R. Fitzpatrick and P. Shand
Introduction - Regolith 2006 (Page 1)
R. R. Anand
Biotic or abiotic mineralisation of ferruginous pisoliths in tertiary palaeochannel sediments, Yilgarn
Craton (Page 2)
M.F. Aspandiar and T. Eggleton
Weathering of biotite: micro to nano scale reactions in the regolith (Page 5)
G.R. Bann and J.B. Field
Dryland salinity in South East Australia: a localised surface water and soil degradation process (Page 9)
A.Barton, J. Cox, P. Dahlhaus and A. Herczeg
Groundwater flows and groundwater-surface water interations i nthe Corangamite CMA region (Page 377)
F.R. Beavis, D.J. Ellis, S.A. Welch and D. Kirste
Geochemistry of sediments in response to urbanization in merimbula/pambula estuaries (Page 14)
S. Beavis, S. Welch, F. Beavis, A. Higgins, D. Kirste, P. Somerville and L. Wallace
The relationship between wetting and drying cycles and pedal structure, fabric and mineralogy at Loveday
Lagoon (Page 18)
S. Beavis, S. Welch and D. Kirste
The relationship between soil physical properties and chemical fluxes, Loveday Lagoon (Page 23)
C.R.M. Butt and R.M. Hough
Crystallographic controls on the Weathering of gold (Page 24)
J.D.A. Clarke
An extraterrestrial perspective on terrestrial regolith (Page 28)
M. Cornelius, A.J. Cornelius, I.D.M. Robertson and P.A. Morris
Laterite geochemical map of the Western Yilgarn Craton (Page 33)
R.G. Cresswell
Dryland salinity in Queensland: how do we compare? (Page 35)
R.G. Cresswell, D. M. Silburn, A.J.W. Biggs, J.C. Dighton, R. Devoil, D. Rassam and V.H. McNeil
Hydrogeochemistry of Hodgson Creek Catchment, Queensland Murray-Darling Basin (Page 42)
- R.C. Dart, D.J. Chittleborough and K.M. Barovich
Gold distribution through the regolith profile: examples from the White Dam Prospect, Olary, South
Australia (Page 48)
J.E. Davey & S.M. Hill
Mesozoic Palaeolandscape Reconstruction of the Southern Eromanga Basin: Mineral Exploration
Undercover Implications for the Thomson Orogen, Curnamona Province & the Gawler Craton (Page 53)
P. de Caritat, N. Lavitt, D. Kirste and M. Grimley
Groundwater composition in the Cannington region, Australia: controlling processes and applications to
mineral exploration (Page 56)
P. de Caritat, M. Lech, A. Kernich, S. Jaireth and A. Fisher
Low-density geochemical survey in the Central Gawler Craton: preliminary results and implications for
mineral exploration (Page 59)
M. Dürr, S.A. Wakelin, S.L. Rogers, I. White, B.C.T. Macdonald and S. Welch
Archeal diversity of an acid sulphate soil in coastal northern NSW (Page 63)
T. Eggleton and G. Taylor
Pisoliths -formed by accretion or internal reorganization? (Page 67)
A. J. Fabris and J.L. Keeling
Exploration through transported cover: summary of approaches and methods (Page 71)
A.J. Fabris, J.L. Keeling, R.W. Fidler
A Comparison Of Geochemical Exploration Techniques: Curnamona Province (Page 74)
J.B. Field
The effects of biota on the formation of regolith: where are we up to, and where to from here (Page 78)
R. Fitzpatrick and R. Merry
Geochemistry of drains in Tilley Swamp, Upper South-East, South Australia (Page 84)
A. Fitzpatrick, T. Munday, V. Berens, M. Hatch, R. Brodie and K. Cahill
Rapid determination of salt-loads along the River Murray using an airborne electromagnetic system (Page 90)
K.E. Fitzsimmons
Regional landform patterns in the Strzelecki Desert dunefield: dune migration and mobility at large scales (Page 95)
B. Fu, J.B. Field and L.T. Newham
Tracing the source of sediment in Australian coastal catchments (Page 100)
D. Gibson
Collating ages of Cainozoic volcanics to determine rates of landscape development (Page 105)
D.J. Gray and R.R.P. Noble
Recent advances in hydrogeochemistry (Page 109)
R.S.B. Greene, R.M. Joeckel and J.A. Mason
Dry saline lakebeds as potential source areas of aeolian dust: studies from the Central Great Plains of the
USA and SE Australia (Page 113)
J. Greenfield, W. Reid, P. Gilmore, P. de Caritat, M. Lech, S. Hill, K. Hulme, J. Watkins and L. Worrall
The Thomson Orogen Project - a work in progress (Page 118)
D. Haberlah
Depositional models of late Pleistocene fine-grained valley-fill formations in the Flinders Ranges, SA (Page 122)
L. Halas, H. Apps, J. Wilford
Integrated spatial data analysis and 3d visualisation for understanding the groundwater flow and salinity
processes (Page 127)
M. Hatch, G. Heinson, T. Munday, V. Berens, A. Fitzpatrick
First look at fast-sampling towed-rig EM data collected on land (Page 131)
G. Heinson, M. Hatch, T. Dhu, S. Kim, L. Gibbins, R. Neroni, G. Fily, and G. Duval
Developments in hydrogeophysical research (Page 136)
A. Higgins, S. Beavis, D. Kirste and S. Welch
Physicochemical properties of sediments: Loveday Disposal Basin, South Australia (Page 139)
A.M.C. Horbe and S.F. Peixoto
Geochemistry of Pitinga Bauxite Deposit - Amazonian Region - Brazil (Page 144)
B. Hou, A. Fabris, L.A. Frakes, R.A. Chan and J.D.A. Clarke
Models and methods of palaeoshoreline/channel deposits in exploration -aspects of Australian cases (Page 147)
R. Hough, R. Anand, C. Ryan, M. Norman, D. Belton, B. Etschmann, C. Phang and C. Harland
New approaches to detect true element residence in regolith materials (Page 151)
R. Hough, S. Reddy, G. Hitchen, D. Vaughan, R. Anand, R. Hart & M. Saunders
Supergene gold at the Golden Virgin Pit, Parker Range, Western Australia (Page 154)
S.S.M. Hui, D.C. "Bear" McPhail and P de Caritat
Sources and sinks of uranium in the Albury-Wodonga Region (Page 156)
K.A. Hulme, C.E. Dunn and S.M. Hill
Biogeochemistry for mineral exploration in Canada & Australia: a comparison based on international
collaboration (Page 161)
L. Isaacson, D. Kirste, S. Beavis and S. Welch
Controls of acid, salt and metal distribution at a coastal acid aeolian soils site (Page 166)
J.M. James, J.W. Wilford and L. Halas
Bedrock structural inputs to new-generation Groundwater Flow System (GFS) mapping In UPL and landscapes: a progress report on the Bet Bet Catchment Study, Victoria (Page 171)
J. Joseph
The feasibility of the airborne fluxgate magnetometer as an exploration tool - results from three dimensional numerical modelling (Page 175)
J. Joseph, S. Kim and A. Fabris
Electromagnetic surveys of the regolith profile over the Kalkaroo Mineral Prospect, Curnamona Province,
South Australia (Page 180)
J.L. Keeling
Central Gawler Craton - towards an integrated strategy for mineral exploration (Page 185)
K. Khider and K.G. McQueen
Gold dispersion in calcrete-bearing regolith of the Girilambone Region, Western NSW (Page 190)
S. Kim, G. Heinson and J. Joseph
Field measurements of electrokinetic potential during a pumping test (Pagw 196)
S. Lamontagne, W.S. Hicks, L. Wen, N. Souter
Salinity response of Loveday Disposal Basin to experimental flooding (Page 202)
K. Lawrie
Improving the outcomes of salinity management in Australia's regolith landscapes: lessons learned from 5 years of research in CRC LEME, and new opportunities identified (Page 206)
M.J. Lenahan, D.M. Kirste, R.G. Cresswell, D.C. Mcphail AND L.K. Fifield
Unsaturated zone dynamics inferred from Cl - and 36 Cl: Central New South Wales, Australia (Page 209)
M. Lintern
Death by gold (Page 213)
M. Lintern
There's gold in them thar sand hills! (Page 215)
J.R. Lowrey and S.M. Hill
Plant biogeochemistry of au-mineralisation buried by an aeolian dunefield: Tunkillia, SA (Page 217)
A.J. Mauger
Hyperspectral analysis as applied to regolith studies in South Australia (Page 221)
D.J. McAvaney and S.M. Hill
Neotectonism along intracratonic basin margins: regolith and landscape evolution of Warratta South -
New Bendigo Inliers, Northwestern New South Wales (Page 223)
D.C. "Bear" McPhail, A. Usher and F. Reith
On the mobility of gold in the regolith: results and implications from experimental studies (Page 227)
K.G. McQueen
Unravelling the regolith with geochemistry (Page 230)
K.G. McQueen and K.E. Fitzsimmons
Getting those papers written and published (Page 236)
J. Meyers, O. Davis and M. Urosevic
Seismic reflection studies of uranium bearing stratigraphy at the Beverley Mine, South Australia (Page 242)
N. Mikkelson, D. Ellis, S. Beavis and D.Kirste
The geochemistry of a coastal aquifer system: Merimbula, NSW (Page 244)
T. Munday, A. Fitzpatrick, R. Doble, V. Berens, M. Hatch, and K. Cahill
The combined use of air, ground and 'in river' electromagnetics in defining spatial processes of
salinisation across ecologically important floodplain areas - Lower River Murray, SA (Page 249)
M.J. Neimanis and S.M. Hill
Plant biogeochemical expression of uranium mineralization in Australia: research outline and preliminary
results (Page 256)
R.R.P. Noble
Enrichment of arsenic, chromium and lead in soils near the Stawell Gold Mine, Victoria (Page 260)
R.R.P. Noble and D.J. Gray
A Comparison of hydrogeochemical sampling methods (Page 265)
C. Pain
A contextual framework for regolith landform mapping in Australia: making the most of LEME products (Page 268)
A.E. Petts
From the Tanami to Tanzania: termite adventures (Page 270)
C. Phang, S. Williams, T. Munday and H. Waldron
Reflectance spectroscopy of regolith pulps and chips: implications for the detection of alteration
mineralogy in the lower saprolite (Page 274)
B. Pillans
Highlights from the LEME Geochronology Project (Page 279)
J.A.W. Raappana and J. B. Field
Macrozamia communis (L Johnson) as a biogeochemical indicator of mineralisation on the South Coast of
New South Wales (Page 284)
N. Reid, S.M. Hill, D.M. Lewis and L. Worrall
Geobotanical and biogeochemical associations of SNAPPY GUM (Eucalyptus Brevifolia): Tanami
Region, W.A. (Page 288)
F. Reith, S.L. Rogers and A. Schmidt Mumm
Exploration geomicrobiology - the new frontier (Page 291)
I.C. Roach
Tomingley Project, Central Western NSW, 1 : regolith-landform mapping techniques
and implications for landscape evolution (Page 296)
I.C. Roach
Tomingley Project, Central Western NSW, 2 : regolith-landforms of the Tomingley area (Page 301)
I.D.M. Robertson, R.R. Anand and M.A. Craig
New insights into the Northern Territory regolith (Page 305)
L. Ruperto
Heavy mineral sands in the Eucla Basin: A placer deposit study (Page 306)
P. Shand, J. James-Smith, T. Hodgkin, R. Fitzpatrick, S. McClure, M. Raven, A. Love, M. Stadter, T. Hill
AL(OH) 3 clogging in salt interception scheme boreholes at Bookpurnong, Murray Basin: the role of pyrite
and hydroxy-sulfate minerals in ancient coastal acid sulfate sediments (Page 307)
M.J. Sheard
Regolith landform mapping to enhance exploration through thin to moderate cover: a case study from
Wudinna North, Eyre Peninsula-Gawler Craton, South Australia (Page 313)
M.J. Sheard, M.J. Lintern, J.R. Prescott and D.J. Huntley
Optical luminescence dating of sands from the Great Victoria Desert: South Australia's oldest desert dune
system? (Page 318)
M.G. Smith and R.W. Hearn
The Lake Muir-Unicup Catchment: clarifying the geology (Page 322)
P. Somerville, I. White, B. Macdonald, S. Welch and S. Beavis
Groundwater and stream water interactions in Widden Brook, Upper Hunter Valley, NSW: II (Page 326)
S. Soongpankhao
Biogeochemistry of the Bulong nickel-cobalt laterite deposit, Western Australia (Page 330)
G.J. Street
Depositional structure reflected in geophysical signatures in the Southwest of Western Australia (Page 334)
K.P. Tan, T.J. Munday, H.E.J. Apps and L. Halas
Interpreting the electrical conductivity response of regolith materials in various geomorphic settings across
Australia (Page 339)
G. Taylor
Fundamentals of regolith geology (Page 343)
L. Tucker and S.M. Hill
Biogeochemical residence and dispersion of trace metals in the new Bendigo Inlier and Margins,
Northwest NSW (Page 346)
S. Tynan, B. Opdyke, D. Ellis, S. Beavis, S. Welch, D. Kirste and L. Wallace
Interpreting the trace element ratios of freshwater bivalve shells and their application to understanding
environmental variability (Page 350)
L. Wallace, S. Welch, D.C. McPhail, Dirk Kirste and S. Beavis
Preliminary rates of sulfide oxidation under circum-neutral and acidic conditions: Loveday Basin, Lower
Murray Floodplains, South Australia (Page 355)
S. Welch, G. Yates, A. Higgins, L. Wallace, D. Kirste and S. Beavis
Experimental results on sulfur and salt flux from an inland sulfidic system- The Loveday Basin (Page 358)
J. Wilford, J. James and L. Halas
Multi-scale groundwater flow systems: applications for understanding salinity processes and managing dry
saline land (Page 363)
P.G. Wilkes and B.D. Harris
Geoscience, water and salinity in WA rural towns (Page 366)
R.L. Wilson and S.M. Hill
Palaeodrainage reconstruction within the Northern Flinders Ranges near Beverley Uranium Mine: Preliminary research outline (Unpaginated)
V.N.L. Wong, R.S.B. Greene, B.W. Murphy, R. Dalal, S. Mann and G. Farquhar
The effects of salinity and sodicity on soil organic carbon stocks and fluxes: an overview (Page 367)
W. Zang and L. Stoian
Tertiary-quaternary land evolution of the Northwestern South Australia (Page 372)