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research program 1

regolith geoscience

Queensland Regolith Map

Project Leader : Mike Craig, Geoscience Australia

Start date and duration: 01/07/06 – 30/06/08

Participants : Geoscience Australia, Geological Survey of Queensland (GSQ)

Brief project description:

1. Construct a 1:2 Million scale Regolith Map of Queensland (seamlessly connected to the NT Regolith Map and associated products), and the 1:250 k scale interpretative underpinning product.

2. Construct an Atlas of Regolith Materials of Queensland


Deliverables (outputs) and expected impacts of research (outcomes):


1. Regolith Map of Queensland - 1:2 Million scale

2. Atlas of Regolith Materials of Queensland

3. Digital files relating to the Regolith Map of Queensland

4. Digital files relating to the Atlas of Regolith Materials of Queensland

5. Hardcopies of the 1:2 Million scale Regolith Map and the Atlas


1. First time available state-wide coordinated assessment of regolith materials, regolith distribution and major landform associations.

2. First time available Atlas of Regolith Materials of Queensland

3. Seamless connection with NT Regolith Project products from Queensland , together forming the basis of a National Regolith Map and Australian Atlas of Regolith Materials as a future GA goal.



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