Assoc Prof Ken McQueen
Assistant Director, Canberra
 Health, Design and Science
University of Canberra
ACT, 2601
Tel: 02 6201 2520. Fax: 02 6201 2934
Department of Earth and Marine Sciences
Faculty of Science
The Australian National University
ACT 0200
Tel: 02 6125 0575
Alternate: Mr Mike Craig
Division of Minerals, Geoscience Australia
PO Box 378, Canberra ACT 2061.
Tel: 02 6248 9453. Fax: 02 6249 9930
Present Positions
- Associate Professor in Landscape Evolution and Mineral Exploration, University of Canberra and the Australian National University
- Assistant Director, CRC LEME
- Project Leader, Lachlan Fold Belt Project, CRC LEME
LEME Research Interests
- Geochemistry and mineral exploration
- Ore and regolith mineralogy
- Regolith geology and landscape evolution
LEME Related Teaching
- Geochemistry and Mineral Exploration, University of Canberra (1980-2003)
- Ore Deposit Geology, University of Canberra (1980-2003)
- Regolith geology at ANU (2003-)
- LEME and MTEC Short Courses in Exploration Geochemistry (1996-)
Other Research Interests
- Regional geological mapping
- Structural and metamorphic geology
- Volcanology
- Mining history
Consulting Activities
- Mineral exploration
- Ore mineragraphy and petrology
- Petrography related to prehistory-archaeology
Education and Employment:
University of New England , B.Sc. (1971), University of New England , B.Sc. Honours (1972), University of Western Australia , Ph.D. in Geology (1980), University of Canberra , Grad.Cert. in Higher Education (1998)
1970-71 Pickands Mather Australia and Maprock Pty Ltd.
1972 Department of Prehistory UNE
1976 Department of Geology, University of Western Australia
1977-80 Department of Geology, University of Melbourne
1980- School of REHS , University of Canberra
2003- Department of Earth and Marine Sciences, Australian National University