Regolith Expression of Australian Ore Systems
A compilation of geochemical case histories and conceptual models
Compilers and Editors: C.R.M. Butt, M. Cornelius, K.M. Scott and
I.D.M. Robertson
The geochemical expression of bedrock mineralization in the regolith
is affected by geological, geomorphological and environmental conditions
that are unique for every location. However, many similarities in
dispersion characteristics may be present over extensive regions
and it is possible to summarize these characteristics as conceptual
dispersion, process and exploration models, based on evidence from
suitable case histories. These models can then be used to anticipate
the surface expression of mineralization in a given area, to design
an effective exploration program and to evaluate any anomalies.
Two model schemes of this type have been produced: -
- “Conceptual Models in Exploration Geochemistry, 4: Australia”
by C.R.M. Butt and R.E. Smith, 1980, deals exclusively with Australian
conditions and is supported by 52 case histories,
- “Regolith Exploration Geochemistry in Tropical and Subtropical
Terrains” by C.R.M. Butt and H. Zeegers, 1992 extends beyond
Australia and is again illustrated by relevant case histories.
This monograph expands and updates the earlier compilations and
models for Australia by including the outcomes of the last two decades
of intensive exploration activity and regolith research.
Over 100 case histories are included, from a wide range of
published and unpublished sources, and include hitherto unreleased
exploration data. They are documented systematically, with
authors from industry, universities, geological surveys and research
Case histories are released
as PDF files on the CRC LEME website. Downloading of individual
case histories is for personal use only and subject to copyright
restrictions (see copyright statement below).
In addition to the basic data available in the case histories,
the volume includes recommendations on exploration procedures
including terrain analysis, sample type, sampling interval, analytical
procedure, element selection and data interpretation, summarized
and embedded in the models and described in the accompanying text.
It is intended that the compilation will provide a substantially improved understanding
of the impact of weathering and regolith cover on exploration methods,
leading to reductions in the cost of exploration for concealed base
metal, polymetallic and gold deposits in areas of residual and/or
transported regolith.
Supporting Chapters
- Ore deposit types and their primary expressions (2.9 Mb)
- Weathering history and landscape evolution (5.7 Mb)
- Climate (0.8 Mb)
- Vegetation communities (12.9 Mb)
- Sample media (12.8 Mb)
- Geochemical dispersion, process and explroation models (4 Mb)
Case Histories
- Alligator Rivers Uranium
Deposits, NT (3.04 Mb)
- Aphrodite
Gold Deposit, Kalgoorlie, Western Australia (952 Kb)
- Beasley
Creek Gold Deposit, Laverton District, Western Australia (2.7 Mb)
- Birthday
Gold Prospect, Gawler Craton, South Australia (7.8 Mb)
- Blue Rose Au-Cu Prospect, South Australia (2.03 Mb)
- Boddington Gold Deposit, Western Australia (909 Kb)
- Bottle
Creek Gold Deposits, Menzies District, Western Australia (975 Kbb)
- Bounty Gold Deposit, Forestania Greenstone Belt, Western Australia (737 Kb)
- Bowdens
Ag-Pb-Zn Deposit, Lue, New South Wales (397 Kb)
- Brahman
Gold Prospect, Charters Towers Region, Queensland (977 Kb)
- Bronzewing Gold Deposit, Western Australia (965 Kb)
- Calista Gold Deposit, Mount McClure Mining District, Western Australia (1.88 Mb)
- Century
Zn-Pb-Ag Deposit, Northwest Queensland (3.8 Mb)
- Challenger
Gold Prospect, Gawler Craton, South Australia (5.2 Mb)
- Chatterbox
Shear Gold Deposits, Laverton District, Western Australia
(11.9 Mb)
- Copper
Hill Porphyry Cu-Au Prospect, Central NSW (1.2 Mb)
- Cornishman
Gold Deposit, Southern Cross Mining District, Western Australia
(1 Mb)
- Cox-Crusader
Gold Deposit, Lawler District, Western Australia (406 Kb)
- CSA Cu-Zn-Pb Deposit, Cobar District, NSW (4.96 Mb)
- Dalgaranga
Base Metal Prospect, Mt. Magnet District, Western Australia
(605 Kb)
- Devlin
Creek Base Metal Deposits, Central Queensland (2 Mb)
- Dogwood
Porphyry Cu-Mo Prospect, Benambra Terrane, Victoria (980 Kb)
- Eloise
Cu-Au Deposit, Cloncurry District, Queensland (1.5 Mb)
- Elura Za-Pb-Ag Deposit, Cobar District, NSW (1.19 Mb)
- Fender
Gold Deposit, Cue, Western Australia (2.6 Mb)
- Flying Doctor Ag-Pb-Zn Prospect, Northern Leases, Broken Hill NSW (1.66 Mb)
- Freddie
Well Zn-Cu Deposit, Murchison District, Western Australia (846 Kb)
- Frogmore
Copper Deposit, NSW (619 Kb)
- Girilambone and Girilambone North Copper Deposits, NSW (442 Kb)
- Golden Delicious Gold Deposit, WA (4.74 Mb)
- Goornong
South Gold Deposit, Central Victoria (1.8 Mb)
- Gossan
Hill Cu-Zn-Au Deposit, Golden Grove, Western Australia (447 Kb)
- Granny Smith Gold Deposit WA (470 Kb)
- Grevillea
Zn-Pb-Ag Prospect, NW Queensland (575 Kb)
- Halls Peak Massive Sulphide Deposits, New England, NSW (283 Kb)
- Harmony
Gold Deposit, Baxter Mining District, Western Australia (756 Kb)
- Hera Au-Cu-Zn-Pb-Ag Prospect,
Nymagee, New South Wales (1.8 Mb)
- Hercules and Southern Hercules Zn-Pb-Ag-Au Deposits, western Tasmania [3.07 Mb]
- Higginsville
Palaeochannel Gold Deposits, Kambalda, Western Australia (1.1 Mb)
- Hill 800 Au-Cu Mineralization,
Eastern Victoria (388 Kb)
- Junction Gold Deposit, St Ives District, Western Australia (8.20 Mb)
- Kanowna Belle Gold Deposit, Western Australia (1.72 Mb)
- Karari and Whirling Dervish Gold Deposits, WA (7.22 Mb)
- Killara
Copper Psuedogossan, Western Australia (761 Kb)
- Lefroy
and Beaconsfield Gold Mines, Tamar Region, Tasmania (3.6 Mb)
- Little
Eva Cu-Au Deposit, Quamby District, Queensland (978 Kb)
- Lights of
Israel Gold Deposit, Dayhurst, Western Australia (400 Kb)
- LP3 Pb-Zn Mineralization, Cobar District, NSW (14.83 Mb)
- Maggie Hays Nickel Mineralization, Lake Johnston District, WA (1.88 Mb)
- McKinnons Gold Deposit, Cobar District, NSW [(9.92 Mb)
- Mons Cupri Cu-Za-Pb Deposit, Pilbara, Western Australia (3.87 Mb)
- Mount
Dimer Gold Deposit, Marda Greenstone Belt, Western Australia
(7.9 Mb)
- Mount Gibson Gold Deposit, WA (771 kb)
- Mount Isa
Cu and Pb-Zn-Ag Deposits, NW Queensland (512 Kb)
- Mount
Keith Nickel Sulphide Deposit, Western Australia (2 Mb)
- Mount
Leyshon Gold Deposit, Charters Towers, Queensland (3.4 Mb)
- Mount
Torrens Lead Prospect, South Australia (356 Kb)
- Mrangelli
Pb-Zn-As Prospect, Cobar District, New South Wales (2.9 Mb)
- Mulga
Rock Uranium and Multielement Deposits, Officer Basin, Western
Australia (2.9 Mb)
- Murrin Murrin Nickel
Laterite Deposit, Western Australia (2.9 Mb)
- Mystery
Zone Gold Deposit, Mt Percy, Kalgoorlie, Western Australia
(6 Mb)
- New Cobar
Cu-Au Deposit, Cobar Goldfield, New South Wales (454 Kb)
- Nifty Copper
Deposit, Great Sandy Desert, Western Australia (923 Kb)
- Northparkes Cu-Au Mines, Central NSW (2.98 Mb)
- Oonagalabi
Base Metal Prospect, Harts Range, Northern Territory (1.9 Mb)
- Ora Banda
Sill Platinum Prospect (2.3 Mb)
- Osborne Cu-Au Deposit, Cloncurry, North West Queensland (1.77 Mb)
- P4 Au-As-Sb-Pyrite Mineralization, Cobar District, New South Wales (14.75 Mb)
- Pajingo
Epithermal Gold Deposits, NE Queensland (2.4 Mb)
- Palaeochannel
Gold Deposits, Mount Pleasant District, Western Australia
(2.9 Mb)
- Panglo
Gold Deposit, Eastern Goldfields, Western Australia (741 Kb)
- Parkinson
Gold Deposit, Murchison Goldfields, Western Australia (677 Kb)
- Peak Hill Au Deposit, Peak Hill, NSW (706 Kb)
- Penny
West Gold Deposit, Youanmi, Western Australia (167 Kb)
- Pernatty Lagoon-Mount Gunson Cu Deposit, SA (893 Kb)
- Pinnacles Au and base metal deposits, Western Tasmania (1.4 Mb)
- Pipeline Ridge Cu-Pb-Zn-Au Prospect, Cobar District, NSW (955 Kb)
- Police
Creek Gold Deposit, Drummond Basin, NE Queensland (1 Mb)
- Poona and Wheal Hughes Cu Deposits, Moonta, SA (1.88 Mb)
- Portia
and North Portia Cu-Au-Mo Prospects, South Australia (531 Kb)
- Quasar
Gold Deposit, Mt Magnet, Western Australia (1.13 Mb)
- Red
October Gold Deposit, Northeast Goldfields, Western Australia
(2.1 Mb)
- Redeemer
Au Deposit, Agnew District, Western Australia (2.5 Mb)
- Rushworth
and Whroo Goldfields, Victoria (278 Kb)
- Safari Bore Gold Deposit, Mt Celia, WA (693 Kb)
- Stawell Gold Deposit, Stawell, Western Victoria (1.0 Mb)
- Steinway Gold Deposit, Kalgoorlie, Western Australia (450 Kb)
- Swordfish
Cu-Au Prospect, Norseman, WA (1.6 Mb)
- Sunrise Dam Gold Deposit, Eastern Goldfields, WA (5.06 Mb)
- Taurus
South Gold Mineralization, Bulong District, Western Australia
(1.9 Mb)
- Thursdays
Gossan Porphyry Copper Prospect, Western Victoria (5.1 Mb)
- Timbarra
Gold Deposit, New England Region, New South Wales (903 Kb)
- Trigadee Zinc Anomaly, NW Queensland (1.18 Mb)
- Tritton
Copper Deposit, Girilambone District, New South Wales (574 Kb)
- Troy
Creek Pt-Pd-Au Prospect, Nabbery District, Western Australia
(520 Kb)
- Ulysses
Gold Deposit, Western Australia - Melita Project (570 Kb)
- Waterloo
Base Metal Deposit, Mt Windsor Sub-Province NE Queensland
(644 Kb)
- Whim Creek Cu-Zn-Pb Deposit, Pilbara, Western Australia (1.31 Mb)
- White Dam Au-Cu Prospect, Curnamona Province, SA (835 Kb)
- Wildwood and Kewell Au Deposits, Western Victoria (1.0 Mb)
- Windimurra Vanadium Deposit, Murchison Region, WA (206 Kb)
- Winnecke
Goldfield, Norther Territory (746 Kb)
- Wonawinta
Zn-Pb-Ag Prospect, Cobar District, New South Wales (5 Mb)
- Wyoming
Gold Deposit, Central Western NSW (1.1 Mb)
- Yandan
Gold Deposit, Drummond Basin, Queensland (828 Kb)
- Yarawindah
Brook PGE-Ni-Cu Deposit, New Norcia, Western Australia (475 Kb)
- Zuleika Sands Gold Deposit, Ora Banda, Western Australia (1.24 Mb)

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