Open File Report 142
Geochemical exploration in regolith-dominated terrain of North
Queensland - Mt Isa Field Trip 26-28 July, 1995
R.R. Anand, J. Wilford, T.J. Munday, C. Phang, J.E. Wildman and
K.M. Scott
The purpose of this excursion is to introduce some aspects of
the weathering and geomorphology of the Mt. Isa region that are
important to geochemical exploration in the region. Investigation
of the regolith-landscape features of the Mt. Isa region commenced
in April 1994 by CSIRO, AGSO and University of Queensland as a part
of the CSIRO/AMIRA Project 417 (Geochemical exploration in regolith-dominated
terrain of North Queensland). Initially, a regional regolith-landform
framework was established to characterise some of the regolith materials.
A preliminary regional regolith-landform map (1:500,000) was produced
to show the broad regolith-landform characteristics. Substantial
district-scale investigations are continuing in the Western Succession
(Buckley-River-Grey Ghost-Drifter) and Eastern Succession (Little
Eva, Tringadee) (Figure 1). The work includes regolith mapping (1:25,000-1:50,000),
regolith characterisation, regolith dating, orientation sampling
of different sample media and correlations of these characteristics
within the framework of a regional regolith-landform evolution model.