Open File Report 188
Laterite geochemical database for the Central Yilgarn Crator,
Cornelius, AJ; Cornelius, M; Smith, RE; Sing, B; Shu L
This report documents a laterite geochemical database with multi-element
analyses of 4441
samples from the central Yilgarn Craton, Western Australia. The
database was compiled as
part of a collaborative research project called ‘Astro Yilgarn
Regolith’ that was conducted
between 1997-2000 and sponsored by Astro Mining NL. The purpose
of the project was to
develop and test new techniques for diamond exploration in the Yilgarn
Craton with
particular emphasis on the use of laterite geochemistry. This data
set comprises samples
taken as part of an exploration program to detect kimberlite pipes
in the Yilgarn Craton.