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Butt-smith medal

September 2007

Dr Ravi Anand wins the 2006 Butt-Smith Medal

Dr Anand gave his Butt Smith Medal Commemorative Address to 100+ attendees at the CRC LEME Mineral Exploration Seminar held 28 Aug 07, Perth. Twenty five years of regolith geology and geochemical exploration in the Yilgarn Craton. The Medal was presented at the LEME Regolith Symposium, Hahndorf SA in Nov 06.

Abstract on page 1 of the seminar ABSTRACT VOLUME. [8.29MB] Power Point Presentation available for download [44.5MB]

Ravi Anand is a Senior Principal Research Scientist at CSIRO Exploration and Mining, based in Perth. For three decades he has been involved in regolith research providing a better understanding of the processes involved in the formation of geochemical anomalies, and leading to more effective and efficient geochemical tools used in modern mineral exploration.

Left to Right: Cajetan Phang, Ravi Anand and Craig McFarlane at the Teutonic Bore Stock Piles WA, sampling vegetation.

Ravi had led research teams that are cohesive, focused and productive. He has been the driving force in several successful industry funded research projects in geological provinces in Australia and overseas. He is noted for the graciousness of his dealings with colleagues, so that in countless meetings, seminars and workshops with industry geologists he has shared his knowledge openly and generously. He has supervised and inspired many post-graduate students.

Citation delivered by CRC LEME CEO Dr Steve Rogers


September 2004

Butt-Smith Medal awarded

Professor Neil Phillips, Chief of CSIRO Exploration and Mining, was pleased to present the Butt-Smith Medal to Dr Richard Mazzucchelli (picture below), a well known scientist in the Western Australian exploration community who spent nearly a quarter of a century with Western Mining as Geochemist and Exploration Manager developing and applying a series of new exploration methods for a wide variety of target metals. Dr Mazzucchelli is/was a member of the CRC LEME Minerals Advisory Council. The medal was presented in front of 325 geoscientists at the Society of Economic Geologist's Awards Dinner in Fremantle. Dr Mazzucchelli gave his Commemorative Address - 50 years of geochemical exploration in the Goldfields - at the LEME-GSWA Minex Seminar, Kalgoorlie, February 2005. Abstract Volume

Professor Phillips said "The medal honours Dr Charles Butt and Dr Ray Smith and recognises their substantial contributions to industry exploration methods. Two essentail ingredients in their successes that stand out clearly in my mind are that both are excellent scientists, and both have managed to communicate their findings very effectively to industry. Instead of the regolith being a barrier or being portrayed as extremely complex (which in many ways it is), Charles and Ray have succeeded in making a complex topic simple, and in so doing have ensure a high degree of industry uptake of their ideas."



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