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Education & Training

Program Leader and MCA Lecturer - Dr Ian Roach Australian National University, Canberra

Minerals Council of Australia Courses

Companies that are doing mineral exploration the same way over the same ground, are wondering why they're not getting a result. New ways to carry out this exploration are being discovered all the time.

In order to be competitive you need to know the latest exploration methods that are leading to significant discoveries. CRC LEME backed by the Minerals Council of Australia (MCA), a core participant of CRC LEME, is at the cutting edge of techniques and technologies to explore through regolith, and is working with mineral exploration companies to give them a competitive edge.

CRC LEME has developed industry-specific short courses, supported by the MCA, for students and industry geoscientists, under the MCA's Minerals Tertiary Education Council (MTEC) Program. The LEME contribution is coordinated by our MCA lecturer, Dr Ian Roach.

Since 2001 CRC LEME has been delivering Honours level training courses to students and minerals industry geoscientists including:

  • Regolith Geology and Geochemistry (RGG) (2007 19-23 Feb)
  • Regolith Mapping and Field techniques (RMF) (2007 19-23 March)
  • Introduction to Hydrogeochemistry (HGC) (2007 16-20 April)
  • Environmental Mineralogy (EMN) (2007 18-22 June)
  • Advanced Remote Sensing for mineral exploration and natural resource management (RSM)

All courses are offered as part of the MCA-VIEPS Advanced Mineral Geoscience Course program. Please download the 2007 brochure [PDF, 445 kb] for more information about future courses.

In 2007 (12-23 March) we are also offering one Masters-level course on Regolith Geology and Mineral Exploration to industry professionals and postgraduate students that may be taken individually or as part of the G3 Masters in Economic Geology through CODES, JCU or UWA: Details in the 2007 brochure.


To find out more about other MCA education activities, visit the MCA website.



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CRC LEME is established and supported under the Australian Government's Cooperative Research Centres Program. The CRC Program is an Australian Government initiative which brings together research groups with common interests.

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