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Open File Report 146

Resonance Acoustic Profiling Trials in Australia

Report prepared by Valery Lazebnick, Boris Matveev and Bronislav Koulmametiev of InterGeoRAP Consulting (St Petersburg, Russia)

Edited and compiled by Matthias Cornelius

InterGeoRAP Consulting is an independent geophysical firm established in St. Petersburg, Russia. They have developed a new ground acoustic technique - Resonance Acoustic Profiling (RAP) - that could potentially be suitable for mapping regolith and shallow bedrock units as well as certain subsurface features such as cavities. RAP has the potential to offer an alternative or form an addition to traditional geophysical techniques and drilling.

The technique was introduced to CRC LEME, which helped to arrange the RAP trials in Australia at properties of some sponsoring mining companies. The objectives of the trials include:

  • Carrying out independent tests of the new technique.
  • Evaluating the potential of the RAP technique for 3 dimensional mapping of regolith and shallow bedrock features.

The trials took place at well-explored areas chosen by the sponsoring companies and unknown to the RAP team. Representatives from CRC LEME accompanied the team on five of these field visits. The 23-day field trials were conducted in the Northern Territory, the Kimberley, five project areas in the Eastern and Northern Goldfields, and at AGSO's Gilmore Project in New South Wales.

This report includes both the RAP geophysical models and geological information provided to CRC LEME in confidence by sponsor companies. The geological information was not disclosed to the RAP team until the completion of the final data processing.

Best results were achieved for settings such as volcanic pipes and sub-vertical or steeply inclined bedrock structures. An established set of survey and processing algorithms, developed by InterGeoRAP in other parts of the world, allows optimal interpretation of these structures with minimum calibration requirements. The trials also demonstrated the ability of the RAP technique

to clearly delineate major interfaces such as the boundaries between regolith and bedrock and alluvium and regolith. Encouraging results were also obtained for deep regolith profiles and may allow to delineate internal regolith features such as silicification, Fe oxide enrichment and collapsed zones within clayey units. More reliable interpretation of the acoustic properties of various regolith materials requires further calibration and better geological information to establish optimal survey and processing algorithms.

The RAP trials in Australia have confirmed the validity of the new technique under independent supervision of CRC LEME and the sponsoring companies, and have demonstrated the potential of RAP to play an important role in mineral exploration in Australia, both for supergene and bedrock-hosted mineral deposits. In addition, there may be applications in environmental, geotechnical and other geoscientific areas.


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