Regolith Landscape Evolution Across Australia
A compilation of regolith-landscape case studies and landscape
evolution models
Edited and compiled by R. R. Anand and P. de Broekert
While there is a continuing need to discover mineral deposits in
Australia, regions containing bedrock outcrops and in situ regolith
materials have generally been well explored. Therefore, the greatest
potential for further discovery lies beneath areas of substantial
transported cover, which are largely under-explored. These covered
areas are complex and future discoveries will rely on our ability
to understand 4D regolith and landscape evolution processes. This
understanding assists mineral exploration through improved interpretation
of chemical dispersion signals related to concealed ore deposits,
and aids environmental research and management.
This volume integrates the results of numerous regolith-landscape
evolution studies, not only from the many regional, district and
site investigations carried out through the Centre's activities,
but also from the wider literature. It was compiled, synthesised
and edited by CRC LEME staff.
In addition to the basic data available in the case studies, the
volume includes regional scale landscape models and weathering
and denudation histories of selected regions. It is expected that
this will provide a better understanding of regolith processes which
will enhance our ability to deal with areas of transported cover.
Case histories
are released here as PDF files for free download.
Downloading of the individual case histories is for personal use
only and subject to copyright restrictions (see copyright
statement below).
Supporting Chapters
New South Wales
- Bathurst
and Forbes 1:250 000 Map Sheets, New South Wales (868 Kb)
- Blaney-Orange
District, New South Wales (1.5 Mb)
- Elura Mine Area
, New South Wales (355 Kb)
- Far Western New South Wales (2.23 Mb)
- Krawaree West, Upper Shoalhaven River Catchment, NSW (1.78 Mb)
- Monaro Region
, New South Wales (7.5 Mb)
- North
Barrier Ranges Region, New South Wales (3.4 Mb)
- Northparkes Area
, New South Wales (1.4 Mb)
- Southern
Barrier Ranges - Northern Murray Basin, New South Wales (807 Kb)
- Teilta, Western New South Wales (672 Kb)
- Tibooburra,
New South Wales (742 Kb)
- Wagga
Wagga 1:100 000 Map Sheet, New South Wales (1.3 Mb)
- Wonnaminta 1:100 000 Map Sheet
, New South Wales (3.3 Mb)
Northern Territory
South Australia
Western Australia
- Bottle
Creek Area, Western Australia (2.5 Mb)
- Bronzewing District
, Western Australia (16.6 Mb)
- Cairlocup Area
, Western Australia (891 Kb)
- Darlot District
, Western Australia (2.4 Mb)
- Gold-bearing Palaeochannel Sediments at Gidji,
Western Australia (4.6 Mb)
- Gourdis
and Empire Lateritic Gold Deposits, Western Australia (4.8 Mb)
- Hamersley Iron Province
, Western Australia (2.6 Mb)
- Harmony-Peak
Hill Gold Deposit, Western Australia (1.7 Mb)
- Jarrahdale District
, Western Australia (16.8 Mb)
- Lady
Bountiful Extended Gold Deposit, Western Australia (3.9 Mb)
- Lawlers District
, Western Australia (8 Mb)
- Mt
Egerton 1:250 000 Map Sheet, Western Australia (2 Mb)
- Mt
Magnet District, Western Australia (1.9 Mb)
- Mt Percy Gold Deposit Area
, Western Australia (6.7 Mb)
- Muccan
Batholith, Eastern Pilbara, Western Australia (211 Kb)
- Panglo Gold Deposit,
Western Australia (809 Kb)
- Telegraph, Lancefield
and Beasley Creek Gold Deposits, Western Australia (2.5 Mb)

Copyright statement
Copyright of materials present on the Cooperative Research Centre
for Landscape Environments and Mineral Exploration (CRC LEME) website
resides with the Core Participants of CRC LEME. Apart from any fair
dealing for the purposes of private study, research, criticism or
review, as permitted under Copyright Act, no part may be reproduced
or reused by any process whatsoever without prior written approval
from CRC LEME.

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