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A culmination of ambitious projects commenced in 1995, which will become the definative statments and reference books for mineral explorers in Australia and overseas. Released September 2005.

UPDATE: In line with recent policy (May 07) to promulgate its findings, and leading to the cessation of business for the CRC on 30 June 08, all CRC LEME publications will be provided free of charge, and posted "Cash on Delivery" as required.

Enquiries to LEME Head Office:

Regolith Expression of Australian Ore Systems

Editors: CRM Butt, IDM Robertson, KM Scott and M Cornelius

In addition to basic data, this monograph includes information on exploration procedures, terrain analysis, sample type, sampling interval, analytical procedure, element selection and data interpretation. It will provide an improved understanding of the impact of weathering and rgolith on exploration methods, leading to reductions in the cost of exploration for concealed mineral deposits.

Regolith Landscape Evolution Volume

Editors: RR Anand and P de Broekert

This monograph will provide a better understanding of regolith processes and enhance our ability to deal with areas of transported cover. It integrates the results from 51 regolith-landscape evolution case studies providing a collective reference for the Australian environment. With the basic data the monograph includes a synthesis of the geochronology of the Australian regolith, a guide to regolith-landform mapping summarised by regional-scale landscape models and discussions of the weathering histories of selected regions, and brief descriptions of the climate and vegetation.

Click here for further information and to view the Poster (Sept 05) [1.7MB]

These Volumes were released on 19 September 2005 and are priced at $30 each (incl GST). P&P extra. For overseas purchases the same price applies - $30. This price only reflects the actual production costs, not the extraordinary value of the research.

Individual Case Histories are downloadable from our web site at:

Regolith Expression........

Regolith Landscape.......

Enquiries to CRC LEME Publications Officer: Email:


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