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Digest from the CRC LEME Board Meeting
Held 28 November 2002, Canberra

Dennis Gee, CEO

4 December 2002

In recognising that LEME staff and students have an interest in Board matters, it was decided that the CEO should prepare a Digest of Proceedings compiled from the minutes, and that these should be posted on the LEME intranet for general interest. Here are the main points:

Strategic Plan

At last we have a strategic plan in an advanced draft form that is endorsed by the Board. The CEO was authorised to review the version submitted to the Board in light of their comments, and place it on the LEME web site at his discretion. We are required by the Commonwealth Agreement under which we operate to produce a new Strategic Plan in our second year. It has had a somewhat tortured gestation because of the many and varied inputs form a wide range of people. The latest version is a short succinct statement of strategic priorities, together with objectives, how we meet them and how we can be measured against the objectives. Details on project schedules, milestones, budgets and staffing appear in the Operational Plan, which will be updated following our forthcoming project reviews.

The Plan is here on our website for everyone to read, digest, and hopefully embrace. The CEO will be happy to receive comments.

ANU Proposal to Assume Obligations and Entitlements of University of Canberra

For reasons of stated impecuniosity (impecunia is a better word), University of Canberra formally advised the Board in September that as from 1 January 2003 they will not be in a position to continue their annual cash contribution to the CRC. Consequently a special LEME Board meeting decided unanimously to ask UC to retire from the CRC. The CRC will endeavour to cooperate with UC after it ceases to be a core participant. At the time ANU indicated to the Board an interest in picking up the obligations and entitlements of UC.

A formal proposal was put to the November Board by ANU, the essence of which was an additional cash contribution of $50,000 to assume the CRC entitlements due to UC for the remainder of this financial year. This would involve the assumption by ANU of present LEME-funded positions, operating resources attached to projects, and financial support for LEME scholarships.

ANU's clearly stated intention was for this arrangement to be offered to LEME for ensuing years, and it would resubmit a further proposal for a full $200K contribution in the budget preparation process for next financial year.

The Board accepted the ANU proposal in principle, pending the resolution of matters of detail relating to staff and students. Both the Board and ANU were most desirous of retaining the capabilities of Ken McQueen, and discussions are ongoing which all parties hope will be successful.

The Board was empathetic with the concern of some Board members representing some core participants that the nature and scope of projects being undertaken by UC should continue. The ANU Board representative endorsed this view.

Financial Management

It was noted that financial management and reporting practices for some core participants are to improve for better efficiency and effectiveness. The CEO was directed to look at ways of improving quality and timeliness of financial information to enable informed decision making. This will be discussed at Executive, and probably will involve introduction of informal accrual accounting reporting to be practiced by project leaders.

This will be a topic to be further discussed at the March 2003 Board meeting (Board /Executive Workshop).

Position Paper on AEM

The Board desires that we make more contribution to issues of current interest, and has requested that we prepare a short position paper on policy, application and interpretation of AEM in salinity mapping. The competing claims can be very confusing in the eyes of non-professional stakeholders. One issue here is the political pitfalls in not clearly distinguishing between data, and images that are commonly called salinity "hazard" maps, and salinity "risk" interpretations.

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Program 4 Projects

The Board endorsed in principle, a proposal from Andy Herczeg, forwarded by Mirko Stauffacher of CSIRO Land & Water, for an existing Program 1 project (Inland Acid Sulphate Soils) to be redefined and transferred to Program 4 as Salt mobilisation and Water Quality. Board endorsement was subject to attention to comments from some Executives that there should be more diversity of participants in the project.

This move is important as it heralds an increasing presence of CSIRO Land &Water in LEME and adds very significantly to the project work being undertaken in Program 4.

Protocols with Bureau of Rural Sciences

Following the separation of BRS from LEME, Paul Wilkes has been most successful in establishing new protocols with BRS in regard to future work on State NAP salinity projects. This enables LEME to deal directly with States, either independently, or as an equal partner with BRS. The first results of this are new arrangements for current NAP projects in South Australia and Queensland. The Board approved the signing (by Paul Wilkes and Colin Grant of BRS) of a proforma agreement setting out the Summary of Outputs and Responsibilities, in respect of South Australian NAP projects in collaboration with BRS. The Board expressed pleasure that the setbacks with the separation of BRS seem to be offset by major advances in developing P4 projects which have the potential to bring in significant levels of external funding.

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Program 2 Leader

The Board held the view that the vacant Program 2 Leader position, and Assoc Prof Mineral Exploration position at Curtin University, should both be advertised internally and externally. These positions may be filled by one person or separately.

Safety Policy

The Board sub-committee tabled a draft Field Safety Manual and Procedures. This is based on the Geoscience Australia guide. It is proposed that this be the "highest common denominator" to define LEME Duty of Care. However, it is emphasised that LEME people attached to core participants will be subject to the guides prepared by their host institutions. The CEO is to review the draft and, when finalised, direct the best course of action to promote its adoption. It is also to be reviewed by HR sections of the host institutions.

Land Use Advisory Council

The Land Use Advisory Council met on 23-24 September in Canberra. The resulting report tabled by its Chair, Kevin Goss, can be viewed by staff.

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Next Board Meeting

The date for the next Board meeting is set for 14 March 2003, and the agenda items will include:

  • Formal adoption of Strategic Plan (hopefully a past issue by then!)
  • eport on financial management and reporting practices
  • Project reviews
  • Preparation for the 2nd year review.

In regard to the project reviews, this means that the CEO will probably convene a travelling technical panel to have one-to-one reviews of all individual projects. This would need to take place in February 2003.

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CRC LEME is established and supported under the Australian Government's Cooperative Research Centres Program. The CRC Program is an Australian Government initiative which brings together research groups with common interests.

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