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Undergraduate students 2002-2008

Firstname Lastname Project Prog Supervisors University
Sean Adamas Sedimentology, regolith and hydrogeology of the Goods Road Paleochannel, Helena Catchment, SWA
Mehrooz Aspandiar CUT
Gabriel Anderson Biological factors in regolith formation
John Field (ANU) ANU
Ian Anderson Regolith and groundwater at Balladonia 3 Jonathan Clarke (ANU), Patrice de Caritat (GA) ANU
Nicole Anderson Tectonic controls on landscape evolution of the Olepoloko-Wahratta fault system and Mesozoic placer Au systems, Tibooburra, NSW 2 Nick Direen UA
Ben Austin Regolith and salinity mapping (NSW salt action) 3 Leah Moore (UC) UC
David Baker Ground penetrating radar, DC resistivity and visualisation techniques to map 3D physical properties of regolith 2 Steve Hill UA
David Baker Electromagnetic profiling of the regolith with magnetic modeling of deeper structures at Kalkaroo mineral prospect, Curnamona Province, South Australia 1 John Joseph (UA), Mark Tingay (UA) UA
Lisa Bambic Eutrophication in closed environments 3 David Ellis (ANU), Sara Beavis (ANU) ANU
Peter Bamford Geochemical dispersion and under-cover expression of gold mineralization at Wyoming deposit, Tomingley, NSW 2 Ken McQueen (ANU), Bear McPhail (ANU) ANU
Brian Barrett Geophysical techniques in groundwater studies
Graham Heinson (UA), Mike Hatch (Zonge), Andrew Telfer (Australian Water Environments Ltd) UA
Fern Beavis Mobilisation of anthropic Pb in the regolith 3 David Ellis (ANU), Susan Welch (ANU) ANU
Kristy Bewert Regolith landform aspects and environmental management around the Cadia Mining Area, Central NSW 2 Ken McQueen (ANU), Bear MCPhail (ANU) ANU
Katherine Broxholme Investigation into the effects of 3D conductivity structures in the regolith on magnetotelluric measurements. 2 Graham Heinson (UA) UA
Christopher Buxton A lithological and geochemical investigation of the regolith at The Hercules Prospect, Southern Cross, WA 2 Mehrooz Aspandiar (CUT) CUT
Allan Cadd Regional geophysical study of crustal architecture near Challenger, for understanding Archaean Au mineral systems and rgolith development, northwest Gawler Craton 2 Nick Direen (UA) UA
Bronwyn Calleja Soil mapping using high resolution radiometrics
Paul Wilkes (CUT) CUT
Barrett Cameron Rapid acquisition of audio frequency magnetotellurics 2 Anton Kepic (CUT) CUT
Tristan Campbell The role of geophysics in the monitoring of soil moisture and the zone of influence of trees
Anton Kepic (CUT) CUT
Nigel Cantwell High resolution geophysical methods for gold exploration under regolith cover – Songvang Prospect, Agnew, Western Australia 2 Jason Meyers (CUT) CUT
Hashim Carey Optimum location of mise-à-la-masse electrodes in mineral exploration
Graham Heinson (UA), Mike Sexton (Newmont), Andrew Foley (Newmont) UA
Tessa Chamberlain Regolith & landscape evolution of the Tibooburra Inlier NSW 3 Steve Hill (UC), Ken McQueen (UC) UC
Carly Chor Reconstruction of late Quaternary climates in semi-arid north east of South Australia, Flinders Ranges 3 Martin Williams (UA), Karen Barovich (UA) UA
Andrew Christian 4D regolith-landform mapping and environmental change of the Shoalhaven River delta, NSW 1 Steve Hill (UC), Ian Roach (UC), Colin Pain (GA) UC
Brendan Coleman Innovative electrical geophysical methods for exploration beneath cover 2 Graham Heinson (UA), Mike Sexton (Newmont), Stewart Greenhalgh (UA) UA
Troy Cook Geological Engineering significance of swelling clays of the Brigadoon area within the Perth metropolitan region, WA 2 Mehrooz Aspandiar CUT
Brendan Corscadden Geophysical characterisation of the Thunderbox orebody and overlying regolith to assist future gold exploration in the Eastern Goldfields, Western Australia 1 Paul Wilkes (CUT) CUT
Kieran Coupe Acid generation and chemical release from the south Undup dredge spoils storage facility : scale and environmental sig. 3 Ron Watkins CUT
Berlinda Crowther An integrated remote sensing approach to regolith mapping: An example from the Cootamundra region NSW 1,2,3 Prame Chopra (ANU)Jonathan Clarke (ANU), Richard Greene (ANU) ANU
Rodney Dann Groundwater evolution of Stephens Creek, Broken Hill 3 Steven Hill (UC), Patrice de Caritat (GA) UC
Adam Davey Innovative electrical and electromagnetic methods for improved regolith and sub-regolith exploration 1 John Joseph (UA), Graham Heinson (UA) UA
Jessie Davey Regolith and landscape evolution of the Mt Browne and Mt Poole inliers, Thompson Fold Belt, NW, NSW 1 Steve Hill (UA) UA
Owen Davis Detection of uranium bearing stratigraphy beneath cover 1 Jayson Meyers (CUT) CUT
Jennifer de Livera Copper and Zinc mobility in the regolith 2 Bear McPhail (ANU) and Dirk Kirste (ANU) ANU
Tania Dhu Environmental monitoring using electrical resistivity tomography 2 Graham Heinson (UA), Stewart Greenhalgh (UA) UA
Katie Dowell Origin of precious black opal, Lightning Ridge NSW 1 John Mavrogenes (ANU) ANU
Clint Dubienecki Regolith-landform mapping and morphotectonics of the upper Four Mile Creek catchment, northeastern Flinders Rangers Rangefront, Souht Australia 1 Steve Hill (UA) UA
Russell Eade Geophysical signatures of gold bearing epithermal high sulphidation systems 1 Paul Wilkes (CUT) CUT
Reece Foster The use of SASW methods to image the regolith 3 Anton Kepic (CUT) CUT
Cassie Gabell Characterisation of regolith through hyperspectral analysis of Fe species 1 Pat James (UA), Alan Mauger (PIRSA) UA
Deanne Gallasch Regolith carbonate - bedrock - plants: trace element geochemical dispersion and hosts near the Four Mile West uranium prospect, South Australia 1 Steve Hill (UA) UA
Sarah Gibbons Gold nuggets and calcretes in the Tibooburra-Milparinka goldfields, NW, NSW 1 Steve Hill UA
Karen Gilgallon Geophysical investigations of palaeochannels in the Lake Bryde area, WA 3 Paul Wilkes (CUT) CUT
Daniel Glanville The regolith and landscape evolution of the Byrock area, NSW 2 Ian Roach (ANU), Ken MCQueen (ANU) ANU
Osvaldo Gonzalez The geology and landscape history of the El Capitan area near Cobar 2 Ken McQueen (UC), Leah Moore (UC), Ian Roach (UC) UC
Robert Grzegorzek Detailed 3D mapping and evolution of the Eldee Creek Fan, Broken Hill 2 Steven Hill (UA), Martin Williams (UA) UA
Peter Haddrill Surface and groundwater flow system development in central West New South Wales: Implications for dryland salinity hazard mitigation 3 Leah Moore (UC), Simon Benger (UC) UC
Emma Halligan Inland acidic groundwater, Swan Avon catchment, WA 3 Mehrooz Aspandiar (CUT), David Gray (CSIRO) CUT
Tim Hamilton Sources, sinks and pathways of iron and manganese in the Cotter River catchment, ACT 3 Bear McPhail (ANU) ANU
Kathleen Harvey Groundwater flow systems on Ordovician sediments 3 Colin Pain (GA), Leah Moore (UC) UC
Phillip Heath Study of potential field gradient methods for exploration beneath cover 2 Stewart Greenhalgh (UA), Graham Heinson (UA), Pat Cuneen (GPX Pty Ltd) UA
Andrew Hector Upper Four Mile Creek palaeosediments and associated palaeolandscape reconstructions, Eromanga Basin, northern Flinders Ranges, South Australia 1 Steve Hill (UA) UA
Brad Hewson Geology and controls on Ni-mineralisation in the Murrin Murrin Area, WA 2 Mehrooz Aspandiar (CUT) CUT
Andrew Higgins Physicochemical properties of regolith in the Loveday Basin SA 3 Susan Welch (ANU), Sara Beavis (ANU) ANU
James Hughes Geochronology and landscape evolution of the Wombat area, SE NSW 1 Ian Roach (ANU), Brad Pillans (ANU) ANU
Simeon Hui Sources and sinks of uranium in the regolith 2 Bear McPhail (ANU), Patrice de Caritat (GA) ANU
Karen Hulme Mt Gunson waste tailings a future reserve? 3 Andreas Schmidt-Mumm (UA) UA
Rochelle Irwin Mineralogy of acid drain sediments in the WA Wheatbelt 3 Bob Gilkes (UWA), Steve Rogers (CSIRO L&W) UWA
Lloyd Isaacson The distribution of acidity, salts and metals in a highly modified acid sulfate soil backswamp, Mays Swamp, Kemsey, NSW 3 Sue Welch (ANU), Sara Beavis (ANU) ANU
Mikaela Jennings Soil biota contributions to surficial geochemical signatures through transported regolith, Four Mile catchment near Beverley Uranium Mine, SA 1 Steve Hill (UA) UA
Carey Johnstone The potential hydrogeochemical effects on the local environment from seepage of Ni laterite process effluent near Bandalup Hill, Ravensthorpe 3 David Gray (CSIRO), Mehrooz Aspandiar (CUT) CUT
Cameron Jones Modelling and visualization of geology, regolith and geophysics to assist nickel exploration in the Kambalda area, WA 2 Paul Wilkes (CUT) CUT
Matthew Jones Physical and mineralogical characteristics of the Ravensthorpe Nickel project 2 Charter Mathison (UWA), Charles Butt (CSIRO) UWA
Marion Kehoe The role of Thiobascillus ferroxidans in the oxidation and weathering of pyrite in ASS. 3? Susan Welch (ANU), Sara Beavis (ANU) ANU
Amy Kernich Major and trace element mobilisation and fixation in regolith profiles and drainage systems at the Luxembourg site, Curnamona Province 1 Andreas Schmidt-Mumm (UA), Martin Williams (UA) UA
William Kimber Regolith geology and groundwater of the Pinjarra Lakes South Australia 1 Jonathan Clarke (ANU), Bear McPhail (ANU) ANU
Gemma King A comparison of three-dimensional gravity inversion techniques over the Laverton region of Western Australia 2 Paul Wilkes (CUT), Cook (Anglogold Australia) CUT
Kevin Kinnison Partitioning of acid in acid sulfate soils
Dirk Kirste (ANU), Sue Welch (ANU), Sara Beavis (ANU) ANU
Erik Kristiansen Geophysical investigations to assist hydrogeological studies and salinity migration 4 Paul Wilkes (CUT) CUT
Adam Kroll Comparative study between AEM systems using data for the West Musgrave Complex, Western Australia 3 Jason Meyers (CUT) CUT
Jane Larsen Hydrogeological investigations, Lake Bryde, WA 3 Qadeer Rathur (CUT), Mehrooz Aspandiar (CUT) CUT
Jennifer Leonard Vegetative uptake of gold and pathfinder elements by native dry schlerophyll forest
John Field (ANU) ANU
Amy Lockheed Finding blind orebodies: geochemical exploration for large nickel-copper PGE sulphides on the Western Gawler Craton 2 Karen Barovich (UA) UA
Jack Lowrey Plant biogeochemistry of gold mineralisation buried by an aeolian dunefield, Tunkillia South Australia
Steve Hill (UA) UA
Sean Mahoney Remote sensing techniques for geological mapping and interpretation of basement and thinly covered terrains adjacent to the Tarcoola mine site, NW South Australia 1 Pat James (UA), Graham Heinson (UA), Alan Mauger (PIRSA) UA
Vjekoslav Matic Integrating geophysics for regolith landform characterisation in Fitzroy Basin, Qld, and application to natural resource management 4 Prame Chopra (ANU) ANU
Anna Mayo Plant biogeochemistry in the central Gawler gold province, SA 1 Steve Hill (UA) UA
Samuel McDermott Developing a regolith-landform mapping approach for environmental applications in the Lower Onkaparinga River, Adelaide, South Australia 3 Steven Hill (UA), Pat James (UA) UA
John McDonald Copper transport in the regolith 2 Bear McPhail (ANU) ANU
Liam McEntagart Geochemistry of calcretes, Barnes prospect, Gawler Craton, South Australia 1 Andreas Schmidt-Mumm (UA) UA
David McEvaney New Bendigo - South Waratta landscape evolution 1 Steve Hill (UA), Alan Collins (UA) UA
Sam McHarg Regolith distribution and Au geochemistry in salt lake overlying Au deposit 2 Lindsay Collins (CUT), Mehrooz Aspandiar (CUT) CUT
Joanna McMahon Regional-scale geochemical and biogeochemical expression of uranium prospectivity in the Four Mile Creek catchment, South Australia 1 Steve Hill (UA) UA
Rebecca Morgan Regolith expression of a massive sulphide deposit 1 Mehrooz Aspandiar (CUT), Ravi Anand (CSIRO) CUT
Dougal Munro Regolith controls on geochemical dispersion in the CSA area, Cobar NSW 2 Ken McQueen (ANU) ANU
Michael Neimanis Mine site rehabilitation at Mt Boppy Mine, NSW 1 Ken MCQueen (ANU), Richard Greene (ANU) ANU
Nick Nitschke To determine if the present stage of erosion and sedimentation in the Flinders Ranges and Olary Region is or is not tectonic, climatic or anthropogenic in origin
Martin Williams (UA) UA
Margarita Norvill A geophysical investigation of the relationship between gravity ridges and ironstone hosted gold/copper mineralisation in the northern Tennant Creek region of the Northern Territory, and the implications for further exploration
Paul Wilkes (CUT) CUT
Matt Noteboom The effectiveness of dipole-dipole time domain IP in the presence of conductive overburden
Anton Kepic (CUT) CUT
Jacob Paggi Regolith investigations using geophysical methods for mineral exploration in the Cue region, Western Australia 2 Paul Wilkes (CUT) CUT
Alexandra Pengelly Continuous mapping of zinc-oxides undercover in the Beltana Region 1 Pat James (UA), Steven Hill (UA) UA
Benjamath Pewkliang

Kate Pfeiffer Predictive petrophysics in regolith-covered Au-hosting Proterozoic terranes with specific reference to Callie-DBS-Granites area, Tanami gold province 2 Nick Direen (UA) UA
Karen Pittard The contribution of magnetite to the induced polarisation response of the Centenary ore body
Anton Kepic (CUT) CUT
Jason Raapana Biogeochemical indicators of mineralisation 2 John Field (ANU), Richard Greene (ANU) ANU
Daniel Radulovic Environmental assessment and mine site rehabilitation of tailings, Mt Gunson 3 Andreas Schmidt-Mumm (UA) UA
Tim Raggatt Spectral discrimination of soil, regolith and vegetation attributes within Herrmann catchment, Mount Lofty Ranges, SA 3 Megan Lewis (UA), Rob Fitzpatrick (CSIRO L&W) UA
Angela Ratchford Surface and groundwater-flow system development in Hovell Creek, Central West NSW: Implications for dryland salinity hazard mitigation in granitic landscapes 3 Leah Moore (UC), Ken McQueen (UC) UC
Anne Riesz Hydrogeochemistry and regolith properties of the Harden-Boorowa region, NSW 4 Dirk Kirste (ANU) ANU
Louisa Roberts Spatial prediction of soil properties using high-resolution gamma-ray spectrometry and EM-31/38 Data, Boorowa NSW 3 John Field (ANU) ANU
Claire Robertson Tree growth survival and regolith in salt affected landscapes at Blackwod/Bridgetown area, SW Western Australia 1 Ravi Anand (CSIRO), Paul Wilkes (CUT) CUT
Katherine Selway Using CSAMT, GPR and electrical resistivity to develop improved targeting in conducting ground 2 Graham Heinson (UA), Steve Busuttil (MIM Exploration), Terry Ritchie (MIM Exploration) UA
Jacob Smith Hardrock seismic to image near-vertical structures 1 Anton Kepic (CUT) CUT
Peter Somerville The role of cyclic salts & minerals weathering in salinisation in the Boorowa catchment 4 Sara Beavis, Ian White, Richard Greene (ANU) ANU
Paul Southwell Regolith geology and landscape evolution of the Upper Tyagong Creek catchment: Implications for dryland salinity and land management 2 Leah Moore (UC) UC
Edward Summerhayes Mobility of zinc in the regolith: Hemimorphite solubility 2 Bear McPhail (ANU) ANU
Susan Tate Characterisation of regolith materials in the Girilambone Region, Northwestern Lachlan Fold Belt, NSW 2 Richard Greene (ANU) ANU
Jarad Townsend Time domain electromagnetics in conductive environments—comparison of sensors for best late time response 2 Anton Kepic (CUT) CUT
Layla Tucker New Bendigo plant biogeochemistry 1 Steve Hill (UA) UA
Luke Tylkowski The development of calcrete in the Murray Basin 1 David Chittleborough (UA) UA
Michael Wall Land management & water rock interactions in the Murray Basin limestones—Part 1
Yvonne Bone (UA), Ben Hopkins (AWA), Vic Gostin (UA) UA
Jodi Webb The role of shrink swell clay soils on surface stone formations 1 John Magee (ANU), Richard Greene (ANU) ANU
Toby Wellman Mine site rehabilitation
Alexander Nemchim (CUT) CUT
Michael Whitford Electrical and seismic properties of regolith above gold mineralisation in saline lake environments 2 Jayson Meyers (CUT) CUT
Rachael Wilson Palaeodrainage reconstruction at "The Pimples", northern Flinders Ranges: implications for uranium mineralisation and exploration
Steve Hill (UA) UA
Hellen Wipf Land management & water rock interactions in the Murray Basin limestones—Part 2
Yvonne Bone (UA), Ben Hopkins (AWA), Vic Gostin (UA) UA
Paul Wittwer Calcrete gold anomalies in the Curnamona Province 2 Karin Barovich (UA) UA
Thomas Woolrych Regolith controls on geochemical dispersion in the Cobar goldfield NSW 2 Ken McQueen (ANU), Ian Roach (ANU) ANU
Gabriel Yeates Salinity dynamics in a sand bed stream: the Wollombi Brook, upper Hunter catchment, NSW 3 Susan Welch (ANU), Ben Macdonald (ANU) ANU

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