2003 News Archive
LEME Fellows Honoured
The Centre has paid tribute to three people who have made outstanding
contributions to the development and promotion of regolith sciences.
were presented recently to:
The Awards were in the form of an embossed and engraved jarrah
plaques and were presented by CRC LEME Chair, Mr George Savell,
at the conclusion of the Canberra Advances in Regolith 2003 Symposium,
21 November 2003.
EGGLETON is now a Visiting Fellow/ Emeritus Professor in
the Geology Department, Australian National University . He has
spent more than thirty years teaching regolith science to undergraduates
and graduates. Described by one of his PhD students as a prince',
his legacy lives on within LEME notably in the forms of Dr Mehrooz
Aspandiar , Dr Steven Hill and Dr Ian Roach. Among many other awards
Tony was invited to deliver the prestigious Clay Minerals Society
"George W Brindley Lecture" in July 1999. Tony is an authority
on modulated layer silicates (possibly the most complicated mineral
structure) which has led to a modulated layer silicate being named
after him - Eggletonite. Among many publications Tony and Graham
Taylor published the textbook Regolith Geology and Geomorphology,
and Tony produced the excellent and widely used manual The
Regolith Glossary: surficial geology, soils and Landscapes. Tony
and Graham Taylor were Co-Directors of the Centre for Australian
Regolith Studies (ANU/UC) which preceded LEME 1. Tony was one of
the team who successfully bid for the CRC for Landscape Evolution
and Mineral Exploration (LEME 1) (1995-2001) and was its Synthesis
Program Leader/Executive for five years.
FARDON has only just stepped down as CRC LEME Chairman,
after 8 years. He was instrumental in setting up LEME 1 (1994-5)
and steered it through its highly successful and productive years
of research which utilised regolith geology for the benefit of mineral
exploration in Australia . Again in 2001 Ross played a leading role
in renewing the Centre for its second research contract with the
Commonwealth Government (LEME 2). He has continued throughout to
give tremendous support and encouragement to the respective management
teams. Ross undertook pioneering work on nickeliferous laterite
for his PhD at Harvard, and then joined WMC. He was formerly in
charge of mineral exploration for BHP and MIM Holdings and Director
General of the South Australian Department of Mines and Energy.
He has worked extensively in the mining exploration industry in
the Americas and Asia , as well as throughout Australia . He is
extremely busy in his role as Research Consultant of Fardon and
Associates, where he is trying to economically extract kaolin from
a giant regolith blanket in far north Queensland .
TAYLOR has over 25 years of teaching experience (ANU, University
of Hong Kong and UC). He has a passionate enthusiasm for regolith
geoscience, imparting his knowledge to legions of students and contributing
towards the importance of regolith and its educational uptake in
Australian Universities. He currently lectures in rock weathering,
regolith mapping and earth science fundamentals at UC. He developed
(with Tony Eggleton ) Masters by Coursework and Sub-Thesis in Regolith
Studies and undergraduate programs in Soils (ANU/UC). He is an authority
on silcrete and other duricrusts, and loves an argument on "periods
of weathering", landscape processes and regolith formation.
As with his good friend Tony Eggleton , among many publications
Graham produced the textbook Regolith Geology and Geomorphology.
Graham has a decade of involvement with LEME firstly as a founder
Executive Member and Leader of E&T Program in LEME 1, which
was hailed at the 5th Year review as "one of the very best".
He was instrumental in the successful bid for LEME 2 and was
Interim E&T Program Leader.