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Aeolian Dust

Implications for Australian mineral exploration and environmental management.
Abstracts Volume, Field Guide.

Dust storm, Hay Plain NSW [Steve Hill]Program, Abstracts and Field Guide of the symposium held at the Australian National University, Canberra, ACT, on the 25th and 26th of November, 1998.

These are intended to prove valuable as both an official record of the symposium and field trip and as a source of reference material for people involved in all areas of teaching and research related to aeolian dust.

The symposium was structured into sessions under the following themes: Nature of Aeolian Dust; Environmental Applications of Aeolian Dust Accessions; Role of Aeolian Dust in Soil-Landscape Processes; and Implications of Aeolian Dust for Mineral Exploration.

The field trip, to four sites in the Canberra-Yass area, aimed to demonstrate profiles where the aeolian component is significant. The sites show that in many cases the aeolian component of the regolith is not immediately obvious and requires detailed study to prove its presence, expecially where it is admixed with residual soil. It is only by the integration of geomorphology, soil science, geochemistry and mineralogy that the regolith geologist will be able to elucidate some understanding of the regolith processes and landscape evolution of sites affected by aeolian input. Field Guide: 9 illustrations colour, 9 B&W.



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