Open File Report 147
Regolith Landforms of the Gilmore Project Area
Roslyn A. Chan and David L. Gibson
This report accompanies the Gilmore Regolith Landforms map, which
was mostly compiled at 1:50 000 scale, and is available as a digital
coverage. A 1:130 000 scale ARCVIEW generated hardcopy map covering
the entire Gilmore Project area is included with this report. Regolith
landform units were mapped primarily by photo interpretation, backed
up by field checking. Thirty regolith landform units are mapped
and described.
The Gilmore project area is well endowed with mineral resources,
especially in the north. However, exploration is hampered by extensive
sediment deposited in previously incised valleys and on hill slopes,
and by complex weathering of both altered and unaltered bedrock.
Much of the area is also characterised by saline ground water, hosted
in both weathered bedrock and sediment.
Both mineral exploration and environmental concerns can be better
managed with an understanding of the distribution, characteristics
and processes (both present and past) of the various transported
and in-situ regolith materials and their landform associations,
as presented in this map. This understanding also underpins the
formulation of mineral and land use models to help extrapolate this
knowledge to other areas.