LEME Honorary Fellowships are awarded by the Board in recognition of outstanding
contributions to the development and promotion of Regolith Science
The Awards are in the form of embossed and engraved jarrah plaques. Sixteen Awards have been presented thus far by Mr George Savell, Board Chair.
Nine Awards were made at LEME Wind-Up Dinners held in Canberra (25 June), Adelaide (27 June) and Perth (3 July).
- Dr Charles Butt
- Dr Steve Hill
- Mr John Keeling
- Dr Ken Lawrie
- Dr Ken McQueen
- Dr Colin Pain
- Dr Steve Rogers
- Mr Keith Scott
- Ms Lisa Worrall
Steve Rogers was seconded to CSIRO Exploration and Mining when he was appointed Chief Executive Officer in October 2005.
Prior to that he was the Leader of Program 3: Environmental Applications of Regolith Science - and Principle Research Scientist with CSIRO Land & Water, based at the Waite Institute Adelaide, where he was also Stream Leader of Advanced Analytical Biogeochemistry
Stephen secured his BSc (Hons) in Environmental Studies from Sunderland Polytechnic, UK in 1986.
He followed that with a DIC in Environmental Technology from Imperial College , University of London in 1988 and an MSc in Environmental Technology from Imperial College in that same year.
He concluded his initial studies when he achieved his PhD in Environmental Microbiology from the University of Kent in 1992.
From 1986 to 1990 inclusive he won a number of prizes and a Scholarship to study in Italy.
His research interests lie in the areas of biogeochemistry, microbial transformations in the cycling of nutrients, transport of sulfide minerals in landscapes, and relationships between soil chemistry and bioavailability of inorganic elements. He pioneered the application of bacterial molecular gene expressions to the study of environmental biogeochemical functions.
His current LEME research involves acid-sulphate soil mechanisms in the Murray floodplain, and element mobility in acidic drainages in the WA wheatbelt. Steve has built up the business base in Program 3 by establishing strong relationships with several state NRM agencies. Recently he has been successful in fostering cross-program linkages with projects within LEME, and establishing cooperative projects with mineral explorers.
With the growing involvement of biota in our research into regolith processes, Steve's knowledge has played a significant part in the scientific advancement and delivery of many LEME projects.
He has always been active in the publication of papers and abstracts, book chapters, Conference abstracts and technical reports which now total some 80 items.
In his role as CEO of CRC LEME, Steve's enthusiasm and dedication to the job has been obvious and he has certainly left a lasting impact. He has continued the sterling work done by his predecessors, Ray Smith and Dennis Gee and he has brought LEME to a successful and productive conclusion in June 2008.