LEME Honorary Fellowships are awarded by the Board in recognition of outstanding
contributions to the development and promotion of Regolith Science
The Awards are in the form of embossed and engraved jarrah plaques. Sixteen Awards have been presented thus far by Mr George Savell, Board Chair.
Two Awards were made in September 2005 to:
- Professor Gerry Govett
- Dr Ray Smith

Regolith geologist and geochemist Dr Raymond E Smith is a pioneer of developing methods for locating ore deposits in areas of cover. His research with team members and industry partners has contributed to the discovery of several important Australian ore deposits, particularly through the use of laterite geochemistry. Ray and his team members recognised and described kilometre-scale 'laterite geochemical haloes' which provide a fingerprint of the ore deposits concealed beneath. Through his participation with fellow CSIRO scientists, he also helped bring about a landscape approach to mineral exploration.
Ray was a founding member and spent eight years as the Executive Director of CRC for Landscape Evolution and Mineral Exploration (LEME 1) and then as CEO of the CRC for Landscape Environments and Mineral Exploration (LEME 2). These two Centres have notably advanced collaboration across Australia in research and teaching of regolith geoscience. In 1998 Ray became one of only five scientists to be made a CSIRO Fellow - a prestigious award of excellence in research development.
He is an Emeritus Research Fellow with CSIRO Exploration and Mining, Adjunct Professor Dept Applied Geology, Curtin University of Technology and a Fellow of the Australian Academy of Technological Sciences and Engineering.
In 2002 CSIRO Exploration and Mining and CRC LEME initiated the award of the Butt-Smith Medal ‘ For outstanding and sustained contribution linking regolith science to exploration in Australia ' in honour of two great Australian exploration geoscientists, Charles and Ray Smith.