LEME Honorary Fellowships are awarded by the Board in recognition of outstanding
contributions to the development and promotion of Regolith Science
The Awards are in the form of embossed and engraved jarrah plaques. Sixteen Awards have been presented thus far by Mr George Savell, Board Chair.
Nine Awards were made at LEME Wind-Up Dinners held in Canberra (25 June), Adelaide (27 June) and Perth (3 July).
- Dr Charles Butt
- Dr Steve Hill
- Mr John Keeling
- Dr Ken Lawrie
- Dr Ken McQueen
- Dr Colin Pain
- Dr Steve Rogers
- Mr Keith Scott
- Ms Lisa Worrall

Steve is one of the great success stories of CRC LEME. Originally a PhD student at the Australian National University in LEME 1, he was awarded his PhD titled "Regolith and Landscape Evolution of the Broken Hill Block, western NSW" in 2002. In 2003 Steve took up the LEME funded Regolith Geoscience Senior Lectureship at The University of Adelaide and in 2004 was appointed LEME Program 5: Education and Training Leader. In early 2007 Steve won a tenure- track position as Lecturer in Regolith Geoscience in Geology & Geophysics, within the School of Earth Sciences, The University of Adelaide.
Steve has been an outstanding advocate and contributor to the CRC's undergraduate, short course, MTEC and postgraduate training. The recommendation by the CRC external 5th year review panel that ‘LEME's Education and Training program is an outstanding highlight' is testament to Steve's leadership.
Steve's reputation as a student supervisor and lecturer is evidenced by the large number of Honours (17 since 2003) and the PhD students that he currently supervises (10 since 2003), and has graduated over the last four years.
Whilst his academic background is in regolith geology, landscape evolution, biogeochemistry, geochemistry applications, regolith induration, regolith- landform mapping, neotectonics, he is most recognised for his pioneering work on the application of native vegetation biogeochemistry to the development of the now widely recognised biogeochemical exploration technique.
More importantly, he has pioneered the integration of plant and animal biogeochemistry with regolith-landform mapping and landscape evolution.
The success of this technique at locations such as the Pinacles Pb, Zn mine, near Broken Hill and the application of biogeochemistry to Uranium exploration in the Northern Flinders-Frome Embayment have earnt Steve a significant reputation with the Australian Exploration industry and international academia. Also a star of stage and screen, appearance in this seasons (April 2008) ABC TV Catalyst program.
Steve has always been an advocate of cooperation and collaboration across the CRC, demonstrated by his enthusiastic involvement in the CRC Executive Committee whilst Program Leader, and the involvement of his students in the Thomson Orogen, Tanami, Curnamona Minex and Central Gawler Landscapes projects.