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Program Leader - Dr Ian Roach



Congratulations to:

Chris Gunton (Phd, ANU), who has submitted his thesis "An experimental study of the effect of NcCl and Na2SO4 on Cu2 and Zn adsorption onto synthetic geothite". February 07

Kamal Khider (Phd, ANU), who has submitted his thesis "Regional geochemical dispersion of elements in the regolith of the Girilambone region, central west MSW". February 07

LEME Phd, Masters and Honours Students 2007

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First Last Degree Project Prog Supervisors Uni Year
Simon Abbott PhD Application of geophysical technologies for 3D visualization of palaeochannels and use of this information for management of dryland salinity in Western Australia. 4 Jayson Meyers, Anton Kepic, Keith Smettem CUT 2004
Sean Adams Honours TBA TBA TBA CUT TBA
Andrew Baker PhD Isotopic and geochemical studies of soil-regolith-rock interactions with ground waters, stream waters and base metal mineralisation: implications for mineral exploration and the environment 1 Rob Fitzpatrick, John Foden AU 2002
Glen Bann PhD Dryland salinity, biodiversity and geodiversity: biotic and abiotic indicators 4 John Field, Colin Pain ANU 2003
Bahman Bayat PhD Indirect exploration of ore deposits in weathered terrains with airborne gravity gradiometry 2 Anton Kepic, Jayson Meyers CUT 2005
Fern Beavis PhD Diagenetic and anthropogenetic transformations of metals and other elements in regolith 2 David Ellis, Sue Welch ANU 2006
Kirsty Beckett PhD Multispectral analysis of high spatial resolution, 256-channel radiometrics for soil and regolith mapping 3&4 Jayson Meyers, Anton Kepic, Richard George CUT 2002
Cynthja Bolton Honours Dating of the Willandra History of Aridity in Western NSW 1 Ed Rhodes, Rainer Grun ANU 2006
Aaron Brown PhD Regolith geochemistry and biogeochemistry of the White Dam Cu-Au deposit, Curnamona Province, SA 1 Steve Hill AU 2002
Paul Carlile PhD Development of semi-distributed catchment hydrology model for simulation of land-use change, streamflow and groundwater recharge within the Little River Catchment, NSW. (SUBMITTED DEC 05) 4 Tony Jakeman, Brian Lees ANU 2004
Troy Cook PhD Geochemical investigation into the acid generating potential of wetland sediments of the Gnaugara and Jandakot Mounds : Implications for long-term water quality 3 Ron Watkins CUT 2004
Steven Cotter PhD The nature, origin and geochemistry of chert breccias at Mt Isa 1 Graham Taylor, Ravi Anand UC 1998
Mike Craig PhD Regional regolith and landscape evolution in the eastern Goldfields, Yilgarn Craton, Western Australia 1&2 Ken McQueen, Graham Taylor, Colin Pain UC 1998
Robert Dart PhD The origin and distribution of calcrete in Southern Australia 1 Karin Barovich, David Chittleborough, Steve Hill AU 2004
Jessie Davey PhD Mesozoic regolith in SW Eromanga Basin 1 Steve Hill, Neville Alley AU 2006
Tania Dhu PhD Electrical and EM studies of regolith and sub-regolith structure 1 Graham Heinson, Stewart Greenhalgh AU 2003
John Drewry PhD Modelling nutrient generation in Australian catchments: land use, regolith and management factors affecting surface and groundwater quality 3 Tony Jakeman, Barry Croke ANU 2004
Clint Dubienecki Honours Regolith-landform mapping and subsurface structure, Paralana Tenement, Beverley Uranium Mine, SA 1 Steve Hill, David Giles AU 2007
Michael Durkay PhD Effect of drains on soil properties in SE SA 3 David Chittleborough, Steve Hill AU 2003
John Fawcett TBA TBA TBA Rob Fitzpatrick UA TBA
Kathryn Fitzsimmons PhD Relationships between regional landform patterns and landscape history in the Lake Eyre Basin dunefields 1 John Magee, Ed Rhodes ANU 2003
Luke Foster PhD Landscapes, geochemistry, and GIS at Marlborough Qld. 2 Tony Eggleton, Colin Pain ANU 1997
Mark Fritz PhD Baseline geochemistry of South Australian saline and acid sulfate soils 3,4 Rob Fitzpatrick AU 2003
Baihua Fu PhD Fingerprinting suspended sediment in spatial and temporal scales in Australian coastal catchments 3 Tony Jakeman, John Field, Lachlan Newham ANU 2005
Deanne Gallasch Honours Regolith carbonate chemistry and origins, Four Mile Ck prospect, Beverley Uranium Mine, SA 1 Steve Hill, Karin Barovich AU 2007
Lachlan Gibbins PhD Measuring hydraulic conductivity with streaming potentials 4 Graham Heinson AU 2004
Chris Gunton PhD Element dispersion and mobility in the regolith 2 Bear McPhail, Andy Christy ANU 2002
David Haberlah PhD Aeolian dust accessions to regolith, Flinders Ranges, SA 1 Martin Williams, Steve Hill AU 2006
Michael Hatch PhD The use of shallow geophysical techniques to help characterise hydrological parameters 4 Graham Heinson AU 2005
Philip Heath PhD 3-D automated inversion of potential field tensor data 2 Stewart Greenhalgh, Nick Direen AU 2003
Andrew Hector Honours regolith-landform mapping and palaeodrainage, Paralana Tenement, Beverley Uranium Mine, SA 1 Steve Hill, David Giles AU 2007
Andrew Higgins PhD Loveday Basin or similar 3 Sue Welch ANU 2007
Karen Hulme PhD Biogeochemistry of river red gums ( Eucalyptus camaldulensis ) in the Curnamona Province and adjacent parts of SA and NSW 1 Steve Hill, Steve Rogers AU 2003
Hughes James Honours Regolith dating project 1 Ian Roach, Brad Pillans ANU 2007
Julia Jasonsmith PhD Salinity tracers in the Hunter catchment, NSW 3,4 Bear McPhail, Ian White, Ben Macdonald ANU 2007
Mikaela Jennings Honours Soil-Biota interactions, Beverley Uranium Mine, SA 1 Steve Hill, Karin barovich AU 2007
Kamal Khider PhD Regional chemical dispersion processes in the regolith of Cobar Nymagee area, Central West, NSW 2 Ken McQueen, Bear McPhail ANU 2002
Sukhyoun Kim PhD Electrokinetic groundwater exploration 4 Graham Heinson AU 2006
Sam Lee PhD Hydrogeology of the Cape Range karst and coastal plain aquifers, Exmouth, NW Australia 3 Qadeer Rathur, Lindsay Collins CUT 2002
Matthew Lenahan PhD Origin, nature and mobility of salt in the regolith 4 Bear McPhail, Dirk Kirste ANU 2003
Mel Lintern PhD The role of biological and non-biological factors in the formation of Au anomalies in calcrete 2 Lindsay Collins Mehrooz Aspandiar, Ravi Anand CUT 2001
David Little PhD Investigation, quantification and modelling of regolith interactions in rhizospheres in temperate landscapes in SE Australia 1 John Field, Sue Welch, Steve Rogers ANU 2003
Jack Lowrey Honours Plant Biogeochemistry at Tunkillia, central Gawler Craton SA 1 Steve Hill AU 2006
Joanna McMahon Honours shrub-grass-biota biogeochemistry, Beverley uranium mine, SA 1 Steve Hill, Karin Barovich AU 2007
Aija Mee PhD Origin, formation and environmental significance of sapropels in shallow Holocene coastal lakes of southeastern Australia 1 David McKirdy, Martin Williams, Evelyn Krull AU 2003
Nicole Mikkelson PhD Freshwater-saline water interactions in aquifers 4 David Ellis, Sara Beavis ANU 2006
Michael Neimanis PhD Uranium biogeochemistry in plants 1 Steve Hill, Stephen Hore (PIRSA) AU 2006
Margarita Norvill PhD The use of distributed sensor arrays in electrical imaging 2 Anton Kepic, Jayson Meyers CUT 2002
Anna Petts PhD Termitaria and other landscape indicators of sub-surface regolith, Tanami 2 Steve Hill, Lisa Worrall AU 2004
Nathan Reid PhD Biogeochemistry of regolith associated with Au deposits in the Tanami, WA and NT 1 Steve Hil, David Lewis AU 2005
Mark Reilly PhD Evolution and internal architecture of ephemeral streams and delta/splay complexes, Umbum Creek, Lake Eyre, Central Australia 1 Simon Lang, Steve Hill AU 2003
Mohammad Rosid PhD Groundwater investigations using the seismo-electric method 3 Anton Kepic CUT 2001
Greg Shirtliff PhD Weathering of waste rock dumps at Ranger Uranium Mine 1 Tony Eggleton ANU
Suzanne Simons PhD U-Th-Pb systematics of opaline silica: implications for the dating of surface processes 1 Alexander Nemchin CUT 2002
Michael Smith PhD The geochemical evolution of alkaline salt-affected soils on the western slopes of northern New South Wales 4 Dirk Kirste Bear McPhail ANU 2003
Margaret Smith PhD Groundwater acidification process with the Lake Muir-Unicup natural diversity recovery catchment, Western Australia 3 Ron Watkins, David Gray CUT 2005
Peter Somerville PhD Dryland salinity in the Widden Creek Valley in the Upper Hunter Valley NSW 3 and 4 Ian White, Sara Beavis, Sue Welch ANU 2005
Siriporn Soongpankhao PhD Geochemical dispersion mechanisms into regolith with application to selection of sample media, Gnaweeda, WA 2 Mehrooz Aspandiar CUT 2005
Camilla Sorensen PhD Mapping of the regolith using Passive Seismics in combination with other geophysical methods 4 Ken Lawrie Monash 2005
Greg Street PhD Interpretation of geophysics for catchment management 4 Jayson Meyers CUT 2000
Mark Thomas PhD Combining remote sensing and terrain analysis with conceptual toposequence models in two dry saline land affected areas (Jamestown and Mt Lofty Ranges) for up-scaling root zone constraints 4 Graham Heinson Rob Fitzpatrick, Megan Lewis AU 2002
Michael Turner PhD 3 Dimensional pore scale characterisation of the permeability and porosity of regolith materials 4 Bear McPhail, Mark Knackstedt ANU 2002
Sarah Tynan PhD Geochemistry of heavy metals in coastal and inland sediments 3 David Ellis, Bradley Opdyke ANU 2005
Alistair Usher PhD Gold mobility and geochemistry in hypersaline solutions 2 Bear McPhail, David Gray ANU 2003
Luke Wallace PhD Geochemistry and hydrogeology of inland acid sulphate environments 3 Bear McPhail,Sue Welch ANU 2004
Paul Wilkes PhD Geophysics in the search for diamonds 2 Jayson Meyers, Simon Wilde CUT 2000
Rachael Wilson Honours Palaeodrainage remnants in northern Flinders Ranges 1 Steve Hill AU 2006
Vanessa Wong PhD The effects of salinity and sodicity on soil carbon stocks and fluxes 4 Richard Greene, Graham Farquhar ANU 2004
Martin Worthy PhD Major water quality degrading events in the Cotter River Catchment : characteristics and management 3 Robert Wasson, Mike Hutchinson, John Magee ANU 2004
Pierre-Allain Wulser PhD Mobility of uranium and rare earth in the Mt Painter-Lake Frome-Curnamona Craton Regions, SA : Geochemical and temporal controls 2 Joel Brugger, John Foden AU 2003




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CRC LEME is established and supported under the Australian Government's Cooperative Research Centres Program. The CRC Program is an Australian Government initiative which brings together research groups with common interests.

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