LEME Honorary Fellowships are awarded by the Board in recognition of outstanding
contributions to the development and promotion of Regolith Science
The Awards are in the form of embossed and engraved jarrah plaques. Sixteen Awards have been presented thus far by Mr George Savell, Board Chair.
Nine Awards were made at LEME Wind-Up Dinners held in Canberra (25 June), Adelaide (27 June) and Perth (3 July).
- Dr Charles Butt
- Dr Steve Hill
- Mr John Keeling
- Dr Ken Lawrie
- Dr Ken McQueen
- Dr Colin Pain
- Dr Steve Rogers
- Mr Keith Scott
- Ms Lisa Worrall
Ken has been a with CRC LEME since it commenced operation in 1995 as an Associate Professor in Landscape Evolution and Mineral Exploration at the University of Canberra, he was seconded (2004 to 2007) to the Australian National University, Dept of Earth and Marine Sciences to continue his regolith geoscience interests within CRC LEME.
Ken was a member of the LEME 2 Executive for five and a half years as Assistant Director Canberra, coordinating liaison and communication and very importantly social-networking activities within Canberra and Sydney.
His main research focus has been in the Lachlan Fold Belt, NSW. The key output from his work, has been his authorship of the First in a series of CRC LEME Explorers Guides ‘A guide for mineral exploration through the regolith in the Cobar Region, Lachlan Orogen, NSW'. This was a major task, and at times frustrating as Ken developed the ‘proforma' and style that subsequent guides have followed, even involving testing various types of paper for their ‘weather proof properties' !!! Over 200 guides have already been distributed.
Ken is recognised for his devotion and encouragement of LEME students In order to encourage students and staff to write up their results for publication, Ken formed and led a writer's co-operative at ANU, which also included researchers from GA.
His particular research interests are in geochemistry and mineral exploration, ore and regolith mineralogy, and regolith geology and landscape evolution.
Ken has worked tirelessly with small mineral exploration and mining companies in the Cobar - Lachlan Fold Belt as a consultant, conducting field workshops, in mineral exploration, ore mineralogy and petrology.
Special mention must be made of Ken's particularly strong support of the joint venture/collaborative spirit of the CRC. His whole attitude over the years as been as a 'team player' and he has been terrific contributor to the collaborate effort.