executive committee
Program 3 Leader 
Dr Paul Shand
CSIRO Land and Water
Environmental Microbiology
Glen Osmond SA 5064
Tel: 08 8303 8513
Email: paul.shand@csiro.au
Dr Shand commenced at Program 3 leader on 22 May 2006. He comes to LEME / CSIRO from the British Geological Survey where he has recently completed a review of groundwater quality in the UK and is co-editing a book on water quality in Europe.
He has led, and has been involved with various projects including:
- using geochemical and geophysical methods (rock and soil sampling/stream sediment/trenching/drilling/IP) for the exploration of previous metal.
- using hydrogeochemical methods in the prospection of gold deposits, developing a method to extract and preconcentrate gold from natural waters for analysis by ICP-MS
- hydrochemistry of upland catchments.
- investigation of recharge and palaeowaters in the Grand Erg Orientale of North Africa and thermal waters in Kamchatka.
- development and application of Sr isotopes in hydrochemical studies as indicators of soil processes, weathering rates and tracers of mixing processes.
- baseline chemistry of UK and European aquifers.
- surface-groundwater interaction in upland catchments.
- study of nitrogen cycling in upland catchments.
- surface water-groundwater interactions and nutrient transport in lowland catchments.
Paul spent Jan to June 05 in Adelaide with the Dept Water Land and Biodiversity Conservation, working on surface water-groundwater interaction and land use effects on water quality on Kangaroo Island; Al-clogging study and redox boundary characterisation in relation to salt-interception schemes, Murray Basin; applications of isotopes to determine mixing in discharge zone of the River Murray.