Advances in Regolith: Proceedings of the CRC LEME Regional Regolith
Symposia, 2003.
C. Roach, Editor.
- Copyright info.
- Cover
and contents
- 1. Introduction:
I.C. Roach
- 2. A.K.M. Baker & R.W. Fitzpatrick: Lead
isotopes for constructing geochemical dispersion models in sulfidic
- 3. K.A. Beckett: Airborne
geophysics applied to groundwater modelling.
- 4. D.A. Bennetts, J.A. Webb & C.M. Gray:
Distribution of Plio-Pleistocene
basalts and regolith around Hamilton, western Victoria, and their
relationship to groundwater recharge and discharge.
- 5. E.A. Bestland, G.P. Green & K. Rivett:
Sources of base cations in soil solids
and soil water; examples from Red Brown earths of South Australia.
- 6. K.E. Bewert, K.G. McQueen & D.C. McPhail:
Regolith-landform mapping and soil
survey for mining rehabilitiation and environmental management
in the Cadia Valley, central NSW.
- 7. A.D. Brown & S.M. Hill: Litter
dams: a new method of mapping surface dispersion vectors at the
White Dam Prospect, Curnamona Craton, SA.
- 8. M.C. Brown: Palaeogene
lakes and drainage evolution in the Shoalhaven and Wollondilly
catchments, southeast NSW.
- 9. A.G. Cadd, N.G. Direen & P. Lyons:
Geophysical investigations of crustal
architecture around the Challenger Au mine, Gawler Craton, South
Australia: a basic step towards understanding Au dispersion pathways.
- 10. J.R. Campbell: Limitations
in the laser particle sizing of soils.
- 11. N. Cantwell: High
resolution geophysical methods for gold exploration under regolith
cover, Songvang Prospect, Agnew, Western Australia.
- 12. H. Carey, G. Heinson & M. Sexton:
Lighting up the regolith: applied potential
exploration methods.
- 13. P. de Caritat, D. Kirste, G. Carr &
M. McCulloch: Vectoring towards mineralisation
undercover using groundwater geochemistry: an example from the
Curnamona Province.
- 14. P. de Caritat & C. Reimann: Baseline
geochemistry of surficial regolith, Broken Hill region, Australia.
- 15. K.D. Carthew, R.N. Drysdale & M.P.
Taylor: Tufa deposits and biological
activity, Riversleigh, northwestern Queensland.
- 16. T. Chamberlain & M. Grundy: Predicting
key regolith attributes for salinity assessmenta flexible
approach for broad areas in Queensland.
- 17. J. Chappell: New
determinations of the long-term production and migration of soil,
our largest mineral deposit.
- 18. C. Chor, N. Nitschke & M. Williams:
Ice, wind and water: Late Quaternary
valley-fills and aeolian dust deposits in arid South Australia.
- 19. J.D.A. Clarke: The
limits of regolith: a planetary scale perspective.
- 20. M.E. Clissold, P. Leverett & P.A.
Williams: Gaspeite-magnesite solid
solutions and their significance.
- 21. T.J.F. Cook. R.T. Watkins & R.J.
Watling: The effectiveness of Continuous
Deflective Separation (CDS) pollutant traps in reducing geochemical
input into urban wetlands: a comparative study of two contrasting
stormwater catchments, Perth, WA.
- 22. D. Csaky & P. Please: Salinity
hazard mapping methodologies: the past, present and future.
- 23. K. Czarnota: An
integrated geoscience approach to salinity hazard mapping.
- 24. A. Davey, J. Joseph & G. Heinson:
2D regolith mapping with ground penetrating
radar and time domain EM at a recently discovered Cu-Au orebody:
White Dam, Curnamona Craton, SA.
- 25. P. De Deckker: Saline
playa-groundwater in the Western District of Victoria.
- 26. T. Dhu, G. Heinson & J. Joseph: The
hydraulic and electrical fractal dimension of regolith.
- 27. K.M. Dowell, J.A. Mavrogenes, D.C. McPhail
& J. Chappell: Fantastic Australian
- 28. A. Duk-Rodkin, R.A. Chan & K.G. McQueen:
Drainage evolution and implications
for neotectonics and mineral exploration in the Cobar uplands,
- 29. M.D. Edwards & J.A. Webb: Ground-truthing
of a TEMPEST airborne electromagnetic survey in the salinised
Kamarooka catchment, near Bendigo in central Victoria.
- 30. J.B. Field: Biota,
regolith and landscapes: at the hillslope, profile and lesser
- 31. J.B. Field & G.R. Anderson: Biological
agents in regolith processes: case study on the Southern Tablelands,
- 32. R.W. Fitzpatrick: Overview
of acid sulfate soil properties, environmental hazards, risk mapping
and policy development in Australia.
- 33. K. Fitzsimmons: Longitudinal
and transverse dunes of the Lake Eyre Basin.
- 34. J. Foster & D. Chittleborough: Soil
development on dolomites of the Cambrian Normanville Group at
Delamere, South Australia.
- 35. K.A. Foster: Detailed
regolith-landform mapping for mineral exploration: the Wahratta
1:25,000 regolith-landform map.
- 36. D. Gibson: A new
regolith/geology/landform framework for hydrogeological investigations
in the Angas Bremer Plains area, SA.
- 37. F.X. Gingele & P. De Deckker: Fingerprinting
Australia's rivers using clays and the application for the marine
record of rapid climate change.
- 38. D.H. Glanville, I.C. Roach & K.G.
McQueen: Regolith-landform mapping,
leucitite basalt and the landscape evolution of the Byrock region,
- 39. R. Grzegorzek: The
regolith and landforms of the Anstey Hill Recreation Park, with
particular emphasis on the Gun Emplacement.
- 40. C. Gunton: The role
of salinity on the formation of geochemical anomalies in the regolith.
- 41. D.M. Hart & G.S. Humphreys: Phytolith
depth functions in surface regolith materials.
- 42. A. Hashemi: HoistEM
EM for exploring under regolith cover.
- 43. P. Heath: Evolving
the regolith from gravity and magnetics tensor data: theory and
preliminary results.
- 44. P.P. Hesse, G.S. Humphreys, B.L. Smith,
J. Campbell & E.K. Peterson: Accumulation
and preservation of loess deposits in the Central Tablelands of
New South Wales.
- 45. W. Hicks, R. Fitzpatrick & G. Bowman:
Managing coastal acid sulphate soils:
the East Trinity example.
- 46. W. Hicks, R. Fitzpatrick, S. Lamontagne
& S. Rogers: Risks
of water quality degradation during the remediation of floodplain
salinity in the River Murray.
- 47. S.M. Hill: An undergraduate
regolith-landform education and training program within the Shoalhaven
River catchment, NSW.
- 48. S.M. Hill & L.J. Hill: Some
important plant characteristics and assay overviews for biogeochemical
surveys in western New South Wales.
- 49. S.M. Hill & I.C. Roach: The
regolith-landforms of Sandstone Paddock, Fowlers Gap, western
- 50. R. Hough, C. Phang & R. Anand: Mineral
hosts for gold: a study of transported overburden at the Enterprise
Pit, Mount Gibson gold deposit.
- 51. K.A. Hulme & S.M. Hill: River
red gums as a biogeochemical sampling medium in mineral exploration
and environmental chemistry programs in the Curnamona Craton and
adjacent regions of NSW and SA.
- 52. G.S. Humphreys: Evolution
of terrestrial burrowing invertebrates.
- 53. G.S. Humphreys, R.A. Shakesby, S.H. Doerr,
W.H. Blake, P. Wallbrink & D.M. Hart: Some
effects of fire on the regolith.
- 54. D. Hunter: Forward
modelling Surface NMR for hydrogeological applications in Australia.
- 55. P.R. James: Linking
Research and Teaching in the Earth and Environmental Sciences
through the CRC LEME Education and Training Program.
- 56. J.L. Keeling, A.J. Mauger, K.M. Scott
& K. Hartley: Alteration mineralogy
and acid sulphate weathering at Moonta copper mines, South Australia.
- 57. A.L. Kernich & C. Pain: Geomorphology
mapping for NRM issues, southern Queensland.
- 58. A. Kotsonis & B. Joyce: Regolith
mapping at Bendigo, and its relationship to gold in central Victoria,
- 59. S. Lamontagne, W. Hicks, R. Fitzpatrick
& S. Rogers: Sulfidic materials:
an emerging issue for the management of saline areas in the River
Murray floodplain.
- 60. I.C. Lau, T.J. Cudahy, G. Heinson, A.J.
Mauger & P.R. James: Practical applications
of hyperspectral remote sensing in regolith research.
- 61. S. Lee: Groundwater
geochemistry and associated hardpans in southwestern Australia.
- 62. M.J. Lenahan: Origin
and accumulation of salts in the regolith: Bland Basin, NSW.
- 63. J. Leonard & J.B. Field: The
effect of two very different trees on soil characteristics.
- 64. P. Leverett, A.R. McKinnon & P.A.
Williams: Mineralogy of the oxidised
zone at the New Cobar Orebody.
- 65. D. Little &.B. Field: The
rhyzosphere, biology and the regolith.
- 66. D. Little, J.B. Field & J.C.G. Banks:
Soil & regolith patterns and nutrient
processes across an abrupt woodland-grassland Ecotone.
- 67. A. Lockheed & K.M. Barovich: Finding
blind orebodies: geochemical exploration for large nickel-copper
PGE sulphides on the western Gawler Craton.
- 68. S. McDermott: The
regolith-landforms of the lower Onkaparinga River, SA.
- 69. D.C. McPhail, E. Summerhayes, S. Welch
& J. Brugger: The geochemistry
and mobility of zinc in the regolith.
- 70. A. McPherson: Salt
sources and development of the regolith salt store in the upper
Billabong Creek catchment, SE NSW.
- 71. K.G. McQueen & D.C. Munro: Weathering-controlled
fractionation of ore and pathfinder elements at Cobar, NSW.
- 72. D. Mitchell, M. Lewis, B. Ostendorf &
D. Chittleborough: Mapping surface
and subsurface soil properties using geophysical remote sensing
and regolith information.
- 73. A. Nemchin: U and
Th decay chains: application to regolith chronology.
- 74. R.R.P. Noble, J. Watling, R. Watkins
& J. Dugdale: Recognition of buried
gold ore bodies in western Victoria based on soil bacterial leaching
and other chemical leach analyses.
- 75. C. Pain & P. Kilgour: Regolith
mapping - a discussion.
- 76. M. Paine: Nature
and extent of Pliocene strandlines on the Dundas Tableland, southwestern
- 77. A. Pengelly & P. James: Regolith
mapping and interpretation of airborne hyperspectral data for
zinc silicate/oxide mineralisation near Beltana in the northern
Flinders Ranges of South Australia.
- 78. R.T. Pidgeon: Application
of the (U-Th)/He geochronology to date hematite and other iron
minerals produced during weathering.
- 79. B. Pillans: Dating
ferruginous regolith to determine seismic hazard at Lucas Heights,
- 80. M. Raghimi: Properties
of soils affected by saline and acid seeps, West Dale, Southern
- 81. M.R.W. Reilly, S.C. Lang & S.M. Hill:
Landforms and sediments of Umbum Creek
and adjacent plains, Lake Eyre Basin, South Australia.
- 82. F. Reith: Evidence
for a microbially mediated biogeochemical cycle of gold - a literature
- 83. E. Rhodes, J. Chappell & N. Spooner:
Age and mobility of arid regolith:
assessment by luminescence dating methods.
- 84. I.C. Roach: Three
years of MTEC.
- 85. L.M. Roberts, J. Wilford, J.B. Field
& R.S.B. Greene: High-resolution
ground based gamma-ray spectrometry and electromagnetics to assess
soil properties at Boorowa, NSW.
- 86. C. Robertson: Relationships
of regolith and tree survival in a eucalyptus blue gum plantation.
- 87. S. Rogers, R. Fitzpatrick, S. Lamontagne
& W. Hicks: Application of functional
molecular biology technologies to the study of biological processes
in sulfidic environments.
- 88. M.S. Rosid & A.W. Kepic: Electrokinetic
sounding method to map hydrogeological boundaries.
- 89. B.P. Ruxton: Kinetics
of organic matter in soils.
- 90. S. Simons: Application
of SHRIMP for U-Pb and U-series dating of opal.
- 91. M. Smith: Preliminary
investigation of salinisation at Bellata, NSW.
- 92. M. Smith: Soil
hydrological processes of salinisation in the Bamganie-Meredith
district, Victoria.
- 93. M.L. Smith, S. Eggins & B. Pillans:
U-Pb dating of anatase in silcrete.
- 94. N. Stahl & J.B. Field: Stream
salinity in a coastal catchment, Bega, NSW: a conceptual Model.
- 95. K.P. Tan: The distribution
of pathfinder elements at the North Portia Prospect, Lake Frome
Embayment, South Australia.
- 96. S.E. Tate, R.S.B. Greene, K.M. Scott
& K.G. McQueen: Characterisation
of regolith materials in the Girilambone region, northwestern
Lachlan Fold Belt, NSW.
- 97. B. Thomas, R.W. Fitzpatrick, R. Merry
& W. Hicks: Managing coastal
acid sulfate soils: The Barker Inlet example.
- 98. M. Thomas, R.W. Fitzpatrick & G.S.
Heinson: Mapping complex soil-landscape
patterns using radiometric K%: a dry saline land farming area
case study near Jamestown, SA.
- 99. K.M. Tomkins & P.P. Hesse: Post
Mid-Miocene evolution of the Macquarie River valley, New South
- 100. M. Turner, A. Sakellariou, C. Arns,
R. Sok, A. Limaye, T. Senden & M. Knackedt: Towards
modelling regolith permeability with high resolution X-ray tomography.
- 101. V. Waclawik: Neo-tectonism
and Lake Eyre.
- 102. J.-A. Wartho: Ar-Ar
and K-Ar dating of continental weathering.
- 103. J. Webb: The role
of soil shrink-swell in the formation of patterned ground.
- 104. S.A. Welch & D.C. McPhail: Mobility
of major and trace elements during biologically mediated weathering
of granite.
- 105. M.T. Wilkinson, G.S. Humphreys, J. Chappell,
K. Fifield & B. Smith: Estimates
of soil production in the Blue Mountains, Australia, using cosmogenic
- 106. L. Worrall: Exploring
through cover on the Gawler Craton: reducing risk by integrating
the interpretation of geophysical and geochemical data on the
- Author index.
Published by: Cooperative Research Centre
for Landscape Environments and Mineral Exploration (CRC LEME).
©November 2003: Cooperative Research Centre or Landscape Environments
and Mineral Exploration (CRC LEME).
This book is copyright. Apart from any fair dealing for the purposes
of private study, research, criticism or review, as permitted under
the Copyright Act, no part may be reproduced by any process without
the written permission. Inquiries should be addressed to the publisher.