Regolith 2004
C. Roach
- 1.
pages and Introduction: I.C. Roach
- 2. S. Abbott: Airborne
geophysical data, including electromagnetics, enhances rapid
catchment appraisal in the Upper Kent Recovery Catchment
- 3. R.R. Anand & M. Cornelius:
Vegetation and soil
expression of the Jaguar base metal deposit, Yilgarn Craton
- 4. R.R. Anand, C. Phang & R. Hough:
Multiple hydromorphic
dispersion of gold and ore related elements in transported
overburden at the Lancefield gold deposit, Yilgarn Craton
- 5. N. Anderson, N.G. Direen & S.M.
Hill: The Warratta
Fault: geophysical architecture and landscape evolution significance
- 6. M.F. Aspandiar: Potential
mechanisms of metal transfer through transported overburden
within the Australian regolith: a review
- 7. A.K.M. Baker, R.W. Fitzpatrick & S.R.
Koehne: High resolution
low altitude aerial photography for recording temporal changes
in dynamic surficial environments
- 8. P.L.M. Bamford, K.G. McQueen & K.M.
Scott: Geochemical
dispersion and under-cover expression of gold mineralisation
at the Wyoming gold deposit, Tomingley, NSW
- 9. K.A. Beckett: Observations
on the correlation between uranium and thorium radioelement
channels in Western Australia airborne radiometric surveys
- 10. A.D. Brown: Production
of geochemical atlas pages using DataDesk and ArcGIS
- 11. A.D. Brown & S.M. Hill: Regolith-landform
maps are an essential tool for interpreting regolith geochemistry:
the White Dam, SA, experience
- 12. J. Brugger, W. Liu, B. Etschmann & G.
Foran: Transition
metals in hypersaline solutions: experiments and numerical
- 13. C. Butt & R. Hough: Gold
nuggets: form and composition
- 14. K. Cahill, A. Fitzpatrick & K. Lawrie: Frequency
domain helicopter electromagnetics – reducing the costs
of acquisition for salinity and groundwater mapping
- 15. P.W. Carlile, B.F.W. Croke, A.J.
Jakeman & B.G. Lees:
Development of a
semi-distributed catchment hydrology model for simulation
of land-use change stream-flow and groundwater recharge within
the Little River catchment, NSW
- 16. J.D.A. Clarke: Fan
delta geometry of the Lower Burdekin River system, north Queensland
- 17. J.D.A. Clarke: Influence
of fluvial architecture assumptions in aquifer models: lessons
from the Lower Balonne, southern Queensland
- 18. R.C. Dart, P.D. Wittwer, K.M.
Barovich, D. Chittleborough & S.M.
Hill: Strontium isotopes
as an indicator of the source of calcium for regolith carbonates
- 19. T. Dhu, G. Heinson & J. Joseph:
Viewing the regolith
through different eyes: a new way of interpreting resistivity
- 20. P. English, P. Richardson & M.
Glover: Interpreting
airborne electromagnetic data as an adjunct to hydrogeological
- 21. B. Etschmann, C. Ryan, S. Vogt,
J. Maser, C. Harland & J.
Brugger: Selective
X-ray Bragg spectrometry: optimising fluorescence microprobe
sensitivity for precious metals
- 22. D. Fabel: Cosmogenic
burial dating of shallow deposits – a
preliminary study
- 23. A. Fitzpatrick & J.D.A. Clarke:
The potential
of geophysics to map salt water intrusion in the Burdekin
- 24. A. Fitzpatrick, J.D.A. Clarke & K.
Lawrie: Multidisciplinary
approach to salinity management in the Lower Balonne, southern
- 25. L. Gibbins, G. Heinson & J.
Joseph: Using complex
conductivity to predict hydrology in the regolith
- 26. D. Gibson: Colluvial
slopes: not necessarily simple regolith-landform units
- 27. D.J. Gray & M. Pirlo: Geochemistry
of groundwaters at Tunkillia: similarities and differences
to Yilgarn Craton groundwaters
- 28. C.J. Grose, D.B. Kidd, R.M. Moreton & S.E.
Tate: Quantifying
trends in soil condition: gathering baseline data for developing
targets and supporting informed land management decision
- 29. C. Gunton: Adsorption:
should we care?
- 30. K. Harvey & C.L. Moore: Regolith-landform
mapping: a tool for the strategic management of dryland salinity
- 31. A. Hashemi: HoistEM
data processing for discovery of conductive manganese ore under
- 32. P.J. Heath & N. Direen: Gravity
and magnetic forward modelling of the regolith
- 33. S.M. Hill: Biogeochemical
sampling media for regional- to prospect-scale mineral exploration
in regolith-dominated terrains of the Curnamona Province and
adjacent areas in western NSW and eastern SA
- 34. S.M. Hill, I.C. Roach & J.B.
Field: A collaborative
undergraduate field school for regolith geoscience at Fowlers
Gap, western NSW: 2004 a regolith odyssey
- 35. B. Hou & L.A. Frakes: Tertiary
sea levels and heavy mineral deposition in the eastern Eucla
Basin, SA
- 36. R. Hough, C. Phang, M. Norman & R.
Anand: Alunite as
a mineral host in ferricrete from the Enterprise pit, Mount
Gibson gold deposit
- 37. W.Y. Hui, C. Tenailleau, A. Pring & J.
Brugger: Experimental
study of the transformation of pentlandite/pyrrhotite to
- 38. K.A. Hulme & S.M. Hill: Seasonal
element variations of Eucalyptus camaldulensis biogeochemistry
and implications for mineral exploration: an example from
Teilta, Curnamona Province, western NSW
- 39. E.B. Joyce: Integrating
soils, regolith and slope dynamics in the study of the terroir
of wine regions in central Victoria, Australia
- 40. J. Keeling: Metal
ion dispersion through transported regolith cover at Moonta,
South Australia
- 41. J. Keeling, A. Mauger & M.
Raven: Airborne hyperspectral
survey and kimberlite detection in the Terowie district, South
- 42. M. Kehoe, S. Beavis & S. Welch:
Investigating the
role of biotic versus abiotic processes in the generation
of acid sulfate soils in coastal NSW
- 43. K. Khider: Geochemical
dispersion of elements in Byrock-Hermidale groundwaters, Cobar
region NSW
- 44. S. Kim, G. Heinson & J. Joseph:
Electrokinetic groundwater
exploration: a new geophysical technique
- 45. R. Kriege: Determination
of interfaces within the regolith using near-surface geophysical
and petrographic methods at the Whirling Dervish gold project,
Western Australia
- 46. I. Lau, G.S. Heinson & S.M.
Hill: Explanatory notes
for the 1:30,000 regolith-landform map of White Dam, Olary
Domain, South Australia
- 47. K. Lawrie, J. Wilford, D. Gibson,
C. Pain, L. Roberts, J. Coram, L. Halas, H. Apps, A. Fitzpatrick,
K.P. Tan, C. Sorensen, J. James & S. Tate: Regolith
constraints on modelling salt movements in upland landscapes
in the Murray-Darling Basin
- 48. K. Lawrie & M. Williams: Improving
salinity hazard predictions by factoring in a range of human
impacts in the context of climate change
- 49. M. Lech, P. de Caritat, S. Jaireth & J.
Pyke: Preliminary geohealth
implications of the Riverina geochemical survey
- 50. M.J. Lenahan, D.M. Kirste, D.C.
McPhail & L.K.
Fifield: Hydrogeochemical
controls of variable regolith materials on the distribution,
mobility and age of salts: Barmedman Creek catchment, NSW
- 51. J.A. Leonard & J.B. Field:
Differential distributions
of cations in the regolith and vegetation
- 52. M.J. Lintern, M.J. Sheard & G.
Gouthas: Key findings
from the South Australian regolith project
- 53. D.A. Little, J.B. Field & S.A.
Welch: The life and
times of tree roots: elemental dynamics in the rhizosphere
of co-occurring trees in a mixed-species dry sclerophyll
- 54. X. Luo, Z. Taofa & B. Hou:
The geoelectrochemical
extraction method (CHIM) in exploration for concealed ore deposits
- 55. A.J. Mauger, J.F. Huntington & J.L.
Keeling: Mineral mapping
and spectral logging of the Gawler Craton
- 56. L.B. McEntegart & A. Schmidt
Mumm: Gold
mobility within dune systems on the Barns prospect, Wudinna,
South Australia: a partial extraction approach
- 57. K.G. McQueen, D.C. Munro, D. Gray & M.
Le Gleuher: Weathering-controlled
fractionation of ore and pathfinder elements part II: the
lag story unfolds
- 58. A. Mee, D.M. McKirdy, E.S. Krull & M.A.J.
Williams: Geochemical
analysis of organic-rich lacustrine sediments as a tool for
reconstructing Holocene environmental conditions along the
Coorong coastal plain, southeastern Australia
- 59. D.C. Munro: Geochemical
dispersion in the regolith of the CSA area, Cobar, New South
- 60. R.R.P. Noble: Removing
bias from geochemical interpretation: the application of hypergeometric
- 61. A. Petts & S.M. Hill: Relating
surficial regolith-landform attributes to 3D regolith architecture:
preliminary thoughts and concepts
- 62. B. Pewkliang, A. Pring & J.
Brugger: Opalisation
of fossil bone and wood: clues to the formation of precious
- 63. K. Pfeiffer, N.G. Direen & M.
Sexton: Exploration
under regolith cover, and the problem of remanent magnetism:
an example from the Tanami Au province
- 64. C. Phang, J. Wildman & R.R. Anand: Post-depositional
weathering features and processes in sediments – based
on selected sites in Australia
- 65. B. Pillans: Talking
about time: the geological time scale 2004
- 66. B. Pillans: Tektites
as chronostratigraphic markers in Australian regolith
- 67. T.J. Raggatt & S.M. Hill:
Regolith-landform mapping
within Herrmanns Catchment, Mount Lofty Ranges, SA
- 68. T.J. Raggatt, M. Lewis & R.W.
Fitzpatrick: Spectral
discrimination of soil and regolith attributes within Herrmanns
Catchment, Mount Lofty Ranges, SA
- 69. F. Reith & S.L. Rogers: Gold
flakes and the art of molecular bioscience
- 70. E. Rhodes, V. Farwig, J. Chappell & B.
Pillans: Luminescence
of single quartz grains to determine past movement and heating
- 71. E. Rhodes. K. Fitzsimmons, J.
Magee, J. Chappell, G. Miller & N.
Spooner: The history
of aridity in Australia: preliminary chronological data
- 72. A.L. Riesz & D. Kirste: The
origin and mobilisation of salt in the Upper Hovells Creek
catchment, NSW
- 73. I.C. Roach: Results
of a preliminary biogeochemical survey of the Wyoming Au deposit,
Tomingley, NSW
- 74. B.P. Ruxton: Contrasting
regolith structures: hydroplastic undulations or fluidised
piercement giving megalobes
- 75. A. Schmidt Mumm & F. Reith:
The biogeochemistry
of calcrete forming processes
- 76. M.J. Sheard & I.D.M. Robertson:
Regolith characteristics
and geochemistry as aids to mineral exploration in the Harris
Greenstone Belt, central Gawler Craton, South Australia
- 77. M.L. Smith, S. Eggins & G.
Mortimer: A lead isotope
study of anatase in silcrete
- 78. M.S. Smith, D.M. Kirste & D.C.
McPhail: Mineralogy
of alkaline-saline soils on the western slopes of northern
New South Wales
- 79. P. Somerville, S. Beavis & S.
Welch: Spatial
and temporal variability of acidity at a coastal acid sulfate
soil site
- 80. P. Somerville, R. Greene, S. Beavis,
I. White & S. Welch:
The contribution
of mineral weathering to stream salinity in the Boorowa River,
New South Wales
- 81. K. Tan, T. Munday, D. Gibson & H.
Apps: The relationships
amongst soil moisture content, pore water salinity, texture
and apparent electrical conductivity: evidence from the Riverland
and Tintinara airborne EM projects
- 82. G. Taylor & R.A. Eggleton: "Little
the origin of the Weipa bauxite
- 83. M. Thomas, R.W. Fitzpatrick & G.S
Heinson: Regional
prediction of salt-affected soils in an area of complex soil
patterns in South Australia
- 84. M. Thomas: Biogeochemical
data ranges from Tunkillia Prospect, central Gawler Craton,
South Australia
- 85. K.M. Tomkins, G.S. Humphreys,
R.A. Shakesby, S.H. Doerr, W.H. Blake & P. Wallbrink: Mass
movement events in the south-west Sydney Basin during the Holocene
- 86. M.L. Turner, C.H. Arns, A. Sakellariou,
T.J. Senden, A.P. Sheppard, R.M. Sok, A. Limaye & M.A. Knackstedt:
Obtaining hydraulic properties of unconsolidated porous material
- 87. L.N. Tylkowski, D. Chittleborough & K.M.
Barovich: Origin and genesis of calcrete in the Murray Basin
- 88. V. Waclawik & S. Lang: Geomorphometry
of the Umbum Creek catchment, western Lake Eyre, central Australia
- 89. L.J. Wallace, S.A. Welch, S. Beavis & D.C.
McPhail: Trace metal partitioning in acid sulfate soils,
Mayes Swamp, Kempsey, NSW
- 90. S. Welch, S. Beavis & P. Somerville:
Biogeochemistry at Lake Tyrell
- 91. D. White, D.C. McPhail & D.
Lawie: Fractionation of Zn and Cd in soils proximal and distal
to sulphide mineralisation
- 92. M. Whitford: Geophysical properties
of the regolith near the Victory Gold Mine, Kambalda, Western
- 93. B. Williams & J. Walker: Spatial
variability in hydrological properties at the paddock scale
using EM surveys
- 94. P.D. Wittwer, K.M. Barovich & S.M.
Hill: Geology and geochemistry of regolith carbonate accumulations
of the southwestern Curnamona Province, SA: implications
for mineral exploration
- 95. V.N.L. Wong, R.S.B. Greene, B.W.
Murphy, R. Dalal & S.
Mann: Carbon dynamics in salt-affected soils
- 96. T. Woolrych, K.G. McQueen & I.C.
Roach: Regolith-landforms of the Cobar gold field and geochemical
dispersion at the Illewong prospect
- 97. M. Worthy & R.J. Wasson: Fire
as an agent of geomorphic change in southeastern Australia:
implications for water quality in the Australian Capital Territory
Published by: Cooperative Research Centre
for Landscape Environments and Mineral Exploration (CRC LEME).
©November 2004: Cooperative Research Centre or Landscape
Environments and Mineral Exploration (CRC LEME).
This book is copyright. Apart from any fair dealing for the purposes
of private study, research, criticism or review, as permitted under
the Copyright Act, no part may be reproduced by any process without
the written permission. Inquiries should be addressed to the publisher.