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Education & Training

MTEC Program

LEME was a major contributor to the Minerals Council of Australia’s Minerals Tertiary Education Council (MTEC) Honours and postgraduate minerals training program over its lifetime. In 2006-07, LEME E&T worked to ensure the continuation of the MTEC program by contributing towards strategic planning and the hand-over of regolith-related education and training to the individual core party universities.

In late 2007 the three core party universities were individually invited by MTEC to enter a new contract to deliver regolith-content Honours-level short courses for the period 2008-2010, the previous contract lapsing in December 2007. The invitations were based on the good work, good will and excellent course materials developed over the previous 7 years of LEME’s involvement in MTEC.

LEME developed and delivered the following MTEC courses over the period 7/2001 to 6/2008:






Introduction to MapInfo GIS
Regolith Geology and Geochemistry (RGG)
Regolith Mapping and Field Techniques (RMF)
Introduction to Hydrogeochemistry (HGC)
Hyperspectral Remote Sensing (RSM)

Canberra, ACT
Melbourne, Vic

Silverton, NSW

Melbourne, Vic

Adelaide, SA

Taylor, Joyce, Robertson, Kotsonis
S. Hill, Roach, Fisher, Foster

de Caritat, Kirste

Lewis, Mauger, Stamoulis


Regolith Mapping and Field Techniques (RMF)
Introduction to Hydrogeochemistry (HGC)
Environmental Mineralogy (EMN)
Hyperspectral Remote Sensing (RSM)
Regolith Geology and Mineral Exploration MSc

Fowlers Gap, NSW

Melbourne, Vic,

Canberra, ACT
Adelaide, SA
Canberra, ACT

S. Hill, Roach, Foster

de Caritat, Kirste

Lewis, Mauger, Stamoulis
Greene, L. Hill, S. Hill, Kirste, McQueen, Moore, Radford, Roach, Rutherford, Taylor


Regolith Geology and Geochemistry (RGG)
Regolith Mapping and Field Techniques (RMF)
Introduction to Hydrogeochemistry (HGC)
Advanced Remote Sensing (RSM)
Environmental Mineralogy (EMN)
Regolith Geology and Mineral Exploration MSc

Wilsons Promontory, Vic
Fowlers Gap, NSW

Melbourne, Vic

Adelaide, SA
Canberra, ACT
Fowlers Gap, NSW

S. Hill, Aspandiar, Roach

S. Hill, Roach

Kirste, de Caritat

Lewis, Mauger
Eggleton, Troitzsch
L. Hill, S. Hill, McQueen, Roach, Robertson, Scott


Regolith Geology and Geochemistry (RGG)
Regolith Mapping and Field Techniques (RMF)
Introduction to Hydrogeochemistry (HGC)
Advanced Remote Sensing (RSM)

Wilsons Promontory, Vic
Fowlers Gap, NSW

Melbourne, Vic

Adelaide, SA

Aspandiar, Joyce, Roach

S. Hill, Roach

Kirste, de Caritat

Lewis, Mauger


Regolith Geology and Geochemistry (RGG)
Introduction to Hydrogeochemistry (HGC)
Regolith Mapping and Field Techniques (RMF)
Advanced Remote Sensing (RSM)
Environmental Mineralogy (EMN)

Regolith Geology and Mineral Exploration MSc

Wilsons Promontory, Vic
Melbourne, Vic

Fowlers Gap, NSW

Adelaide, SA
Canberra, ACT

Fowlers Gap, NSW

S. Hill, Aspandiar, Roach

Kirste, de Caritat, Welch

S. Hill, Roach

Lewis, Mauger
Eggleton, Aspandiar, Troitzsch
S. Hill, McPhail, McQueen, Roach, Robertson, Scott


Regolith Geology and Geochemistry (RGG)
Introduction to Hydrogeochemistry (HGC)
Environmental Mineralogy (EMN)

Wilsons Promontory, Vic
Melbourne, Vic

Canberra, ACT

S. Hill, Aspandiar, Roach

Kirste, de Caritat, Welch

Aspandiar, Eggleton, Troitzsch


Individual core parties offered MTEC courses in this year, based on material developed and delivered in the preceeding 6 years.

Continuing courses developed and delivered by the three core party universities include many in-kind contributed LEME staff and associates, in 2008:

  • Minerals Exploration Under Cover, Arkaroola SA, 16-22 March 2008, Dr Steve Hill (UA), Dr Ian Roach (ANU);
  • Mining Geology and Resource Evaluation, Kalgoorlie WA, 11-15 February 2008, Dr Mehrooz Aspandiar (CUT), Prof Ian Fitzsimmons (CUT), Prof Peter Collins (CUT);
  • Regolith Geoscience and Mineral Exploration, Canberra ACT, 14-18 April 2008, Dr Bear McPhail (ANU), Prof Brad Pillans (ANU), A Prof Ken McQueen (ANU), Mr Keith Scott (ANU), Ms Lisa Worrall (GA).

These new courses continue to build on the excellent course materials developed over the 7 years of LEME involvement in MTEC, some of which are now available on the LEME web site, including:


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CRC LEME is established and supported under the Australian Government's Cooperative Research Centres Program. The CRC Program is an Australian Government initiative which brings together research groups with common interests.

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