Dr Stephen L Rogers
Chief Executive Officer
PO Box 1130
Bentley WA 6102
(Australian Resources Research Centre, 26 Dick Perry Avenue,
Kensington WA 6151)
Tel: 08 6436 8699. Fax: 08 6436 8560
Email: steve.rogers@csiro.au
Steve commenced as CEO on the retirement of Dr Dennis Gee 10 October 2005. He has been seconded from CSIRO Land and Water to Exploration and Mining for the three year appointment.
Steve was Principal Research Scientist with CSIRO Land & Water, based at the Waite Institute Adelaide, where he was also Stream Leader of Advanced Analytical Biogeochemistry .
Steve obtained his Masters in Environmental Technology at Imperial College, London, and his Ph.D in Environmental Microbiology at the University of Kent. Steve joined the CRC for Soil and Land Management in 1992 as a postdoctoral fellow and CSIRO Land & Water in 1997. He joined LEME in 2001, and became Program Leader in 2004. Steve has a background in research management and leadership, having served as Executive Assistant to the Chief of CSIRO Land and Water.
His research interests lie in the areas of biogeochemistry, microbial transformations in the cycling of nutrients, transport of sulfide minerals in landscapes, and relationships between soil chemistry and bioavailability of inorganic elements. He pioneered the application of bacterial molecular gene expressions to the study of environmental biogeochemical functions.
His current LEME research involves acid-sulphate soil mechanisms in the Murray floodplain, and element mobility in acidic drainages in the WA wheatbelt. Steve has built up the business base in Program 3 by establishing strong relationships with several state NRM agencies. Recently he has been successful in fostering cross-program linkages with projects within LEME, and establishing cooperative projects with mineral explorers.
With the growing involvement of biota in our research into regolith processes, Steve's knowledge will play a significant part in the scientific advancement and delivery of many of our projects.