Centre Visitor
Centre Visitors provide CRCs with an independent mentor who is
experienced in the research and business community. They help to
ensure that the main focus of the CRC's research programme, milestones
and outcomes remain aligned with the CRC's objectives.
Gerry Govett was the CRC LEME Visitor and reported to the
He has been associated with the minerals exploration industry,
CRC LEME and the CRC Programme for a number of years. Gerry edited
one of the definitive text books in exploration geochemistry - Handbook
of Exploration Geochemistry - published in 1974 and also wrote
a volume on rock geochemistry.
He was Professor of Exploration Geology at various universities
including NSW, has worked for the United Nations as geochemistry exploration
advisor and has served as a director on listed Australian exploration
He was recently awarded Honorary Membership of the Association
of Exploration Geochemists.