Previous events
Wednesday 25 June 08,
Geoscience Australia, Canberra.
Convenor: Lisa Worrall, LEME Program leader: Regolith Geoscience
Program and Registration form available. There is no charge for attendance, but a registration form should be completed. Enquiries to Sally Moon - sally.moon@ga.gov.au
This day-long symposium is an opportunity for geoscientists to acquaint themselves with the outcomes of CRC LEME research. There will be thirteen presentations, the Release of the QUEENSLAND REGOLITH MAP AND ATLAS, and pre-releases of other important LEME Publications, including the Explorer's Guides.
Friday 27 June 2008
Mawson Laboratories, University of Adelaide
Tectonics and Mineralising Systems
Linking Geology and Geophysics
Regolith and CRC LEME Roundup
Industry Innovation
CD of Program and PowerPoint Presentations.
- Steve Rogers - LEME Outputs for Mineral Exploration and Life Beyond LEME (Keynote).
- Adrian Fabris - Explorers Guide to the Regolith of the Curnamona Province.
- Steve Hill - Regolith and Mineral Exploration in the Thomson.
- Michael Neimanis - Regolith Approach to Uranium Rxploration.
Download Program and Registration form. Contact Andreas Schmidt Mumm or John Keeling for more information.
Australian Earth Sciences Convention, 20-24 July 2008, Perth WA - Major LEME Presence, presentations and booth http://www.iceaustralia.com/aesc2008/
LEME Booth and over 25 (including 2 keynote) presenters delivering findings from LEME projects.
International Geoscience Congress, 6-14 August 2008, Oslo, Norway.
LEME presentations
Final WA LEME MINERALS EXPLORATION SEMINAR and launch of Yilgarn Explorers Guide
Wednesday 4 June 2008, Perth
Convenor: Ravi Anand, LEME Program Leader: Mineral Exploration in Areas of Cover
Program and Registration form.
One day seminar featuring regolith geoscience for mineral exploration in areas of cover.
European Geophysical Union General Assembly. 13-18 April 2008, Vienna , Austria
- Clarke JDA, Pain CF, Gibson D, Wong V and Apps H. Remote sensing of fluvial architecture of the Murray River, Southern Australia.
- Pain CF, Paron P and Smith M. Applied geomorphological mapping (AppGeMa): a working group of the International Association of Geomorphologists.
- Pain CF, Ollier C. Fold belts and mountains: collision of plates or collision of ideas?
- Pain CF. A revised map of Australia 's physiographic regions: a hierarchical background for digital soil mapping.
2nd International Salinity Forum, 31 March - 3 April, Adelaide, SA. Major LEME contribution: over 30 presentations and posters and two workshops.
Australian & New Zealand Geomorphology Group - 13th Conference. 10 - 15 February 2008, Queenstown, Tasmania
Craig MA. The QLD Regolith project: Our progress and practices
Clarke JDA. Fluvial Architecture of the Murray River at Chowilla , South Australia .
Clarke JDA. Geomorphology of the entrenched Murray River floodplain, Lindsay-Wallpolla Island , Victoria .
Gibson D. Local variability in landscape evolution, and the question of scale.
Pain CF. A revised map of Australia 's physiographic regions: a hierarchical map unit approach to geoscience mapping.
Pillans B. Long term landscape evolution of the Western Australian Shield.
Pillans B. Joe Jennings: father of modern Australian geomorphology.
Thomas M. Spectral remote-sensing techniques for regolith characterisaton and mineral exploration in Queensland, Australia.
Wong V, Clarke JDA and Pain CF. Linking the geomorphology, vegetation and soils on the Murray River floodplain for salinity management.
Worrall L. Late Cenozoic deformation of the Australian continent: evidence from the Eucla Basin.
5th Sprigg Symposium. Regolith: Mineral Deposits and Environment, 29 November 2007, The University of Adelaide, SA. Fourteen LEME presentations - PowerPoint files available to download.
World Science and Technology Education Conference (WSTE2007) - 8-12 July 2007, Perth, WA. Presentation by LEME CEO Steve Rogers: Bugs, Trees and Minerals: How micro-organisms and Australian native plants are helping to discover new mineral deposits.
- LEME MINEX SEMINAR, Tuesday 28 Aug 2007, Perth WA. LEME presentations on exploration geochemistry, hydrogeochemistry and regolith processes. For more information and program. Enquiries to : crcleme-hq@csiro.au
- Mines and Wines 2007: a vintage year for the Tasmanides, 20-21 September, Orange, NSW. Launch of LEME Explorers Guide to be Cobar Region, NSW.
- KALGOORLIE '07, 25-27 September, Kalgoorlie, WA. Link to web site. LEME presenters in Landscape Evolution Session:
- Ravi Anand - Advances in understanding of regolith processes and element dispersion through transported cover
- Brad Pillans - Dating of the regolith and implications for denudation history
- Lisa Worrall - Tertiary palaeochanels: geology and metallogenic significance
- Steve Rogers - Geomicrobiology: a new perspective on regolith dispersion
- David Gray - Hydrogeochemistry: an important new exploration tool in the Yilgarn?
- Charles Butt - Paleochannel uranium in southern Western Australia
- Rob Hough - Gold nuggets as an indicator for exploration
Mineral Exploration Through Cover, PIRSA, Adelaide June 2007
- European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2007, 15-16 April, Vienna, Austria. Link to web site. LEME presentations:
- Abstract EGU2007-A-10723 "Predicting aquifer characteristics and connectivity in Australia's complex regolith landscapes" by K Lawrie, J Clarke, C Pain
- Abstract EGU2007-A-10947 "Value-adding to Groundwater Flow Systems frameworks for managing dryland salinity in Australia" by K Lawrie, JWilford, C Pain
- Abstract EGU2007-A-10631 "Integrating experimental petrophysical studies with field studies to produce semi-quantitative 3D products from airborne electromagnetic (AEM) data" by KP Tan, K Lawrie, D Gibson
- Abstract EGU2007-A-10668 "Combining high resolution LiDAR elevation model, airborne electromagnetic data and petrophysical results of drill cores to determine the salt budget of the Chowilla Floodplain, South Australia" by KP Tan, T Munday, A Fitzpatrick, K Lawrie
- Abstract EGU2007-A-10588 "Communicating science is not a one-way street: how science helps communicate science" by K Lawrie, R Price.
Free Public Lecture - Formation of Gold Nuggets
Dr Robert Hough - CSIRO Exploration and Mining / CRC LEME - 12 OCTOBER 2006
To celebrate Earth Science Week, the Cooperative Centre for Landscape Environments and Mineral Exploration (CRC LEME) is giving a special presentation on the formation of gold nuggets by research scientist, Dr Rob Hough (CSIRO Exploration and Mining).
Gold nuggets are a rare and importance scientific resource, as their shape and composition provide important clues about the environmental conditions that led to their creation.
Most gold nuggets come from pre-existing rocks, but research has shown that chemical reactions play an important role in their formation. Other more recent theories suggest microbial processes are also involved.
Goldschmidt Conference, August-September 06, Melbourne
Presentations and Posters by LEME researchers - Download abstracts. The Goldschmidt abstracts are published in Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 70, Issue 18, Supplement 1, pages S1-S22, 1-2, A1-A756. The web address, though Science Direct is: http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/journal/00167037.
LEME Minex Seminar - 11 August 2006, Perth
Abstract Volume - available to download.
Mineral Exploration Through Cover 2006 Conference, Friday 23 June 06, The Unversity of Adelaide
- Tectonics and Mineralisation
- Geophysics and Remote Sensing in Exploration
- Advances in Landscape Evolution and Regolith Geoscience
- Industry Exploration Projects and Cooperations
Convened by Andreas Schmidt Mumm (LEME/AU).
Presentations by LEME personnel: Andreas Schmidt Mumm, Graham Heinson, Steve Rogers, Frank Reith, Steve Hill, Nathan Reid, Anna Petts.
Australian Earth Sciences Convention - AESC 2006, 2-7 July, Melbourne Vic.
Hosted by the Geological Survey of Australia and the Australian Society of Exploration Geophysicists. Web site: www.earth2006.org.au/
LEME speakers, field trip and session convenor, Ken Lawrie: Environmental and Geological
Hazards and Risks to Australasia
Presentations by LEME staff and students
LEME Progrma 4 Leader Dr Ken Lawrie convened parallel symposia on
- Salinity, Acid Sulphate Soils and Hydrogeology
- Geomorphology, Neotectonics and Engineering Geology
Field Trip
A pre-conference field trip, led by Prof Mike Sandiford, Den Clark, Jon Clarke, Steve Hill and Bernie Joyce and supported by CRC LEME, will examine neotectonics, landscape development and volcanic hazards and risks.
Full details available here.