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Open File Report 90

Progress statement for the Kalgoorlie study area - Enigma Prospect (Wollubar ), Western Australia

Lintern, M.J. and Gray, D.J.

Investigations from previous AMIRA Projects have indicated that Au deposits may have geochemical expression throughout the regolith. In Project 409, knowledge gained from these earlier projects, dominantly in areas of erosional and relict landforms, is being extended to determine whether previously developed methods can be applied or adapted to depositional regimes. In the Kalgoorlie area, the work program has been to investigate potential sample media in the transported regolith above mineralization at a number of dominantly palaeochannel environments. Specifically, the study has investigated the presence of:

  1. Gold in surficial horizons;
  2. Sub-surface gold in transported overburden;
  3. Pathfinder elements in transported and relict regolith and bedrock.

This progress statement summarizes the recent investigations undertaken at the Enigma Au deposit located 30 km southeast of Kalgoorlie. The Enigma site was chosen for further study for several reasons including the moderate Au grades in mineralization and the remoteness of the deposit from potential contributing upstream sources.

The results indicate:

  1. That total, water-soluble and iodide-soluble gold have no anomalies over mineralization;
  2. That gold is associated with calcium in the top metre of the soil profile;
  3. That gold in vegetation does not define the location of the mineralization;
  4. Drilling to the south of the Enigma deposit possibly has not gone deep enough;
  5. Cobalt, copper, molybdenum, lead, antimony and tungsten may be useful pathfinders for gold mineralization.

More information needs to be gathered from the Enigma area. Specifically, there is a need:

  1. To construct regolith sections and plans for the area;
  2. To detail important type sections for drilling programs which should be also verified by others; this could be easily achieved by archiving chip trays;
  3. To collect further samples of ferruginous material from transported overburden, and material from saprolite and bedrock and analyse for tungsten and possibly cobalt, copper, molybdenum, lead and antimony.

Last updated: Friday, July 21, 2000 04:24 PM


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