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Field Guide for Describing Regolith and Landforms

CF Pain

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The use of standard terminology for the characterisation of site attributes, such as landform and vegetation, and for the description of regolith has obvious benefits for the various organisations in Australia concerned with regolith investigations. Some uniformity in the description of regolith has been achieved over the years with the publication of RTMAP Regolith Database Field Book and Users Guide (Pain et al. 1991, 2007), Regolith landform mapping in the Yilgarn Craton, Western Australia: towards a standardised approach (Craig et al. 1999) and Genesis, classification and atlas of ferruginous materials, Yilgarn Craton (Anand et al. 2002). Because there are a number of possible approaches (for example, in setting class limits) for many attributes, the classes adopted here are taken, where possible, from Australian standards—and in particular The Australian Soil and Land Survey Field Handbook (McDonald et al. 1990, NCST 2008), which is considered to be most appropriate for Australian conditions. This Guide is based largely on the field component of Pain et al. (2007). It covers a range of field observations that are convenient to measure or observe, and are relevant both to practical problems of mineral exploration and natural resource management, and the scientific study of regolith. Improvements will depend to a degree on the use of more systematic methods in the recording of field observations, in order to test the underlying, often un-stated models that often guide the recording of such observations. It is hoped that the use of this Guide will allow the development of more concise, or more relevant, field observations than those recommended in it. Improvements will come only from knowledge of the precise needs of clients.



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