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Student Area


Student Area

Information for current LEME students

To our students: We would like to develop this page into an area where you can find out about each other and discuss your research and activities. It will also be a resource centre for things you need to know about your association with LEME (such as the Scholarship rules above). If there are things you'd like to see on this page, we'd like to know about them! Please email us with your suggestions.

Scholarship rules


Supervisors Form: This information is required for our records, and a form must be completed by anyone who is appointed as a Supervisor of a LEME student

Scholarship Extension Application Form: To be submitted by Postgraduate students no later than two months prior to the expiry of a Scholarship

Postgraduate Application Form.

Honours Application Form.

2004 AAG Student Paper Competition

AAG  Web SiteThe Association of Applied Geochemists will hold its fifteenth biennial Student Paper Competition this year. Papers eligible for the competition must address an aspect of exploration geochemistry and represent research performed as a student. The student must be the principal author, and the paper must have been published in any refereed scientific journal no more than five years after completion of the degree for which the research was performed. A nomination may be made by anyone familiar with the work of the student. Nominations must be accompanied by four copies of the paper. The deadline for receipt of the nominations is December 31, 2004.

The prize consists of a $500 Canadian cash prize, donated by SGS Canada, a two-year membership to the Association of Applied Geochemists with receipt of "Geochemistry - Exploration, Environment, Analysis" and "EXPLORE", and up to US $500 for expenses to attend an AAG sponsored meeting. A photograph and curriculum vitae of the author and abstract of the prize-winning paper will be published in "EXPLORE" as soon as possible after the announcement of the award.

Mail to: Dr Ian D.M. Robertson
Chairman, Student Paper Competition
c/- CSIRO Exploration and Mining
PO Box 1130
Bentley WA 6102
Phone: +61 8 6436 8690
Fax: +61 8 6436 8555

Full details are available from the Chairman of the competition (address above) or from the AAG Home Page under 'Students'.


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CRC LEME is established and supported under the Australian Government's Cooperative Research Centres Program. The CRC Program is an Australian Government initiative which brings together research groups with common interests.

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