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Executive Committee

Dr Steve Hill
Ad hoc Exec Member, The University of Adelaide

Geology and Geophysics - School of Earth and Environmental Sciences
The University of Adelaide
Adelaide SA 5005
Tel: 08 8303 4540. Fax: 08 8303 4347.

Present Position

Steve is a senior lecturer in Regolith Geoscience, Geology & Geophysics Dept, University of Adelaide since 2003. He was LEME E&T Program leader from 2004 to 2006.

Previous Experience

  • BSc(Hons) University of Melbourne (1992)
    Research Topic: "Granitic Regolith and Geomorphology of Wilsons Promontory, Victoria "

•  PhD Australian National University (graduated 2002) . Research Topic: "Regolith and Landscape Evolution of the Broken Hill Block, western NSW"

  • Lecturer Level A, University of Canberra (1994-1997)
  • Lecturer Level B, University of Canberra (1998-2002)
  • Lecturer Level C, University of Adelaide (2003- )
  • Education & Training Program Leader (2004- )

Present Research Interests and Projects

Regolith geology, landscape evolution, biogeochemistry, geochemistry applications, regolith induration, regolith-landform mapping, neotectonics.

CRC LEME research project involvement:

  • Thomson Orogen Project
  • Tanami Project
  • Curnamona Minex
  • Central Gawler Landscapes

Recent Publications

Alexandre, A., Meunier, J-D, Llorens, E., Hill, S.M. & Savin, S., 2004. Methodological improvements for investigating silcrete formation: petrography, FT-IR and oxygen isotope ratio of silcrete quartz cement, Lake Eyre Basin ( Australia ). Chemical Geology , 221 , 261-274.

Hill,S.M., Eggleton, R.A. & Taylor, G., 2003. Neotectonic disruption of silicified palaeovalley systems in an intraplate, cratonic landscape: regolith and landscape evolution of the Mulculca range-front, Broken Hill Domain, New South Wales . Australian Journal of Earth Sciences, 50 , 691-707.

McQueen, K.G., Hill, S.M., & Foster, K.A., 2000. The Nature and Distribution of Regolith Carbonate Accumulations in southeastern Australia and their potential as a sampling medium in geochemical exploration. Journal of Geochemical Exploration , 67, 67-82.

Hill, S.M., 1999. Mesozoic Regolith and Palaeo-landscape features in southeastern Australia : significance to interpretations of the evolution of the Eastern Highlands . Australian Journal of Earth Sciences, 46 (2), 217-232.

Regolith Teaching and Related Projects

Undergraduate Teaching ( University of Adelaide )

•  Surficial Geology II
- Second Year Undergraduate Regolith Geology and Landscape Evolution
- Fowlers Gap Arid Zone Research Station Field Trip

•  Surficial Geology III Field Program
- Third Year Regolith Geology
- Murray Basin Regolith and Landscape Evolution Field Trip

Professional and Postgraduate Shortcourses (part of the Minerals Council of Australia shourt-course program)

  • Regolith Geology and Geochemistry
  • Regolith Mapping and Field Techniques
  • Regolith Geology and Mineral Exploration

Education & Training Projects

  • Virtual Regolith Worlds
    A CRC LEME project to assist in the development of teaching materials and training assistance for regolith geology.

Honours Student Supervision

Foster, K.A., 1998. Regolith-Landforms, and regolith geochemistry of Balaclava East, Broken Hill NSW. B.App.Sci.(Hons) thesis, University of Canberra .

Holzapfel, M., 1998. Regolith-Landforms and silcretes of Redan East, Broken Hill NSW. BSc.(Hons) thesis, The Australian National University.

Shirtliff, G., 1998. Regolith-Landforms and ferruginised and gypseous regolith of Balaclava West, Broken Hill, NSW. BSc.(Hons) thesis, The Australian National University.

West, D., 1998. Regolith-Landforms and remote sensing of Redan West, Broken Hill. B.App.Sci.(Hons) thesis, University of Canberra .

Jones, G.L., 1999. Regolith-Landforms and regolith geochemistry of Triple Chance West, Broken Hill NSW. B.App.Sci.(Hons) thesis, University of Canberra .

Willis, S., 1999. Regolith-Landforms and hyperspectral remote sensing of Thackaringa West, Broken Hill NSW. B.App.Sci.(Hons) thesis, University of Canberra .

Lewis, A.C., 2000. Regolith-Landforms of Krawarree West, and neotectonic disruption of Cainozoic Volcanics in SE Australia . B.App.Sci.(Hons) thesis, University of Canberra .

Brachmanis, J., 2000. Regolith-Landforms and silicified palaeodrainage geochemistry of Kinalung West, Broken Hill NSW. B.App.Sci.(Hons) thesis, University of Canberra .

Debenham , S.C. , 2000. Regolith-Landforms and regolith geochemistry of Triple Chance East, Broken Hill NSW. B.App.Sci.(Hons) thesis, University of Canberra .

Maly, B.E.R., 2000. Regolith-Landforms and sedimentation history of Quondong West, Broken Hill NSW. B.App.Sci.(Hons) thesis, University of Canberra .

Senior, A.B., 2000. Regolith-Landforms and regolith geochemistry of Pinnacles West, Broken Hill, NSW. B.App.Sci.(Hons) thesis, University of Canberra .

Chamberlain, T., 2001. Regolith-Landforms and landscape evolution of the Tibooburra Inlier, NSW. B.App.Sci.(Hons) thesis, University of Canberra .

Dann, R., 2001. Hydrogeochemistry and river red gum biogeochemistry of the Stephens Creek catchment, Broken Hill NSW. B.App.Sci.(Hons) thesis, University of Canberra . (Grade H1)

Christian, A., 2002. Regolith-Landforms of the Lower Shoalhaven Delta, NSW. B.App.Sci.(Hons) thesis, University of Canberra .

McDermott, S., 2003. Regolith-Landforms of the Lower Onkaparinga River , SA. B.Sc.(Hons) thesis, The University of Adelaide.

Grzgorek, R., 2003. Regolith-Landforms and landscape evolution of the Gun Emplacement, Adelaide , SA. B.Sc.(Hons) thesis, The University of Adelaide. (co-supervisor with Martin Williams)

Anderson , N. 2004. The Warratta Fault: geophysical architecture and landscape evolution significance. B.Sci(Hons), The University of Adelaide (co-supervisor with Nick Direen ).

Wittwer, P.D. 2004. Geology and geochemistry of regolith carbonate accumulations of the southwestern Curnamona Province , SA: implications for mineral exploration. B.Sc(Hons) thesis, The University of Adelaide. (co-supervisor with Karin Barovich )

Davey, J. (2005). Geomorphology of a neotectonic intracratonic basin margin: the long-term landscape evolution and regolith geology of the Mt Browne and Mt Poole inliers, NW NSW . B.Sc(Hons) thesis, The University of Adelaide.

Gibbons, S. (2005). Regolith carbonates of the Tibooburra-Milparinka region, NW NSW: characteristics, regional geochemistry and mineral exploration implications. B.Sc(Hons) thesis, The University of Adelaide.

Mayo, A., (2005). Plant biogeochemistry in an aeolian dunefield of the Central Gawler Gold Province, Gawler Craton, SA. B.Sc(Hons) thesis, The University of Adelaide.

PhD Student Supervision

Brown, A., (in prep.). Regolith geochemistry and biogeochemistry of the White Dam Cu-Au prospect, SA . PhD thesis, The University of Adelaide.

Hulme, K. (in prep.). Biogeochemistry of river red gums, Curnamona Craton and adjacent area, NSW and SA . PhD thesis, The University of Adelaide.

Petts, A. (in prep.). Reading the regolith-landforms to determine regolith thickness: surficial expression of 3D regolith architecture . PhD thesis, The University of Adelaide.

Reid, N. (in prep). Biogeochemistry of gold-deposits in regolith-dominated landscapes of the Tanami. PhD thesis, University of Adelaide (co-supervise with David Lewis, Chemical Engineering)

Reilly, M., (in prep.). Sedimentation of the Umbum Creek fan, Lake Eyre, SA . PhD thesis, The University of Adelaide. (co-supervise with Tobi Payenberg, Carmen Kampf and Simon Lang, formerly ASP)

Future Student Projects?


  • Biogeochemistry expression of uranium mineralisation
  • Regolith and Landscape Evolution associated with Mesozoic palaeosurfaces in the SW Eromanga Basin
  • Silcretes in the SE Lake Eyre Basin, NSW and SA


  • Biogeochemistry of Gold Mineralisation in the Warratta Inlier and New Bendigo Inliers, NW NSW
  • Neotectonics and Landscape Evolution of the New Bendigo Inliers, NW NSW
  • Biogeochemistry and Regolith Carbonates in the Tunkillia area, Central Gawler Craton, SA
  • Biogeochemical and regolith expression of buried mafic rocks in the western Gawler Craton, SA





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