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Regolith Symposia

Mineral Exploration Seminars


5th Sprigg Symposium

Regolith: Mineral Deposits and Environment

29 November 2007
The University of Adelaide, SA.

This event, hosted by the Geological Society of Australia SA Branch and sponsored by PIRSA and LEME, is held bi-annually in recognition of the remarkable contribution Dr Reginald Sprigg made to geosciences in South Australia. LEME Assistant Director Adelaide, John Keeling, was on the organising committee. It is fair to say that LEME regolith geoscience presentations from senior researchers and students (University of Adelaide) dominated the program. PowerPoint Presentations are available for download as .pdf files:

Sprigg website:


Clinton Dubieniecki. Constraints on the Four Mile uranium mineralisation resulting from neo-tectonic activity in the northern Flinders Ranges

Deanne Gallasch. Uranium mineralisation expression and dispersion in the regolith carbonate-bedrock-plant system near the Four Mile West uranium prospect

Andrew Hector. Upper Four Mile Creek palaeosediments and associated palaeolandscape reconstructions, Eromanga Basin, northern Flinders Ranges, SA

Mikaela Jennings. Biogeochemical trace element cycling over the Four Mile West uranium mineralisation by invertebrate soil biota

Joanna McMahon. Biogeochemical and geochemical expressions of uranium prospectivity across the Four Mile Creek Catchment SA


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