June-July 2008
LEME Board Honours and thanks Staff and Students at Wind-Up Dinners
To mark the close of business at end June 2008, three Presentation Dinners were held in Canberra, Adelaide and Perth.
LEME personnel, along with accolades from their peers, received engraved plaques, trophies and framed certificates in recognition of their significant contributions to LEME over the past seven years. These were presented by Mr George Savell, Board Chair, and Dr Steve Rogers, CEO.
LEME Honorary Fellowships
For Outstanding Contributions to the Development and Promotion of Regolith Science:
- Dr Charles Butt
- Dr Steve Hill
- Mr John Keeling
- Dr Ken Lawrie
- Dr Ken McQueen
- Dr Colin Pain
- Dr Steve Rogers
- Mr Keith Scott
- Ms Lisa Worrall
Citations and photos of these and other LEME Honorary Fellows
L-R: Steve Rogers, George Savell and Paul Shand, Adelaide 27.6.08
For Outstanding Scientific Management and Delivery:

L-R: Steve Rogers, George Savell and Ravi Anand, Perth 3.7.08
Team Awards for Outstanding Scientific Achievements
- Large Scale Regolith Mapping in Northern Territory and Queensland (Team - Mike Craig (Leader), Ian Robertson and Matilda Thomas)
- River Murray Corridor Airborne Electromagnetics Project (Team: Dr Ken Lawrie(Ldr), Dr Colin Pain, Dr Ross Brodie, Ms Heike Apps, Dr Jon Clarke, Dr Kokpiang Tan, Ms Vanessa Wong, Ms Janine Luckman, Mr David Gibson, Ms Larysa Halas, Ms Kristen Collen, Mr Adore Makui)
- Palaeodrainage and Tertiary Coastal Barriers of South Australia (Team: Dr Bahong Hou (Ldr), Dr Wenlong Zang, Dr Adrian Fabris, Mr John Keeling, Ms liliana Stoian)
- WA Acid Drainage Geochemistry Risk Assessment (Team: Dr Paul Shand (Ldr), Mr Rob Fitzpatrick, Dr David Gray, Dr Ruyan Noble, Ms Margaret Smith, Mr Adam Lillicrap, Dr Grant Douglas, Mr Brad Degens, Dr Richard George, Dr Steve Rogers)
- Yilgarn Laterite Atlas (Team: Dr Matthias Cornelius (Ldr), Dr Ian Robertson, Ms Amanda Corneliusm Dr Paul Morris)
- AMIRA Project 778: Predictive Goechemistry in Areas of Transported Overburden (Team: Dr Ravi Anand (Ldr), Mr Mel Lintern, Dr Steve Wakelin, Dr Rob Hough, Mr Craig McFarlane, Dr Brian Townley, Mr Cajetan Phang, Dr Ryan Noble, Miss Adrienne Gregg, Mr Michael Korsch, Dr David Gray, Dr Graham Carr, Dr Mehrooz Aspandiar, Dr Steve Hill, Ms Siriporn Soongpankhao, Mr Nathan Reid, Ms Tenten Pinchand)
Special Award
To the CSIRO VISUAL RESOURCES UNIT (Team: Angelo Vartesi and Travis Naughton)
In thanks and appreciation for over 13 years professional delivery of outstanding designs, graphics, posters, publications and other visual aids for CRC LEME