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Exploration Seminars
Australian Earth Sciences Convention 2008
AESC 2008 - New generation advances in geoscience
20 - 24 July 2008, Perth Convention Centre, WA.
Go to the AESC web site for full program, registration, etc.
Over 25 presenters delivering findings from LEME collaborative projects. See below
Visit the LEME booth for free copies of reports, volumes, CDs, maps, explorers guides.
- Adams S and Aspandiar MF. Sedimentology and hydrogeology of Goods Road Palaeochannel, Perth, Western Australia.
- Anand RR. How pisoliths form.
- Aspandiar MF. Recognition and geological significance of Cenozoic palaeosoils in the regolith profile.
- Bann G. Dryland salinity and woodland biota in a 'warming' south eastern Australia: endemic flora and fauna to the rescue!
- Bann G. Living geodiversity - simplified geology maps and linked eco-geo field trips for school and community education.
- Bann G. Dryland salinity and geodiversity on the Southern Tablelands of NSW: the use of the EM (and AEM) technique for mapping and management?
- Bann G. Dryland salinity and woodland biota in a 'warming' south eastern Australia: endemic flora and fauna to the recsue!
- Butt CRM. The composition and crystallography of gold: indications for ore genesis.
- Clarke J. Architecture of an entrenched valley fill, Murray River.
- de Caritat P. The National Geochemical Survey of Australia . Overview and programs.
- Cooper BJ. Sedimentary Uranium in South Australia 's Frome Embayment: A case history of the first discoveries, 1967-1974.
- Gibson D and Wilford J. Variability in landscape evolution rates and the preservation of regolith.
- Gibson D. Using AEM imagery to map palaeo strand lines in the Loxton Parilla Sands, Murray River corridor, Victoria .
- Gray D (Keynote). The top down paradigm - do plants control groundwater and weathering in semi arid Australia.
- Halas L, Clarke J and Tan KP. Mapping the murray river floodplain, South Australia using a high-resolution digital elevation model.
- Hill S. A regolith and landscape evolution framework for mineral exploration under cover in the Northern Flinders Ranges, Frome Embayment, South Australia.
- Hou B. New insights into landscape evolution of the Eucla Basin and palaeochannels, Southern Australia.
- Hough R. A new view of hypergene and supergene gold. Clues for ore paragenesis and exploration.
- Lawrie K. (Keynote) - Recent advances in the application of hydrogeophysics and regolith geoscience for groundwater and salinity mapping and management.
- McQueen K. Key geochemical parameters of the regolith.
- Noble R. Transport and deposition of colloidal gold in saprock fractures.
- Pain C. Input of geomorphic and regolith mapping to the Interim Biogeographic Regionalisation for Australia (IBRA).
- Petts A. Studying surface attributes to reveal hidden regolith profiles. Geochemistry and mineralogy of termite mounds of the Coyote Au-deposit and surrounds, Western Australia.
- Pillans B. (Keynote). Geochronology of regolith-landform evolution in Australia : a brief review.
- Rogers S. (Keynote). How CRC LEME has provided breakthroughs in exploration through cover: 14 years of innovative regolith geoscience R&D.
- Smith M. Lake Muir - Unicup Natural Diversity Recovery Catchment - groundwater chloride/bromide ratios.
- Tan KP, Lawrie K and Apps H. Customised products delivered using airborne EM and hydrogeological data to assist in land use management along the Murray River in New South Wales and Victoria , Australia.
- Wilford J, James J and Halas L. A hydrogeological-landscape framework providing new insights into salinity processes and management approaches.
- Wong V, Cullen K, Halas L, Tan KP and Lawrie K. - Above-ground responses to below-ground processes: integrating remote-sensing and airborne electromagnetics for salinity management.
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