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Education & Training

Program Leader - Dr Ian Roach, The Australian National University, Canberra

Regolith Teaching and Training Materials

Project Leader: Ian Roach, ANU

Start Date: July 2006 - 2 years

Participants: The University of Adelaide, The Australian National University, Curtin University of Technology

Products February 2008 onward

Open File Report 206. 2007. Environmental Mineralogy - Honours Shortcourse. [3.67MB] Aspandiar M, Eggleton RA and Troitzsch, Presenters. Course History.

Open File Report 236. 2008. Fowlers Gap Regolith Field Class, National Undergraduate Regolith Geology School: Lecture notes and reading material. [31.6 MB ] Contents.

Brief project description :

This project includes outputs and outcomes that previously became the refocus of 'Virtual Regolith Worlds', but because of a change in outputs the project name has been changed. The main emphasis on this project is for the provision of regolith teaching and training materials, used in the delivery of undergraduate, Honours and external client courses. This includes the writing and presentation of lecture, practical and field-teaching materials; remote sensing and basemap imagery and presentation; and undergraduate student mapping and sampling programs. The quality of these teaching materials ensures that CRC LEME science is an integral part of teaching courses, particularly within university undergraduate courses and the MTEC shortcourse program. This project enables for the provision of high-quality teaching materials (ie. the content) for 2 of the 3 of the major objectives of CRC LEME's E&T program:

  • "Provide workshops, seminars and training courses on regolith geoscience and related disciplines, directed at students, industry, government and institutional professionals"; and,
  • "Contribute regolith content to university" courses

Presently there is a major deficit in the provision of quality teaching materials for regolith geoscience. This is necessary for the delivery of courses via the core party universities but also for providing materials for other teaching requirements in regolith geoscience.

Deliverables (outputs) and expected impacts of research (outcomes):


  • Quality teaching content for the delivery of under-graduate courses in regolith geoscience;
  • Quality teaching content for the delivery of MTEC shortcourses
  • Regolith geoscience and remote sensing digital data package for Fowlers Gap Arid Zone Research Station (first edition). This will include a compilation of remote sensing, maps and analytical results derived from previous CRC LEME courses at this much utilised regolith teaching site
  • Production of teaching materials to contribute to regolith geoscience text-book

Anticipated Publications:

  • Roach, I.C. & Hill, S.M. Fowlers Gap Regolith Geoscience Research and Teaching Data Compilation. Preliminary CD compilation, CRC LEME
  • Hill, S.M. & Roach, I.C. Regolith geoscience research and teaching at Fowlers Gap, western NSW. BHEI conference poster and abstract .
  • Roach, I.C. & Hill, S.M. South Sandstone Paddock 1:25k regolith-landform map. CRC LEME
  • Hill, S.M. & Roach, I.C. Connors Paddock 1:25k regolith-landform map. CRC LEME
  • Hill, S.M. & Roach, I.C. Regolith geoscience research and teaching at Fowlers Gap, western NSW. 2006 Regolith Symposium refereed abstract.
  • Hill, S.M., Roach, I.C. Greenwood, D & Greenwood, D. Long-term regolith and landscape evolution of the Sandy Creek catchment, WNSW. Geomorphology


  • The legacy of this work includes the increased skill and knowledge in regolith geoscience of graduates in Earth Sciences; continued recruitment of Honours and PhD students; and greater industry skill and knowledge.
  • Impressive content for contributions of regolith geoscience to teaching and training courses
  • Production of "industry-ready" graduates with regolith geoscience skills and knowledge

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