage are deemed to be sufficiently prospective to justify follow-up work. Of these only a handful will go on to yield economic mineral deposits.

Intellegent and informed exploration must increase the chances of success. A greater understanding of regolith types and regolith processes can only help to shorten the odds in favour of the explorer.

Explorers Guide to the Cobar Region, Lachlan Orogen, NSW

Project Leader: Dr Ken McQueen, CRC LEME / ANU.

Explorers Guide to the Central Gawler

Project Leader: Mr John Keeling, Primary Industries and Resources SA. Pre-release - May 2008, South Australian Resources and Energy Investment Conference, Adelaide. Publication June 08

Explorers Guide to the Curnamona

Project Leader: Dr Adrian Fabris, Primary Industries and Resources SA. Planned publication/Release - 27 June 2008, Mineral Exploration Through Cover Conference, Adelaide

Explorers Guide to the Tanami

Project leader: Ms Lisa Worrall, Geoscience Australia. Planned publication/Release - tba

Explorers Guide to the Thomson Orogon

Project Leader: Dr Steve Hill, The University of Adelaide. Planned Publication/Release - 2 July 2008, Exploration in the House, Sydney, NSW

Explorers Guide to the Yilgarn

Project Leader: Dr Ravi Anand, CSIRO Exploration and Mining. Pre-release 4 June 2008, LEME Minex Seminar, Perth, WA. Publiation June 2008


Hydrogeochemistry - Field Guide

A "how to" practical guide including methodology and examples of successful application o f hydrogeochemistry for mineral exploration.

Project Leader: Dr David Gray, CSIRO Exploration and Mining

Planned publication - June 2008


Inland Acid Sulfate Soil Systems Across Australia. Fitzpatrick RW and Shand P.

This Thematic Volume will represent the first comprehensive and inexpensive reference on the distribution, properties, significance and management of inland ASS in Australia and world wide. Project Leader Dr Rob Fitzpatrick, CSIRO Land and Water.


Planned publication of Volume - June 2008


International Association of Sedimentologists (IAS) Special Issue. Australian Cainozoic Craton Basins.

A special monograph reviewing research into the sedimentology, stratigraphy and regolith geology of Australian Cainozoic cratonic basins. This will be a first compilation on this topic and provide key references and a better understanding for mineral exploration and natural resource management.

Project Leader: Dr Jon Clark, Geoscience Australia

Planned release - February 2008



Now over 220 Technical Reports are available for reference or free download in .pdf format. Our researchers will continue, for the next 18 months, to publish their work as LEME Open File Reports and these will also be made available on the web.


Phyto-Exploration Field Guide

Following LEME's success at using plant samples to explore through transported cover, this guide will provide a summary and overview of the sampling and sample preparation techniques involved as well as regional plant species and case study guides.

Project Leader: Dr Steven Hill, The University of Adelaide

Planned publication - June 2008


Regolith Dating Methods - Revised

A guide to numerical dating techniques. Revision and reprint of booklet first released in 1998.

Project Leader: Professor Brad Pillans, The Australian National University

Planned publication - December 2007


Regolith Expressions of Australian Ore Systems - web updates

Release of additional case studies updating and expanding the existing Thematic Volume released in September 2005. In particular case histories from regolith settings, commodities and regions not previously covered, or poorly represented.

Project Leader: Dr Charles Butt, CSIRO Exploration and Mining

Planned release onto LEME web site - June 2008


Regolith Geochronology and Landscape Evolution


Author: Prof Brad Pillans, The Australian National University

First Published by CRC LEME September 2006, Reissued as a Special Volume 2007.


Regolith Teaching and Training Materials

Quality teaching material and logistical support for the delivery of undergraduate courses in regolith geoscience. Compilation of remote sensing, maps and analytical results from LEME courses at the Fowlers Gap Arid Zone Research Station. Comprehensive lecture notes, field guides, image libraries, virtual field trips etc, in electronic format available via LEME web site and as CDs or DVDs.

Project Leader: Dr Ian Roach, The Australian National University

Progressive releases - July to December 2007


Regolith Textbook

A compilation and distillation of work over the past 10 years in LEME on regolith sciences. Aimed at senior university students and practitioners in both Minex and NRM.

Editor and compiler Mr Keith Scott, CSIRO Exploration and Mining. To be available via CSIRO Publishing.

Planned publication - March 2008

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