LEME Honorary Fellowships are awarded by the Board in recognition of outstanding
contributions to the development and promotion of Regolith Science
The Awards are in the form of embossed and engraved jarrah plaques. Sixteen Awards have been presented thus far by Mr George Savell, Board Chair.
Nine Awards were made at LEME Wind-Up Dinners held in Canberra (25 June), Adelaide (27 June) and Perth (3 July).
- Dr Charles Butt
- Dr Steve Hill
- Mr John Keeling
- Dr Ken Lawrie
- Dr Ken McQueen
- Dr Colin Pain
- Dr Steve Rogers
- Mr Keith Scott
- Ms Lisa Worrall

Lisa was appointed leader of LEME Program 1 Regolith Geoscience in 2004. Those of you that know Lisa will recall that she immediately took the reins and developed a new and highly successful focus and suite of activities in the program
Lisa has worked for Geoscience Australia for over 12 years. During that time she has been seconded to work firstly with CRC AMET and secondly with CRC LEME. She is an experienced regolith geologist who has a clear passion and flair for managing multi-agency, multi disciplinary geoscience R&D teams.
The Regolith Geoscience Program in LEME is recognised as having a clear multi-agency culture, with a number of projects involving individuals from almost all the Core Parties in the CRC. It is also characterised by the way Lisa has integrated the activities of students into the mainstream client focussed Centre projects.
Lisa has worked closely with mining companies in NT, WA, SA, and NSW and developed a sound understanding of the operational challenges facing the mining industry in Australia. Her knowledge and experience in this regard has been applied to the development of a number of projects in CRC LEME.

Outstanding successes include the development of the LEME Tanami Project, with collaborators: Tanami Gold, Newmont, Anglo America, NTGS, GSWA. An initiative of Lisa's, this project was developed from scratch under her leadership, to become an outstanding success and a clear example of the benefits to the exploration industry that can be derived from regionally focussed, multi disciplinary regolith geoscience ‘exploration through cover' R&D.
The successful outcomes of the Eucla Margins projects in terms of Mineral sands discoveries and collaboration with Iluka Resources Ltd also demonstrate the regolith geoscience leadership that Lisa has displayed.
Further outstanding LEME deliverables achieved through Lisa's dedication and leadership have been the Northern Territory and Queensland Regolith maps and atlases.
Lisa was one of the key initiators of the LEME Explorers Guides, a series of six practical field guides to exploration through cover. These will be a key lasting legacy of CRC LEME.